Operational Art and design.

  1. What is the conception and construction of the intellectual framework that underpins joint operations plans and their subsequent execution?
    Operational Design.
  2. How is operational art applied?
    Operational Art is appied to all aspects of joint operations and integrates ends, ways, and means, while accounting for risk, across....
  3. What are the 12 principles of Joint Operations?
    •  - Objective
    •  - Offensive
    •  - Mass
    •  - Maneuver
    •  - Economy of Force
    •  - Unity of Command
    •  - Security
    •  - Surprise
    •  - Simplicity
    •  - Restraint
    •  - Perseverance
    •  - Legitimacy
  4. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive, and achievable goal?
  5. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative?
  6. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to concentrate the effects of combat power at the most advantageous place and time to produce decisive results?
  7. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power?
  8. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to expend minimum essential combat power on secondary efforts in order to allocate the maximum possible combat power on primary efforts?
    Economy of Force.
  9. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to ensure unity of effort under one responsible commander for every objective?
    Unity of Command.
  10. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to prevent the enemy from acquiring unexpected advantage?
  11. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to strike at a time or place or in a manner for which the enemy is unprepared?
  12. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to increase the probablity that plans and operations will be executed as intended by preparing clear, uncomplicated plans and concise orders?
  13. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to limit collateral damage and prevent the unnecessary use of force?
  14. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to ensure the commitment necessary to attain the national strateic end state?
  15. Which principle of Joint Operations has the purpose to maintain legal and moral authority in the conduct of operations?
  16. What are the ten elements of Operational Art?
    •  - End State and Conditions
    •  - Center of Gravity
    •  - Decisive Points
    •  - Lines of Efforts and Lines of Operations
    •  - Operational Reach
    •  - Basing
    •  - Tempo
    •  - Phasing and Transitions
    •  - Culmination
    •  - Risk
  17. Which element of Operational Art is a set of desired future condition the commander wants to exist when an operation is......
    End State and Conditions.
  18. Which element of Operational Art is the source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act?
    Center of Gravity.
  19. What are the two types of Center of Gravity's?
    Physical and Moral.
  20. Which element of Operational Art is a geographic place, specific key event, critical factor, or function that, when acted upon, allows commanders to gain a marked advantage....
    Decisive Point.
  21. Which elements of Operational Art link objective to the end state?
    Lines of Operations and Lines of Efforts.
  22. Which element of Operational Art is the distance and duration across which a joint force can successfully employ military capabilities, and has a limit of a culminating point?
    Operational Reach.
  23. Which element of Operational Art is a locality from which operations are projected or supported, and may be known as a joint or single service?
  24. What are the two categories of overseas base?
    Permanent and Nonpermanent.
  25. Which element of Operational Art is the relative speed and rhythm of military operations over time with respect to the enemy?
  26. What is a planning and execution tool used to divide an operation in duration or activity?
  27. What marks a change of focus between phases or between the ongoing operation and execution of a branch or sequel?
  28. Which element of Operational Art is the point in time and space at which a force no longer possesses the capability to continue its current form of operations?
    The Culminating Point.
  29. What is inherent in all military operations?
    Risk, Uncertainty, and Chance.
  30. What are the thirteen elements of Operational Design?
    •  - Termination
    •  - Military End State
    •  - Objectives
    •  - Effects
    •  - Center of Gravity
    •  - Decisive Points
    •  -
  31. What extends operational art's vision with a creative process that helps commanders and planners answer the ends, ways, means, and risks questions?
    Operational Design.
  32. Which element of Operational Design cannot occur without a clear understanding of the end state and the conditions that must exist....
  33. Which element of Operational Design are a set of required condition that defines....
    Military End State
  34. Which element of Operational Design is a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goal toward which every military operation should be directed?
  35. Which element of Operational Design are the physical and/or behavioral state of a system that resutls from an action, a set of actions, .............
  36. Which element of Operational Design is an analytical tool to help JFC's analyze friendly and adversary sources of strength as well as weaknesses and vulnerabilities?
    Center of Gravity.
  37. Which element of Operational Design is the key to effective planning?
  38. Which element of Operational Design is the distance and duration across which a joint force can successfully employ military capabilities?
    Operational Reach.
  39. What four factors should commanders consider when arranging operations?
    •  - Simultaneity
    •  - Depth
    •  - Timing
    •  - Tempo
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Operational Art and design.
Operational Art and design.