1. All layers to be used toghether in a GIS operation must align spatially.
    Select one:True False
  2. Map projection is a process of converting from:Select one:
    a. a three-dimensional surface to a two-dimensional surface.
    b. a two-dimensional surface to a three-dimensional surface.
    c. a two-dimensional surface to a two-dimensional surface.
    d. None of the above.
    a three-dimensional surface to a two-dimensional surface
  3. A conformal projection preserves the property of:Select one:
    a. relative size
    b. Local shapes.
    c. distances
    d. None of the above.
    Local Shapes
  4. Which of the following statements is true about North American Datum (NAD)?Select one:
    a. NAD83 is a newer datum than NAD27
    b. NAD83 is based on a satellite-determined spheroid.
    c. Maps based on NAD83 can register spatially with maps based on NAD27.
    d. All of the above. 
    e. Only a and b.
    Only a and b
  5. The secant case means that a cylindrical projection has ___ line(s) of tangency:Select one:
    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
  6. Which of the following spheroids is ground measured, rather that satellite-determined?Select one:
    a. Clarke1866 
    b. WGS84
    c. GRS80
    Clarke 1866
  7. Which of the following statements is true?Select one:
    a. A coordinate system is based on a map projection.
    b. A map projection is based on a coordinate system. 
    c. Map projection and corrdinate system are unrelated.
    A coordinate system is based on a map projection.
  8. Which coordinate does a false easting apply to?Select one:
    a. X 
    b. Y Feedback
  9. Which of the following statements is true?Select one:
    a. Meridians are lines for measuring location in the E-W direction, and parallels are lines for measuring location in the N-S direction. 
    b. Meridians are lines for measuring location in the N-S direction, and parallels are lines for measuring location in the E-W direction.
    c. Meridians are points for measuring location in the E-W direction, and parallels are points for measuring location in the N-S direction.
    d. Meridians are points for measuring location in the N-S direction, and parallels are points for measuring location in the E-W direction.
    Meridians are lines for measuring location in the E-W direction, and parallels are lines for measuring location in the N-S direction.
  10. Which of the followingis true about the vector data model?Select one:
    a. The model uses x-, y-coordinates to store the geometry of spatial features.
    b. The model uses points, lines and polygons to represent simple spatial fatures.
    c. The choice of a geometric type to represent spatial features using the vector data model depends on map scale.
    d. All of the above.
    e. Only a and b.
    All the Above
  11. Which of the following statements is NOT ture about the polygon feature?Select one:
    a. A polygon is a two-dimensional object.
    b. A polygon has the properties of area and boundary.
    c. A polygon may form a hole within another polygon.
    d. None of the above.
    None of the above
  12. A stream is more likely to be represented as a single line on a 1:100,000 scale map than on a 1:24,000 scale map.Select one:
  13. Which of the following is true about a line feature?Select one:
    a. A line feature is made of lines
    b. A line connects two end points.
    c. The shape of a line is made of connected points.
    d. All of the above.
    e. Only a and c.
    All the above
  14. Which of the following statements is true about the topology rules in ArcGIS?Select one:
    a. Topology rules only apply to features within a feature class.
    b. Topology rules only apply to features between two or more feature classes.
    c. Topology rules apply both to features withing a feature class and features between two or more classes
    Topology rules apply both to features withing a feature class and features between two or more classes
  15. The shapefile format is NOT topology-based Select one:True False
  16. A feature class can be stored in a geodatabase as a stand alone feature class or a feature class in a feature dataset. Select one:True False
  17. ESRI coverage format is topology-based. Select one:True False
  18. A raster with a larger cell size has a higher resolution than a raster with a smaller cell size Select one:TrueFalse
  19. A vegetation raster is most likely a(n) _________________ raster:
    Select one:
    a. integer
    b. floating point
  20. Which of the following is an example of a multiband raster?Select one:
    a. An elevation raster
    b. A vegetation raster
    c. A satellite image
    satellite image
  21. Which data structure stores raster data as a matrix and writes the cell values into a file by row and column?Select one:
    a. Cell by cell 
    b. Run length code.
    c. Quad tree
    d. None of the above.
    Cell by Cell
  22. Vectorization refers to the process of converting from ____________ data to _________ data:Select one:
    a. raster, vector 
    b. vector, raster
    c. vector, vector
    d. raster, raster
    Raster, vector
  23. If a raster has the cell resolution of 30 meters, then a cell in the raster measures:Select one:
    a. 300 square meters
    b. 600 square meters
    c. 900 square meters 
    d. None of the above.
  24. Which data structure stores the cell values by row and by group?Select one:
    a. Cell by cell
    b. Run length code
    c. Quad tree
    d. None of the above
    Run Length code
  25. Some GPS receiver can collect the elevation in addition to the horizontal position of a point on the Earth's surface. Select one:True False
  26. GPS readings of longitude and latitude are based on:Select one:
    a. NAD27
    b. NAD83
    c. WGS84 
    d. none of the above
  27. Which of the following is considered an automatic digitizing method?Select one:
    a. digitizing using a scanner and a vectorization algorithm 
    b. digitizing using a digitizing table 
    c. on-screen digitizing
    digitizing using a scanner and a vectorization algorithm
  28. Which agency is in charge of the National Map program in the US? Select one:
    a. U.S. Geological Survey 
    b. U.S. Census Bureau.
    c. Natural Resources Conservation Service
    d. Bureau of Land Management
  29. One can use the Internet to download GIS data from a web server.Select one:True False
  30. Which transformation method is most commonly used in GIS? Select one:
    a. Equiarea transformation
    b. Similarity transformation
    c. Affine transformation 
    d. Projective transformation
    Affine transformation
  31. For wich type of image would a "rubbersheeting" (high order polynomial) transformation be required?Select one:
    a. A satellite image
    b. An aerial photograph
    c. A poor map scan 
    d. All of the above
    A poor map scan
  32. Which resampling method is recommended for resampling categorical data?Select one:
    a. nearest neigboor 
    b. bilinear interpolation
    c. cubic convolution
    nearest neigboor
  33. In ArcMap, resampling of pixel values is included as part of the rectification process.Select one:True False
  34. A lower RMS value is always preferable to a higher RMS value in any circumstance.Select one:True False
  35. Each row in an attribute table represents a ________ and each column represents a ________:Select one:
    a. characteristic, feature
    b. feature, characteristic 
    c. characteristic, characteristic
    d. feature, feature
    feature, characteristic
  36. Which of the following is not true about a relational database?Select one:

    D.  None of the above.
  37. The simplest data relationship for GIS operations is the:Select one:
    a. one-to-one relationship
    b. one-to-many relationship 
    c. many-to-one relationship
    d. many-to-many relationship
    one-to-one relationship
  38. Which of the folowing is not considered a data type?Select one:
    a. date Date is a data type handled by ArcGIS
    b. degree
    c. number
    d. text or character
  39. The width used in a text field definition should be chosen to accommodate the longest string in the dataSelect one:True False
  40. In ArcGIS, one can add a field in either ArcCatalog or ArcMap.Select one:True False
  41. For each map description below, indicates if this is a reference map, a thematic - qualitative map or a thematic - quantitative map.London Subway map
    Reference Map
    Map of election results: States colored red or blue for the winning party
    Map Reference Map
    Map of median household income
    Map of Major Watersheds and Rivers of Minnesota
    Map of Air Temperature
    Land Use Map
    • The correct answer is: London Subway map – Reference Map, 
    • Map of election results: States colored red or blue for the winning party – Thematic Map - qualitative, 
    • Map of median household income, at census track level – Thematic Map - quantitative, 
    • Map of Major Watersheds and Rivers of Minnesota – Reference Map, 
    • Map of Air Temperature – Thematic Map - quantitative, 
    • Land Use Map – Thematic Map - qualitative
  42. Which color dimension in NOT suited for quantitative data?Select one:
    a. hue
    b. value
    c. chroma
  43. Which of the following map types uses a specific symbol size for each value in the dataset?Select one:
    a. the graduated symbol map
    b. the proportional symbol map
    the proportional symbol map
  44. What are the goals of data exploration?Select one:
    a. Detecting spatial patterns
    b. Formulating hypothesis
    c. Testing hypothesis
    d. Drawing conclusions
    e. Only a and b
    f. Only a, b and c
    Only a and b
  45. ArcGIS can produce "Dynamic Graphs". It means that:Select one:
    a. graphs are animated
    b. graphs are interactive and linked with the map 
    c. graphs are both animated and interactive
    d. none of the above
    graphs are interactive and linked with the map
  46. One can get descriptive statistics in ArcGIS from:Select one:
    a. the attribute table window
    b. the Analysis toolbox
    c. both 
    d. none of the above
  47. Attribute data query and spatial data query can be combinedSelect one:True False
  48. An attribute data query can combine several conditions based on different fields.Select one:True False
  49. Suppose you want to select parcels that are on an earthquake fault line. Which spatial relationship could you use?Select one:
    a. intersect
    b. contains
    c. completely contains
    d. all of the above
    e. only a and b
    only a and b
  50. Which of the following is true about buffering?Select one:
    a. You can either dissolve the boundaries between buffer zones or keep the buffer zones separate
    b. You can buffer with different buffer distancesc. You can buffer around point features only
    d. All of the above
    e. Only a and b
    Only a and b
  51. Which overlay method keeps the entire area covered by both input layers?Select one:
    a. Union 
    b. Intersect
    c. Indentity
    d. Symmetrical difference
  52. Buffering a point creates a buffer zone that is a _____.Select one:

    a. point
    b. line
    c. circle.
    d. square
  53. Which Operation can remove boundaries between polygons that have the same value of a select attribute?Select one:
    a. Dissolve 
    b. Merge
    c. Clip
  54. You made a 10-mile buffer zone around the location of your home and you have downloaded a shapefile from a website that shows toxic waste sites in your state. Which operation will you use to get a shapefile featuring the toxic waste sites within 10 miles of your home?Select one:
    a. Erase
    b. Dissolve
    c. Clip 
    d. Eliminate
  55. You have a vector layer of land use that shows classes of urban, agricultural, commercial, and so on, land use. Which operation will you use to get a new layer that keeps only agricultural land use?Select one:
    a. Erase
    b. Eliminate
    c. Clip.
    d. Select
  56. A local operation is limited to only two input rasters.Select one:True False
  57. Which of the following mathematical functions can be used for local operations?Select one:
    a. arithmetic
    b. logarithmic
    c. logical
    d. all of the above
    e. only a and b
    all of the above
  58. The cell value of ‘no data’ is treated as zero in raster data operations.Select one:True False
  59. We must convert all input rasters to the same cell size before using them in ArcGIS for a raster data operation.Select one:True False
  60. Which of the following can be used as a neighborhood in raster data operation?Select one:
    a. a 3 x 3 rectangle
    b. a 5 x 5 rectangle
    c. A circle
    d. All of the above
    e. Only a and b
    All of the above
  61. Which of the following statistics is appropriate for use with categorical data?Select one:
    a. Mean
    b. Median
    c. Majority
    d. Sum
  62. A neighborhood (focal) operation on a raster requires the focus cell to move from one cell to another until all cells are visited.Select one:True False
  63. An analysis mask limits analysis to cells that do not carry the cell value of ‘no data' (Extract by Mask).Select one:True False
  64. A polygon shapefile can be used to extract data from an existing raster.Select one:True False
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final exam