1. In general, progressives differed from labor and farm advocates in which way?
    Progressives were mostly middle-class urban reformers
  2. The Pendleton Act of 1883
    after President Garfield was shot, this act established the Civil Service Commission to fill federal jobs by examination rather than by the spoils system
  3. Mugwumps were reformers who
    hated the spoils system of rewarding party loyalists with gov't jobs and advocated civil service reform
  4. During the late 1800s, which state took the lead in educational reform by setting standards for free, mandatory public schooling and free textbooks for students?
  5. The first federal law ever passed to regulate trusts was the
    Sherman Antitrust Act
  6. Why did Congress abandon efforts to enforce black voting rights and fair elections in the South after 1892?
    In the elections of 1890 and 1892, voters largely rejected Republicans and their policies, giving control of Congress and the presidency to the Democrats
  7. In what way did American politics change during the mid-1890s?
    Blacks were formally disenfranchised in the South, Democrats became virtually the only political party in the South for decades, Republicans dominated national politics for the next forty years
  8. Advocates of free silver believed it would
    produce a larger and more flexible money supply that would lead to a fairer economy and foster social reforms
  9. One reason for fanning the fire of racial prejudice in the South was
    Southern leaders fears a coalition between poor whites and African Americans in the Populists Party
  10. The Supreme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) decision
    Stated that legal segregation was acceptable under the "separate but equal" principle
  11. Before becoming president in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt had been

    a Mugwump, a popular hero of the Spanish-American War, governor of New York, Assistant Secretary of the Navy

  12. In a landmark decision regarding the Northern Securities Company, the U.S. Supreme Court
    ordered the Northern Securities Company railroad trust dissolved
  13. The Supreme Court's 1908 decision in Muller v. Oregon upheld a law
    limiting the workday for women to ten hours
  14. The Niagara Movement called for
    full voting rights for blacks, and end to legal segregation, equal treatment for blacks in the justice system, equal opportunity for blacks in jobs, healthcare, and military service
  15. Between 1910–1917, all the industrial states enacted laws
    providing insurance for on-the-job accidents.
  16. In the early 1900s, the Industrial Workers of the World were committed to
    a new society run by workers
  17. In the early twentieth century, the fiery Georgia populist Tom Watson
    argued against full political or social equality for blacks
  18. The Influence of Seapower upon History was written by
    Alfred Thayer Mahan
  19. The Venezuelan and Cuban crises were similar in that

    they were examples of what change in US foreign policy towards Europe (Monroe Doctrine implication in Western Hemisphere (Roosevelt Corollary)

  20. When William McKinley became president in 1897 and had to deal with the rebellion in Cuba, he

    took a tougher stance against the Spanish than Cleveland had taken

  21. After the explosion of the battleship Maine, a U.S. naval board of inquiry blamed the sinking on
    a Spanish mine to get support for the Spanish American War
  22. The Teller Amendment promised that the United States
    had no intention of annexing Cuba
  23. President McKinley and the Republicans jumped at the chance to hold the Philippine Islands because
    it would give the US a foothold in the Pacific near the Asian markets
  24. The American victory at San Juan Hill in Cuba can be credited largely to
    • 4 African American US regiments
  25. In the guerrilla war that followed the conquest of the Philippines
    the conflict far exceeded in ferocity the war just concluded with Spain
  26. Theodore Roosevelt's strategic thinking about U.S. foreign policy was shaped, in part, by his
    belief in the duty of the "civilized" countries of the world to police and subdue "backward" people
  27. The Open Door Notes called for
    France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Japan, and Russia to formally declare that they would uphold Chinese territorial and administrative integrity and would not interfere with the free use of treaty ports within their spheres of influence in China
  28. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, which nation's growing power in East Asia most surprised Europe and the United States?
  29. The United States was cleared to begin its quest for an American-controlled Central American canal project with the
    Hay-Pauncefote Agreement
  30. In order to build the Panama Canal, the United States
    lent covert assistance to free Panama from Colombia
  31. The action which gave the United States the right to intervene in Cuba if its independence was threatened was the
    Platt Amendment
  32. Which of the following was a factor that contributed to the rising tensions in Europe in the early 1900s and eventually led to the outbreak of World War I?
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination, submarine attacks, Zimmerman telegraph
  33. World War I began as a direct result of the assassination by a Serbian revolutionary of the heir to the throne of
  34. Woodrow Wilson wished to keep the United States neutral at the outbreak of World War I primarily because he
    wanted to arbitrate among the combatants and to influence the settlement of the war
  35. the development of the modern bureaucratic state was
    the development of the modern bureaucratic state
  36. Margaret Sanger is most famous for supporting
    birth control
  37. African Americans who served in World War I returned home to find
    discrimination and race riots
  38. The prominent politician who fanned fears of domestic radicalism after a bomb exploded outside his home in 1919 was
    Mitchell Palmer
  39. The Palmer raids and the Sacco-Vanzetti trial indicate
    The need for conformity during war time
  40. Harding campaigned on the platform of returning to “normalcy,” which meant

    a strong pro-business stance and conservative cultural values

  41. As secretary of commerce under Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover
    • believed that responsible cooperation between
    • government, the American people (consumers/ workers) and corporations would advance the economy and the standard of living in America
  42. A major scandal in Harding's administration named after the national oil reserves it involved was
    Teapot Dome Scandal
  43. A political virtue of Calvin Coolidge, who became president on Harding's death in 1923, was his

    austere morality, which contrasted greatly with the cronyism of the Harding Administration

  44. The culture wars of the 1920s were due in part to

    to the tremendous growth of cities from immigration and rural migration

  45. The emergency immigration restrictions in 1921 were made more restrictive with the

    the National Origins Act

  46. How did the U.S. government change immigration restrictions during the 1920s?

    the National Origins Act (1924) set immigration quotas at 2% of each nationality

  47. The rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Origins Act represented a resurgence of
  48. The rejuvenated Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s
    targeted Catholics and Jews
  49. The concept that championed black racial pride and cultural identity in the 1920s was known as the

    Harlem Renaissance

  50. American literary figures of the 1920s, such as Ernest Hemingway, T. S. Eliot, and F. Scott Fitzgerald
    rejected American materialism, complacency, and anti-intellectualism
  51. Throughout the 1920s, which sector of the American economy was in the worst shape?


  52. What was a major weakness of the economy of the 1920s?
    Lack of credit, soaring cost of farm products, unequal distribution of wealth
  53. Following the stock market crash of October 1929,
    led to the Great Depression
  54. An effect of the Great Depression was
    unemployment, decrease in population, banks closed
  55. Hoover was hated during the Depression, partially because of the public perception that he
    was insensitive to people's suffering and was a "do-nothing" president
  56. The protest that caused the biggest blow to Hoover's popularity was the
    Bonus Army
  57. During the 1932 presidential campaign, Franklin Roosevelt promised
    bold, persistent experimentation
  58. The first action Roosevelt took to help the crisis was to
    declare a bank holiday that allowed only sound banks to reopen
  59. The Emergency Banking Act of 1933
    prevented all banks from reopening until treasury inspectors could examine their books and ascertain that they had sufficient cash reserves
  60. The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
    Protected farmers from price drops by providing crop subsidies to reduce production, educational programs to teach methods of preventing soil erosion
  61. For southern black sharecroppers, the New Deal's AAA often meant that
    blacks were pushed off their land
  62. What was Franklin Roosevelt's attitude toward the federal government providing welfare payments to the unemployed?
    He found it distasteful, preferring to provide jobs over cash subsidies
  63. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
    provide government jobs in reforestation, flood control, and other conservation projects to young men
  64. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was
    designed to regulate the issue of new securities and required all stock exchanges to be licensed by them
  65. In 1934, the Liberty League was organized by
    business leaders and conservative Democrats who opposed New Deal reforms
  66. Schechter v. United States struck down the NRA because it said the NRA
    illegally regulated commerce within individual states
  67. Deciding that Roosevelt had not done enough to alleviate suffering, Francis Townsend called for
    an old-age revolving pension plan
  68. Senator Huey Long from Louisiana was one of Roosevelt's largest threats with his
    Share Our Wealth plan
  69. The New Deal program most applauded by union labor was the
    National Recovery Act
  70. Which legislation was passed to undermine Huey Long's support?

    Wealth Tax

  71. What was done to disable Francis Townsend's support?
    Social Security Administration
  72. A failure of the Social Security Act was that it
    did not include national health insurance
  73. The New Deal's greatest legacy is that it
    exerted federal power over the economy
  74. What led to the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany?
  75. The United States' initial response to world problems in the 1930s was
  76. The Nye Committee report stated that
    war profiteers had maneuvered the nation into WWI for financial gain
  77. The Neutrality Act of 1935 and its 1936 and 1937 amendments

    stipulated that when the president proclaimed the existence of a foreign war, Americans would be prohibited from sailing on the ships of the warring nations

  78. The “cash-and-carry” provision of the 1937 Neutrality Act stated that
    the US would sell arms to Spain if they paid for them in cash and picked them up
  79. World War II began in Europe when
    Germany invaded Poland
  80. The principles of freedom of the seas, national self-determination, and collective security were reiterated in
    the Atlantic Charter
  81. What did President Roosevelt call “a date that will live in infamy”?
    Pearl Harbor
  82. According to the textbook, the most decisive American factor in determining World War II's outcome was
    the immense production of war material and other needed supplies
  83. A Progressive-era reform that was undermined by the government's action during World War II was
    Women's rights
  84. What progressive legislation was passed during World War II to encourage women workers in the war effort?
    equal pay for equal work
  85. The GI Bill of Rights provided
    education, medical care, pensions, and mortgage loans to veterans
  86. Japanese Americans on the West Coast were interned during World War II because
    the West Coast was considered to be vulnerable to attack by Japanese forces, and inflammatory rhetoric demanded that the region be rid of supposed Japanese spies
  87. Why did the United States participate in World War II?
    Pearl Harbor
  88. During World War II, the “big three” consisted of
    US, Great Britain, Soviet Union
  89. The turning point of World War II in Europe came when the
    Germans were defeated at Stalingrad
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