Ecology Chapter3 Glossary Terms - SNC1DW (Sem1)

  1. Biodiversity
    The amount and range of species found in a area
  2. Protect
    • To legally guard from harm a species that is endangered, threatened, or of special concern
    • E.g. Peary caribou
  3. Biodiversity Hotspot
    • A place with a very large amount of species in a relatively small area
    • E.g. Carolinian Canada, Leitrim Wetlands
  4. Community
    • All the populations and different species that interact in an certain area or ecosystem
    • Different species are of different value to their communities due to ecosystem services
  5. Dominant Species
    • Species that are so large (in number) that they have the biggest biomass of any community member
    • Always primary producers
  6. Keystone Species
    • A species that can greatly affect population numbers and the health of an ecosystem 
    • Generally not abundant; can be plants or animals
  7. Captive Breeding
    • The breeding of rare or endangered species in controlled setting to increase population size
    • e.g. breeding of black-footed ferret in Toronto Zoo
  8. Ecosystem Engineer
    • A species that causes such dramatic changes to landscape that it creates a new ecosystem
    • E.g. Beavers
  9. Succession
    The series of changes in ecosystems that occurs over time following a disturbance
  10. Habitat Loss
    The destruction of habitats, which usually results from human activities
  11. Deforestation
    • The clearing of forests for logging and other human uses, and never replanting them
    • Image Upload 2
  12. Alien Species
    • A species that is accidentally or deliberately introduced to a new location, usually as a result of human activity
    • e.g. Asian lady beetle, Zebra Mussels Image Upload 4
  13. Invasive Species
    • A species that can take over the habitat of native species or invade their bodies
    • E.g. Round goby Image Upload 6
  14. Overexploitation
    • The use or extraction of a resource until it is depleted
    • e.g. soon gasoline
  15. Extinction
    • The death of all individuals of a species 
    • e.g. Dinosaurs
  16. Biodiversity Crisis
    The accelerated rate of extinction on Earth
  17. Restoration Ecology
    The renewal of degraded or destroyed ecosystems through active human intervention
  18. Reforestation
    The regrowth of a forest, either through the planting of seeds or trees in an area where a forest was cut down
  19. Biocontrol
    • The use of a species to control the population growth or spread of an undesirable species
    • e.g. Asian lady beetles used to control aphid population 
  20. Bioremediation
    • The use of living organisms to clean up contaminated areas naturally 
    • e.g. Bacteria at oil spill location
  21. Bioaugmentation
    • The uses of organisms to add essential nutrients to depleted soil
    • e.g. clover ->nitrogen
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Ecology Chapter3 Glossary Terms - SNC1DW (Sem1)
Ecology Chapter3 Glossary Terms - SNC1DW (Sem1)