1. Cardinal Principles
    • Time
    • Distance
    • Shielding
  2. ALARA
    As Low As Reasonably Achievable
  3. Anterior posterior
    The central ray entering the patient's anterior surface and exiting the patient's posterior surface.
  4. Central ray
    The center of midpoint of the x-ray beam.
  5. Crookes tube
    A glass tube that is partially evacuated in which electrons can flow from the cathode to the anode.
  6. Emotional
    Subject to or involving emotion or emotions; emotion is a generalized feeling or feelings.
  7. Genetics effects
    Radiation damage that occurs to persons whose ancestors were irradiated.
  8. Kinesthetic learners
    Learn through doing and touching.
  9. Posterior anterior
    Central ray entering that patient's posterior surface and exiting the patient's anterior surface.
  10. Somatic affects
    Radiation damage that occurs to the person who received the radiation.
  11. Stress
    Physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.
  12. Whole body
    Includes the trunk, arms above the elbows, and legs above the knees; it is used for purpose of radiation exposure doses.
  13. What is the annual occupational dose limit set by the NCRP?
    5 rem (50mSv)
  14. What is the general public dose limit set by the NCRP?
    0.5 rem (5 mSv)
  15. What is the radiology students younger than 18 dose limit set by the NCRP?
    0.1 rem (1 mSv)
  16. What is the pregnant worker dose limit set by the NCRP?
    • 0.5 rem (5 mSv in a 9-month period)
    • 0.005 rem (0.5 mSv in any given month)
  17. Inverse Square Law
    The intensity of the radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the object from the source. 

    i.e. if the technologists stands 2 ft from the pt and receives an exposure of 1mR/hr, the technologists will receive 1/4 the exposure if he/she moves back to 4ft from the pt.
  18. Radiation effects
    • ARS  (acute radiation syndrome)
    • Long term
    • Somatic effects
    • Genetic effects
  19. Who was the first known American fatality from radiation exposure?
    Clarence Dally. He was Edison's assistant and he suffered horribly before he died in 1904.
  20. Occupational Protection
    • Major source: of radiation dose to the occupational worker is the patient. 
    • Time:
    • Distance: Inverse Square Law
    • Shielding: Shields made of lead and must be no less than 0.25 mm of lead.
  21. Pioneers
    • Benjamin Franklin: discovered electricity
    • William Watson: demonstrated electrical current
    • Michael Faraday: induced electricity
    • William Godspeed: cathode rays
    • William Crookes- created vacuum tube with positive and negative electrodes and induction coil
    • Phillip Lenard: include aluminum window allow cathode rays to pass through the outside
  22. Who is credited with the discovery of x-rays and when?
    • Roentgen, November 1895
    • Named "X" ray - since x is unknown in mathematical symbol.
  23. Early Uses
    • Entertainment
    • Shoe fitting
    • Souvenirs
    • Spirit world
    • Hair removal
    • Medical
  24. What type of tube was used when x-rays were discovered?
    Crookes tube
  25. Who discovered fluoroscopy and when?
    • Thomas Edison
    • Vitascope: handheld crookes tube with a screen on one end and an eye pieve on the other.
    • 1896
  26. Patient Protection
    • Technique: Using the lowest technique possible while receiving the best image. 
    • FOV (field of view): collimate to only what is necessary.
    • Repeat: Think! Make sure you are producing the best image before exposing the pt. Repeat x-rays increase pt exposure to radiation.
    • Shielding: Patient with lead aprons.
    • Communication: Make sure the pt understands what you need from him/her (hold still, take a deep breath, hold breath, etc..)
    • Collimation: Reduces amount of radiation to patient and reduces scatter radiation which increases contrast and provides a clearer image.
  27. Foundation of Student Learning Achievement
    • Educational
    • Emotional
    • Physical
    • Financial Preparedness
  28. Educational and Emotional Preparedness
    • Time commitment for coursework
    • Family and friends support
    • Informing family and friends of the program information
  29. Physical Wellness and Financial Preparedness
    • Health requirements
    • Budgeting for life as a full-time student
  30. Learning Styles
    Kinesthetic (tactile), auditory, visual.
  31. Managing Stress
    • Stress reduction activities
    • Organization 
    • Student notebook binder
    • Electronic files
    • Master calendars
    • Tracking grades
  32. Time Management
    • Establishing priorities
    • Types of daily activities
    • Tracking daily activities
  33. Early Effects
    • Burns
    • Infections
    • Cancer
    • Amputations
    • Death (Clarence Dally died 1904)
  34. Advances
    • Boston Hospital - 1st to make room for x-ray and train people to take x-rays.
    • CT, MRI, Mammography, Ultrasound, PET (positron emission tomography), SPECT (single photon emission CT), Digital (film to digital image)
  35. CT (Computerized axial tomography)
    Godrey Hounsfield and Allan Cormack created an x-ray tube that circled around a PT lying on the table.
  36. MRI
    MRI equipment was started in 1946 by Felix Block and Edward Purcell.
  37. Anatomic Position
    The patient is standing upright, facing forward with arms fully extended and palms forward.
  38. Supine
    The patient is lying face up.
  39. Prone
    The patient is lying face down.
  40. Recumbent
    The patient is lying face up, face down, or any position.
  41. Upright or erect
    The patient is standing or sitting.
  42. Decubitus
    The patient is standing or sitting.
  43. Anterior posterior (AP)
    The CR enters the patient's anterior and exits the patient's posterior.
  44. Posterior anterior (PA)
    The CR enters the patient's posterior and exits the patient's anterior.
  45. Right lateral
    The patient's right side is closes to the IR.
  46. Left lateral
    The patient's left side is closest to the IR.
  47. Right anterior oblique (RAO)
    The patient is rotated toward the right with the right side closest to the IR and the left side away from the IR.
  48. Left anterior oblique (LAO)
    The patient is semi-prone or rotated with the patient's left side closest to the IR and the right side farthest from the IR.
  49. Right posterior oblique (RPO)
    The patient is semi-prone or rotated with the patient's right side closest to the IR and left side farthest from the IR.
  50. Dorsal decubitus
    The patient is lying on his or her back and the CR is horizontal.
  51. Ventral decubitus
    The patient is lying face down and the CR is horizontal.
  52. Right lateral decubitus
    The patient is lying on his or her right side and the CR is horizontal.
  53. Left lateral decubitus
    The patient is lying on his or her left side and the CR is horizontal.
Card Set
RAD 91