Science Shepherd Biology Ch.1 Definitions

  1. The production of a new organism that only requires one parent. This type of reproduction normally does not cause any change in the genetic material from parent to offspring.
    Asexual Reproduction
  2. The two-part name of an organism that has been classified using six kingdom system.
  3. The study-or science-of life.
  4. An animal that extracts its energy from other animals. Simply put, a meat eater.
  5. The process by which producers produce their energy from the sugars they make during photosynthesis or the way that consumers produce their energy from the food they eat.
    Cellular Respiration
  6. An organism that uses a producer or other consumers for its energy source. All animals are examples of consumers.
  7. A type of experiment in which two sets of groups are studied-a control group and experimental group-to understand the effect of changing one condition.
    Controlled experiment
  8. The group in a controlled experiment that is not subjected to a changed variable.
    control group
  9. Organisms that derive their energy from dead organisms.
  10. The molecule that contains the genetic material in all life forms.
    DNA (Deoxyribonuleic acid)
  11. The relationship between more than one population and the environment in which they live.
  12. A microscope which bounces a beam of electrons off of an object to acquire the image.
    Electron Microscope
  13. The surroundings in which an organism lives. This can refer to an external environment (Such as a rain forest) or an internal environment (Such as a human being when discussing a bacteria that is making someone ill).
  14. A careful method of testing a hypothesis.
  15. The group in a controlled experiment that is exposed to a variable.
    Experimental Group
  16. The process of the transfer of energy from the sun, to the producers, to the consumers, to the decomposers.
    Food Chain
  17. An animal that extracts its energy only from plants. Simply put, a plant-eater.
  18. The maintenance of a stable internal environment in order for an organism to live.
  19. An educated statement that explains observations. A hypothesis statement is made early on in the scientific method.
  20. A standard set of units that are used by all scientists around the world.
    International System of Measurement, or SI units
  21. A system of connected lenses which acquires an image by reflecting light off of, or shining light through, the object.
    Light Microscope
  22. The amount by which an image is enlarged by a microscope.
  23. That process in which an organisms extracts energy from its surroundings and uses it to sustain itself.
  24. An instrument that processes enlarged images of very small objects.
  25. The organism that receives the genetic material and is formed as a result of the reproduction.
  26. An animal that can extract energy from either plants or animals.
  27. The resulting structure that is formed when one or more cells are grouped together to carry on the activities of life. Examples range from a one-celled bacterium to a trillion-celled human being or tree.
  28. the organism(s) that supplies the genetic material during reproduction
  29. The process by which the energy of the sun is captured and used to make sugar molecules.
  30. A group of similar organisms that live in the same area.
  31. An organism that uses photosynthesis to produce its own energy source. All plants are examples of a producer
  32. Specialized molecules or organs that all life forms possess that allow them to sense and respond to changes in their environments.
  33. The ability to see an image's fine detail.
  34. The formation of a new organism or cell from already living organisms or cells in order to propagate - or spread- the species or make new cells.
  35. The systematic collection and analysis of data.
    scientific method
  36. The production of one or more offspring as a result of a male and female of the species combining their genetic material. This type of reproduction results in changes in genetic material from parent to offspring and requires two parent organisms.
    sexual reproduction
  37. The orderly classification of plants and animals according to their observed natural relationships to one another as well as similarities in structure and function.
  38. A hypothesis which has undergone extensive experimentation and has been found to completely explain a question.
  39. List all things that a thing needs in order to be living.
    Needs to have cells, DNA, reproduce, are complex, responsive to their environments, undergo homeostasis, grow, assigned into groups.
  40. state the order of the food chain from first to last.
  41. State the order in which a plant makes energy and offspring.
    Sun-plant-photosynthesis-sugar molecules-energy-seed.
  42. State what a carnivore, herbivore, and a omnivore are.
    A herbivore is an animal that only eats plants, a carnivore only eats meat, and an omnivore eats plants and animals.
  43. What is it called for an animal to be responsive in its own environments? 
    It is controlled by varied RECEPTORS.
  44. What is the classification of living things called?
    The six kingdoms and representatives.
  45. What is taxonomy?
    It is a classification system in use today in a seven level, six kingdom system.
  46. What is a binomial name. (The root kind of gives it away).
    It means two part name.
  47. what is the scientific method.
    It is a systematic way of obtaining collected data.
  48. What is an observation.
    It makes up science. Science cannot be proven unless it is observed.
  49. What is a hypothesis?
    It is an educated guess on what the outcome might be. It does not always have to be right, but it at least needs to make since with the experiment.
  50. What is a light microscope?
    It is a magnifying device that uses light to magnify the object that is going to be magnified.
  51. What are SI UNITS?
    They are metric formed units that all scientists use, unless they are not really good scientists.
  52. What is a theory?
    It is an idea that cannot be proven until it is observed.
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Science Shepherd Biology Ch.1 Definitions
Definitions for Biology when going back to class