MGT 124 Chapter 6-10 & 14

  1. Minimum cycle time
    Minimum cycle time = Longest task time
  2. Maximum cycle time
    Maximum cycle time = Sum of the task times
  3. Line Output Rate
    Output rate = Operating time per day / Cycle time
  4. Cycle time
    Cycle time = Operating time per day / Desired output rate
  5. Theoretical minimum number of stations (Nmin)
    • Image Upload 1
    • Nmin = sum of task time / cycle time
    • Round to whole number
  6. Percentage of idle time
    • Percentage of idle time = (Idle time per cycle / (Nactual x Cycle time)) x 100
    • Nactual = Actual number of stations 
  7. Efficiency of line
    • Efficiency = 100% - Percent idle time
    • or I can use
    • Efficiency = ((Nactual x Cycle time - Idle time) / (Nactual x Cycle time) x 100
  8. Observed Time
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  9. Normal Time
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    PR = performance rating (20% faster = 1.20 and 20% slower = 0.80)
  10. Standard Time
    ST = NT X AF

    AF = Allowance Factor
  11. Allowance Factor by job
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    A = allowance percentage based on job time
  12. Allowance Factor by day
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    A = allowance percentage based on workday
  13. Error Calculation for large samples
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    • z = number of standard deviations
    • p = sample proportion
    • n - sample size
  14. Sample size calculation
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    • z = number of standard deviations
    • p = sample proportion
    • e = error
    • if p is unknown then use 50% or .50
  15. Total Cost to find plant overlap
    TC = FC + v * Q

    Set each plants TC = to each other and solve for Q
  16. Destination planning
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    Image Upload 9

    Qi = quantity to be shipped
  17. Type I error
    Concluding a process is not in control when it actually is.
  18. Type II error
    Concluding a process is in control when it is not.
  19. Mean chart formulas when standard deviation is known
    • UCL = xbarbar + z * sigmaxbar
    • LCL = xbarbar + z * sigmaxbar
  20. Standard deviation of distribution of sample means (aka sigmaxbar)
    sigmaxbar = sigma / Image Upload 10

    n = number of observations per sample (remember not total observations for all samples)
  21. Why use means charts?
    They measure the central tendency  of a process
  22. Mean chart formulas when standard deviation is unknown
    • UCL = xbarbar + A2Rbar
    • LCL = xbarbar + A2Rbar
    • A2 = factor from table
    • Rbar = average of sample ranges
  23. Why use range charts?
    Monitor process dispersion
  24. Range chart formulas
    • UCL = D4Rbar
    • LCL = D3Rbar

    • D4 = factor from table
    • D3 = factor from table
    • Rbar = average of sample ranges
  25. p-Chart when standard deviation is known
    sigmapImage Upload 11
  26. p-Chart UCL and LCL when standard deviation is known
    • UCLp = p + z * sigmap
    • LCLp = p - z * sigmap

  27. When to use p-charts?
    to monitor the proportion of defective items in a process
  28. c-chart UCL and LCL
    • UCLcImage Upload 12
    • LCLcImage Upload 13

    • If c is unknown then use cbar
    • cbar = number of defects / number of samples
  29. What is Muda?
  30. What is Kanban?
    manual system for controlling movement of materials
  31. What is Heijunka?
    workload leveling
  32. What is Kaizen?
    Continuous improvement
  33. What is Jidoka?
    Quality at the source
  34. What are the eight wastes?  TIM WOODS
    • Transport
    • Inventory
    • Movement
    • Waiting
    • Overproduction
    • Over processing
    • Defects
    • Skill
  35. What is takt time?  What is the formula?
    It matches the cycle time to the pace of demand.

    Takt time = ((total time - break time) * number of shifts) / daily demand
  36. Kanban card formula
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    • D = usage rate
    • T = cycle time + replenish time
    • X = Policy variable
    • C = capacity per container
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MGT 124 Chapter 6-10 & 14