chapter 9

  1. the father of genetics was
    gregor mendel
  2. mendel obtained his P generation by allowing the plants to
  3. true breeding pea plants always
    produce offspring each of which can have only one form of a trait
  4. the first filial (f1) generation is the result of
    crosses between individuals of the parental generation
  5. which of the following is the sesignation for mendels orgiinal pure strains of plants
  6. F2:F1::
  7. the passing of traits from parents to offspring is called
  8. a genetic trait that appears in every genreeation of offspring is called
  9. homozygous:heterozygous::
  10. Mendel's finding that the inhereitance of one trait had no effect on the inheritance of another became known as the
    law of independent assortment
  11. to describe how traits can dissappear and reappear in a certain pattern from generation to genertion mendel proposed
    the law of segregation
  12. the law of segregation explains that
    alleles of gene separate from each other during meiosis
  13. when mendel crossed pea plants that differed in two characteristics such as flower color and plant height
    he found that the inheritance of one trait did not influence the inheritance of the other trait
  14. the phenotype of an organims
    relfects all the traits that are actually expressed
  15. if an individual has 2 recessive allels for the same trait, the individual is said to be
    homozygous for the trait
  16. what is expected genotypic ration resulting form homozygous dominat times heterozygous monohybrid cross
  17. what fraction of the offspring resulting in a hetrozygous times heterozygous dihybrid cross are homozygous recessive for both traits
  18. what is the expected genotypic ratio resulting from a heterozygous times heterozygous monohybrid cross?
  19. when is the expected pheotypic ratio resulting from a homozygous dominant times heterozygous monhybrid cross?
  20. codominace :both traits are displayed::
    homozygous: alleles are the same
  21. the differene between a monohybrid cross and a dihybrid cross is that
    monohybrid crosses involve one trait and a dihybrid crosses involve two traits
  22. what fraction of the offspring resulting from a heterozygous times heterozygous dihybrid cross are teh heterozygous for both traits
  23. a reproductive process in which fertilization occurs within a single plant is called
    self pollination
  24. the transferring of pollen between plants is called
    cross pollination
  25. when tow members of the f1 generatin are allowed to breed with eahc toher, the offspring are referred to as the ___ generation
  26. a ____is the method for determening the genotype of an individual with a do minat phenotype
  27. the statement hta tthe memebers of each pair of alleles seperate when gametes are formed is known as teh
    law of segregation
  28. different fo rms of a particular gene, which mendel called factors are now callede
  29. the likelihood that a specific event will occur is called
  30. a situation in which both alleles for a trait are expressed in a hteterozygous ofspring is called
  31. a table used to determine a diagram the results of a genetic cross is called a
    punnent square
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chapter 9