What is the most common histology for the brain? Astrocytoma What is the most common histology for bladder cancer? transitional cell Which is more radiosensitive : bone or muscle bone What is the worst type of seizure? grandmall What is tachycardia? fast heart rate What is the most common interaction in CT scans? photoelectric What is the most hazardous material in cerrobend blocks? cadmium What is the largest adult lymph tissue? spleen Popiteal lymphs are where in relation to the patella behind the knee, posterior to the patella What type of billing would you use for contrast? complex What system does metastasis generally travel through for blood? most blood borne metastasis go through the venous system What is the cell sensitivity for the most radiosensitive to the least radiosensitive white blood cells, neutrophils, red blood cells, platelets What could be effected if you treat the fundus of the uterus? ovaries, colon & bladder If you are a retired therapist can you still work as a sonographer? no- you have to go back active before you can treat What is the range for a ct scanner? 100-50 kEv What is mexthotrexate most often used for? lymphomas and breast What cancer has the shortest latency period? Leukemia How does barometric pressure and temperature affect output? it can effect the dose reading of the ion chamber What organ does blood go through before getting into the inferior vena cava? Liver What are the homogeneity factors? values for each type of tissue - tissue equivalency. Air is negative - structures are dense If your using the hand pendant and the table keeps moving after you let go, what is wrong short circuit Otitis media is a presenting symptom in nasopharyngeal Will you have more divergence in a larger filed or an irregular field? Irregular field If you have an unresectable non small cell tumor, what would be the dose? 55 to 60 Gy What is the thickness of an electron block? 1.2cm