the arrival la llegada yay-GAH-dah taxi el taxi TAHK-see to buy comprar kohm-PRAHR to pay pagar pah-GAHR to get out of bajar bah-HAHR to speak hablar ah-BLAHR to spend pasar pah-SAHR guest el huésped WEHS-pehd to the al ahl to pay pagar PAH-gahr to enter entrar en-TRAHR the front desk (at a hotel) la recepción rray-sehp-SYOHN to arrive llegar yay-GAHR to enter entrar ehn-TRAHR Do you want a room? ¿Desea un cuarto? day-SAY-ah a single room with bath un cuarto sencillo con baño            sehn-SEE-yoh the double bed la cama matrimonial lah KAH-mah mah-tree-moh-NYAL An inside room with a double bed Un cuarto interior con cama matrimonial.            een-teh-RYOHR outside exterior es-teh-RYOHR For how many nights? ¿Para cuántas noches? PAH-rah KWAN-tahs NOH-chays time el tiempo TYEHM-poh day el día week la semana say-MAH-nah single sólo SOH-loh Mexico México MEH-he-koh bedroom (in Mexico) la recámara rray-KAH-mah-rah something algo AHL-goh for (or by) por pohr store (shop) la tienda TYEHN-dah Do you want ...? ¿Desea ...? dah-SAY-ah watch (wristwatch) el reloj rray-LOH city la ciudad syoo-DAHD There is  ....  Is there? Hay   ...    ¿Hay? ahy  (pronounced "eye") now ahora ah-OH-rah to want desear dah-SAHR