Alimentary canal Gastrointestinal tract; digestive tube Mesentery hold organs in place; site of fat storage; provide route by which circulatory vessels and nerves reach the organs in the peritoneal cavity Salivary glands produce saliva to keep mouth and other parts of digestive system moist Pharynx passageway for food, fluids, and inhaled air Esophagus passageway for food Stomach temporary storage tank in which food is churned and turned into chyme Small intestine site of enzymatic digestion of chyme and absorption of nutrients Ileocecal valve regulates flow of chyme from small intestine to large intestine Pyloric sphincter regulates flow of chyme from stomach to small intestine Large intestine absorbs remaining nutrients, absorbs water and electrolytes; bacterial digestion of feces and storage of feces Appendix neutralizes pathogens Liver produce bile, emulsify fats Gallbladder stores and concentrates bile Pancreas secretes/produce enzymes for digestion Pancretic duct carries digestive enzyme from pancreas to duodenum Nasal cavity warms cleans and humidifies air Nasal Conchae increase turbulence of the air and increase surface area of nasal cavity Larynx passageway for air; voice box; switching mechanism to separate food and air into proper passageway Epiglottis switching mechanism; distributes food and air into correct passageway Vocal cords produces sound Trachea passageway to primary bronchi Cartilaginous rings support trachea Bronchial tree passageway for air Lungs respiratory gas exchange Diaphram respiration; breathing in-and-out Ureter transport urine from kidneys to bladder Urinary bladder storage for urine Urethra transport urine out of the body Kidney filtration of blood and production of urine Nephron filtration of blood and production of urine; regulate concentration of water and soluble substances Clitoris sexual stimulation during intercourse Vagina birth canal; passageway for menstrual blood flow; main organ for intercourse Uterus houses developing fetus during pregnancy; womb Uterine tube (fallopian tube) site of fertilization; passageway from ovary to uterus Ovary production of eggs; meiosis Testis sperm production; site of meiosis Epididymis  stores sperm; where sperm matures Vas deferens (ductus deferens) transport sperm to ejaculatory duct Seminal vesicle produces 65% of seminal fluid Prostate gland produces remaining 35% of seminal fluid Penis delivery of sperm into vagina; intercourse Urethra transport urine and semen to outside of body Bulbourethral (Cowper) gland produces fluid that neutralizes acid