What links nucleotide bases together? Phosphodiester bond Double helix of DNA structure is held together by Noncovalent interactions (hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions) Number of hydrogen bonds between AT 2 Number of hydrogen bonds between CG 3 Semiconservative charactaristic of eukaryotic DNA replication Each daughter cell contains 1 parent strand and 1 newstrand Bidirectional characteristic of eukaryotic DNA replication Starts at several points, replication "bubble" is formed (Bidirectional with multiple origins) DNA polymerases cannot synthesize new DNA without Short stretches of RNA RNA primase makes Small stretches of RNA DNA polymerases elongate DNA chain by addition of Base pairs to the 3' end New DNA is always synthesized in what direction? 5' - 3' Parental strand is read in what direction? 3' - 5'