The total number of live births, regardless of age of mother, per 1,000 women of reproducing age Fertility Rate The number of live births per 1,000 people Birthrate The has been a ______ in fertility and birthrates between 1910 to 2010 Decrease The birthrates ____ for women age 15-29, but ___ for women ages 30-45 decreased, increased Neonates born at less than 32 weeks of gestation are considered to be: Very Premature Neonates born between 32-33 weeks gestation are considered to be: Moderately premature Neonates born between 34-37 weeks gestation are considered to be: Late Premature A low birth weight (LBW) baby is defined as a birth weight that is _____ <2,500 grams but > 1,500 grams A Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) baby is defined as a birth weight that is ____ less than 1,500 grams The weight of ______ at birth is an important predictor of future morbidity and mortality rates neonates Death before the babies first birthday is considered: Infant Mortality Infant mortality has significantly ______ since 1940 Decreased The decrease of SIDS rates can be related to: parents placing their infant on their back to sleep versus their stomachs ____ is defined by the WHO as the death of a woman during pregnancy or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy Maternal Death Death resulting from complications during pregnancy, labor/birth, and/or postpartum and from interventions, omission of interventions, or incorrect treatment Direct Obstetric Death Death that is due to a preexisting disease or disease that develops during pregnancy that does not have direct obstetrical cause; but its likelihood is aggravated by the changes of pregnancy Indirect Obstetric Death Death that occurs more than 42 days after termination of pregnancy from a direct or indirect obstetrical cause Late Maternal Death Maternal death during pregnancy or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy regardless of the cause of death Pregnancy-related cause 99% of deaths occur in Developing Countries Primary causes of maternal deaths worldwide: Severe Hemorrhage Infections Eclampsia Obstructed Labor Complication of Abortions Anemia/HIV/AIDS/CAD Primary issues affecting the health of mothers and infants: Birthrates for teens Tobacco use during pregnancy Substance Abuse Obesity Health Disparities Health issues for teen mothers: STDs / HIV      -Chlamydia (newborn eye infection risk)      -Syphilis (neonatal blindness and                 increased risk for death) Higher risk for HTN Health issues of neonates born to teen mothers: Greater risk of health problems that include prematurity and/or low birth weight _____ are less likely to seek early and continuous prenatal care Low-income women Obese pregnant women are at higher risk for: Gestational HTN Preeclampsia Gestational diabetes Thromboembalism C-section Wound infections Shoulder dystocia related to macrosomia (bw > 4000 grams) Sleep apnea Anesthesia complications The Fetuses/Infants of obese pregnant women are at higher risk for: Spina Bifida Heart Defects Anorectal Atresia Hypospadias Examples of barriers to access health care are: limited finances, lack of transportation, difficulty with dominant language, and attitudes of the health care team Low birth weight and premature neonates are at a higher risk for: chronic respiratory diseases and abnormalities in neurological development