What is postpartum care for the mother targeted on? *physiological recovery *psychological adaptation to maternal role *ability to care for herself & the infant POSTANESTHESIA RECOVERY no woman should ever be discharged from recovery area until completely recovered from anesthesia (risk for falls) How soon should a mother attempt to breastfeed after giving birth and why? 1-2 hours after birth; aids in contraction of uterus What should your assessment of the mother be 1-2 hours after birth? *VS q 15 minutes for the first hour *Check & Massage fundus *Mother may experience intense tremors (similar to shivering) What does the BUBBLE HE mnemonic stand for? Breasts, Uterus, Bowels, Bladder, Lochia, Episiotomy, Homan's Sign, Emotional Status When assessing an episiotomy or C-section incision, what does the mneumonic REEDA stand for? Redness Editimous (Edema) Ecumosis (Bruising) Discharge (Drainage) Approximation (Together or Apart?) How often should you take the mother's vital signs after birth? Every 15 minutes What determines the length of stay? *physical condition of mother and baby *mental and emotional status of the mother *social support at home *client education needs *financial constraints GROUBRA Bright red lochia CIRMOSA Pink lochia ALBA White dischsrge ENGORGEMENT Increased blood and lymph supply to breasts leads to breast swelling