Reasons for Word-Use Errors: Children make ___ __ ___ - they may truly think that a horse and a cow are the same kind of animal and thus use to word horse to label a cow because they know the word horse category membership errors Reasons for Word-Use Errors: Children make ___ ____ - when they know that two objects are conceptually different but do not yet have a name for one of the objects and intentionally substitute a semantically related word pragmatic errors Reasons for Word-Use Errors: Children make a ___ ____ - when they know a certain word but for some reason cannot retrieve the word and unintentionally select a different word. retrieval error The ___ tier of lexical principles framework includes the principles of reference, extendibility, and object scope first The ____ tier of lexical principles framework includes the principles of conventionality, categorical scope, and novel name-nameless category (N3C) second Children can use tier ___ principles as soon as they begin to acquire words because these principles rely on cognitive-perceptual abilities 1 First Tier Principles: The principle of _____ states that words symbolize objects, actions, events, and concepts. (For example, Daddy stands for or symbolizes someones father) reference First Tier Principles: The principle of ____ refers to the notion that words label categories of objects and not just the original exemplar.  -Therefore the word ball can be used to describe multiple objects that fall under the basic category ball extendibility First Tier Principles: The principle of ___ ____ states that words map to whole objects -First, children using the principle of object scope assume that novel words label objects rather than actions. When children hear a novel label, they prefer to attach the label to an object instead of an action object scope Second, object scope presupposes that the ___ ___ ___, which means that words label whole objects and not object parts. Therefore a toddler who witnesses a bird flying in the sky will likely assume that the word bird refers to the bird rather than the action of flying around whole object assumption Second Tier Principles: The principle of ____ states that for children to communicate successfully they must adopt the terms that people in their language community understand conventionality Second Tier Principles: The principle of ___ ____ builds on the tier 1 principle of extendibility by limiting the basis for extension to words that are in the same category. categorical scope Second Tier Principles: The principle of ____ ___-____ ____ supports the ter 1 principle of the object scope by helping children select a nameless object as the recipient of a novel label novel name- nameless category Infants can follow another persons gaze and pointing gestures, engage in joint attention, and imitate actions by age ___-___ 9-12 As early as ___ months, infants can use social cues 12 Fast mapping is not limited to an ability or word learning -This is because it is considered a ___-___ word learning mechanism domain-general a ___ ____ is the part a word plays in an event, and such roles include agent, theme, source, and location thematic role An ____ is the entity that performs the action agent The ___ is the entity undergoing an action or a movement (Tamika flew a kite) theme A ____ is the starting point for movement A ____ is the ending point for movement source, goal ___is the place where an action occurs is the place where an action occurs Location Toddlers learn from an early age that ___ ____ link to corresponding syntactic elements -2.5 year old toddlers attend to the overall structure of sentences when interpreting new words thematic roles ___ functions by requesting information from other people to learn about the world Heuristic Toddlers dont display much skill in ____ -Toddlers demonstrate some skill in starting a _____, but they cannot usually sustain it for more than one or two turns -Toddlers have difficulty keeping their audience’s needs in mind -They are not proficient at realizing when they are not following along in a ____ conversation -An individual toddler’s language development is not linear -They follow a series of spurts and plateus intraindividual differences -Boys and girls typically show differences in language acquisition and use -Birth order affects language acquisition -SES status has an impakt Interindividual differences Three popular measures for research: -production tasks, comprehension tasks, and judgement tasks Production Tasks: -The experimenter produces a target phrase and the requests that the child repeat it exactly a she heard it. -Gauges underlying linguistic competence, and takes advantage of children’s natural ability to imitate other people’s movements and speech sounds and compare them to adultlike forms -Researchers assume that for a child to successfully imitate a target, the target must be a part of the child’s grammatical repertoire elicited imitation tasks Production Tasks: -designed to reveal aspects of children’s language abilities by having them produce specific sentence structures in the context of a game -Introducing a novel name and seeing if the child can produce the correct inflections (wug -> wugs) elicited production tasks Have kids either match or point to pictures of target words and phrases or act out phrases they hear an experimenter say Comprehension Tasks Comprehension Tasks: the experimenter presents a language target and asks the child to choose the picture that corresponds to the target picture selection task Comprehension Tasks: -use to investigate the child’s competence with various language constructions, and experimenter presents a child with a series of props and instructs the child to “act” out the sentences he or she hears act-out task Comprehension Tasks: -Children are asked to decide whether certain language construction are appropriate so that their level of grammatical competence can be assessed Judgement tasks Comprehension tasks: -Children are asked to judge certain language constructions to be correct or incorrect. -Scenarios are presented and questions are asked truth value judgement tasks