What is emotion the physiological component, such as hearbeat, thoughts related to it, and physical expressions accompanying the feeling What is motivation? anything that gets you to complete your goal What are the seven motivational theories? instinct theory evolutionary theory drive reduction theory arousal theory incentive theory cognitive theories biopsychosocial Instinct theory instincts are unlearned responses that guide your actions evolutionary theory aka: approach to mate selection a spin-off of instinct theory; every behavior is to find a mate and reporduce Women will be more cautious when finding a mate and settling down; they want ambitious, powerful, resourceful, and athletic men; they like a period of dating men are not interested in dating becuase they have no limitation to the children amount; they want youthful, attractive, and healthy young women; pass on genes Drive reduction theory goal of life is homeostais; when you feel unbalanced, you have a need, which incites a drive that makes you reduce the need, leading to balance Ex: thirsty...need water..drink water...satisfied..balanced Needs: food, water, sex, sleep, bathroom, etc Arousal theory we all like to be at our optimal level of arousal; and, all day long, we try to get on that level to maintain arousal INcentive theory gain rewards and avoid punishments/ behavior is goal-directed; there are two systems--the wanting system and the liking system Wanting: you are attracted Liking: Evaluation of how pleasurable it is Cognitive theories all motivated behaviors are based in: 1) your expectations 2) your past experiences (cognitive appraisal= how you interpret something) 3) your perceptions 4) your attributions; everyone is motivated by their own personal story Biopsychosocial theory/ Maslow's hierarchy of needs you are motivated to fulfill each level in the pyramid; you need to fulfill one level to move up the pyramid Out of all of the theories, which are the motivational theories? instinct evolutionary drive reduction arousal Out of all of the theories, which are the psychological theories? incentive cognitive biopsychosocial What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Begin from the bottom of the pyramid. Physiological needs Safety needs Belonging and love needs Esteem needs Self-actualization needs If Joe is trying to make friends, which level on the hierarchy is he?  Taking the MCAT is..? belonging and love section esteem Why do you keep eating at buffets? Because food stimulates different taste buds; and, the more variety, the more stimulation, and the more you eat flavor and variety are important in initiating eating Obesity is considered __.  Results of obesity? child abuse severely overweight, increased risk of diabetes, heart attack, high BP, strokes, death, cancer, arthritis, etc Causes of obesity? psychological: we are bored, busy, too poor to eat healthy, no movement; we live in an environment where people push you eat Physiological: people have higher water content and bigger bones Anorexia is? severe weight loss in people who know that they should/ want to eat, but do not for fear of getting fact there is a detachment with what's actually seen What are the problems with anorexia/ brittle bones, not enough food--> passing out, hair sprouts all over to keep warm, messed up menstrual cycle Statistics of anorexia nervosa? four to thirty percent die from starvation, biochemical imbalances, and suicide Bulimia nervosa? overly eating and throwing up Problems with bulimia? acid build up deteriorates the back of your teeth; large potential to have heart attacks due to pressure of throwing up; impulse connection due to fact that they have no self-control Emotion constantly __. It is a __. There are __, as wella s __, and they have a __. changes between positive and negative feeling that you possess learned/ reflexive/ physical component Cognitive appraisal: self-interpretation What are the three components to emotion? physiological  cognitive behavior What are the four major theories of emotion? James-Lange Cannon-Bard Facial-feedback Schacter-Singer (2 Factor) James Lange theory Scenario: walking out of campus and suddenly a snake pops out environmental stimuli---(leads to)---->  physiological change/ behavior or act-----> emotion it undergoes compartmentalization Cannon Bard theory Scenario: walking out of campus and suddenly a snake pops out environmental stimuli--> brain/ thalamus--> physiological change, behavior, and emotion  simultaneous Facial-feedback theory Scenario: walking out of campus and suddenly a snake pops out environmental stimuli----> facial expression-----> physiological change and action---> emotion Schacter-Singer theory Scenario: walking out of campus and suddenly a snake pops out environmental stimuli----> appraisal interpretation-----> emotion, action, physiological change Intrinsic versus Extrinsic motivation in: do it because you enjoy it; personal satisfaction derived from it ex: something you're rewarding outside of yourself