What is the order of DNA replication? Transcription = DNA to mRNA Translation = mRNA to protein What class of drugs attack 30s ribosomes? Aminoglycosides Tetracyclines What class of drugs attack 50s ribosomes? Macrolides Where are steroids produced? Adrenal cortex What part of the cell is affected in tay sach's disease? Lysosomes What part of the cell is affected in leber's hereditary optic neuropathy and kearns-sayre syndrome? Mitochondria What is the main ion inside the cell? K+ What is the ratio of Na/K pumped out of the cell? 3Na:2K What is the main ion outside the cell? Na+ What is depolarization? Inside of cell becomes more positive = action potential What is hyperpolarization? Inside of cell becomes more negative = stalled action What are the concentrations of intracellular, extracellular compartments and plasma in the body? 25L, 12L, 3L What do A1 receptors do? A+ MUScles are drinking their calcium Increase intracellular calcium (together with muscarinic) What are the locations of A1 receptors? Radial iris dilator Vascular SM GI sphincters What do A2 receptors do? Decrease cAMP Inhibitory response in heart, elsewhere = sympathetic what do B1 receptors do? Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Increase cAMP Where are the locations of B1 receptors? Heart Salivary glands Adipose tissue Kidneys NPCE What do B2 receptors do? Increase cAMP What are the locations of B2 receptors? Bronchioles GI tract Bladder wall Vascular SM TM CB What is the only receptor to act on Na/K channels? Nicotinic A NaK for being unique What are zonula occludens? Impermeable Tight belt junctions around entire cell BAB & BBB What are zonula adherens? Junctions that allow for intercellular passage What are macula occludens? Impermeable spot welds What are gap junctions? Channels connected to other channels for rapid electrical transfer = HDMI port What type of cells are binuclear? Hepatocytes Cardiac muscle Urinary tract epithelial cells What type of cells are multinuclear? Osteoclasts Skeletal muscle What type of cells are anuclear? RBCs What is contained within the nucleolus? Dense chromatin What does the nucleolus do? Responsible for production of rRNA What is rRNA? Found in ribosomes Responsible for protein translation What is tRNA? Responsible for translation Which is transfer of amino acids to a growing protein What do hepatocytes do? Storage and breakdown of glycogen Detox of lipid soluble drugs What do ribosomes do? Manufacture protein What does smooth er do? Lipid and steroid production Produces fatty acids What is rough ER responsible for? Protein synthesis What does the golgi apparatus do? Modify and package proteins from rough ER to outside of cell (fedex) What do lysosomes do? Trashmen What does the mitochondria do? Produces ATP What do microtubules do? Intercellular motility What do intermediate filaments do? Act as a super highway to/from nucleus Gives resistance against external pressure on cell What is the intracellular charge at equilibrium? -90mV