what is a breakdown between concept and performance. Disconnection between the idea of a movement and its motor execution? ideomtor apraxia what do you call it when the pt. is able to carry out habitual tasks automatically and describe how they are done, but can't imitate gestures or perform on command.? ideomotor apraxia what is failure in the conceptualization of task. the inability to perform a purposeful motor act; either automatically or on command? ideational apraxia what do you call it when the patient no longer understands the overall concept of the task. Can't retain the idea of or cant formulate motor pattern required? ideational apraxia what is faulty spatial analysis and conceptualization of the the task? constructinal apraxia what do you call it when a pt. knows the normal constructional skills, but lacks the capacity to understand the relationship of the parts to a whole? Like they know what you need to make a sandwhich and when they have it in front of them they don't know how to put it together constructional apraxia what do you call inability to dress oneself properly. Often pt. dresses just one side of the body dressing ataxia what do you call it when the pt. fails to respond to stimulus in one part of their visual field? They might walk into things because they don't tend to the R or L side. They keep their head turned in direction they tend to. visual spatial agnosia what is lack of recognition? agniosia what is the inability to recognize familiar objects despite normal function of the eyes and optic tracts? visual object agnosia a pt. with what may not be able to recognize familar objects, but because their ____________ is still intact they can identify an object once its handled. visual object agnosia stereognosis what is the inability to recognize forms by handling them; although tactile, proprioception, and thermal sensations may be intact tactile agnosia what is the inability to recognize non-speech sounds or to discriminate between them. Rarely occurs in the absence of other communication disorders? For example the pt. may not know the difference between the dog barking and the phone ringing. auditory agnosia what is a sever condition including denial and lack of awareness of the presence or severity of ones paralysis. Lack of awareness or denial of a paretic extremity as belonging to a person. anosognosia T/F: anosognosia is not common, but can resolve on it's own. true what is lack of awareness of the body structures and the relationship of body parts to oneself or to others? somatoagnosia what do you call it when a pt. has difficulty following instructions that require distinguishing bodyparts and may be unable to imitate movements of the therapist? somatoagnosia what is the inability to register and integrate stimuli and perceptions from oneside of the body (body neglect) and the environment (hemispace or spatial neglect) which is NOT due to sensory loss? unilateral neglect what is the inability to identify the right and left side of ones own body or that of the examiner; includes the inability to execute movements in response to verbal commands that include the terms right and left. Pt.'s are often unable to imitate movments. left/right discrimination deficit what is the inability to visually distinguish a figure from the background in which it is embedded? Pt. has difficulty ignoring irrelevant visual stimuli and cannont select the appropriate cue to which to respond? figure/ground discrimination what is the inability to perceive or attend to subtle differenced in from and shape? pt. likely to confuse objects of similar shape or not to recognize an object placed in an unusual position such as a water bottle being knocked over on its side. form consistency deficit what is the inability to perceive and interpret spatial concepts such as up, down, under, over, in and out, in front of, behind position in space deficit what do you call inaccurate judgement of direction, distance, and depth. spatial disorientation may be a contributing factor in faulty distance perception? depth and distance perception deficit what do you call difficulty understanding and remembering the relationship of one location to another? topographical disorentation during the stance phase lateral trunk sidebending/trendelenburg is due to what? weak glute med  during stance phase, backward lean is due to what? weak glute max  during stance phase, forward lean is due to what? weak hip extensors  during stance phase limited hip flexion is due to what? tight extensors OR weak flexors  what is done during abnormal synergistic activity or "scissoring" hip adduction knee extension ankle plantarflexion what is an antalgic gait? short stance on affected short stride length on unaffected  during stance phase, excessive knee flexion is due to what? weak quads with buckling or weak flexors  during stance phase, hyperextension or "recurvatum" is due to what? weak quads or extensor spasticity  during stance phase toe first is due to what? weak dorsiflexors or tight plantarflexors  during stance phase, foot slap is due to what? decreased conrol of dorsiflexors that is compensated with steppage gait  during stance phase, foot flat is due to what? limited ROM weak dorsiflexor  during stance phase, exessive DF with uncontrolled tibial advancement is due to what? weak plantarflexors; may have knee hyperextension during stance phase, excessive PF/equinis gait is due to what? spasticity/ contracutre of PF during stance phase, varus foot is due to what? spastic anterior tib or weak peroneals  during stance phase, claw toe is due to what? spastic toe flexors or grasp reflex (UMN) during stance phase, inadequate toe off is due to what? decreased ROM weak PF  pain in forefoot  during swing phase pelvic rotation is due to what? weak abs and/or weak hip flexors  during swing phase decreased hip/knee flexion is due to what? weak hip and knee flexors or spastic extensors  during swing phase circumduction is due to what? weak hip flexors or limited ROM during swing phase hip hike is due to what? compensate for weak hip and knee flexors or extensor spasticity during swing phase excessive hip and knee flexion "steppage gait" is due to what? compensation for shortened limb or weak DF's  what is the synergistic pattern during swing phase? strong flexion synergy; hip & knee flex with hip adduction  during swing phase, decreased knee flexion is due to what? extensor spasticity, pain, decreased ROM, weak knee flexors  during swing phase, excessive knee flexion is due to? flexor spasticity flexor withdrawal reflex  during swing phase foot drop is due to? weak or poor recruitment of DF or spastic PF's  during swing phase verus/inverted foot is due to? spastic inverters or weak peroneals or synergistic pattern  during swing phase equinovarus of the foot/ankle is due to what? spastic posterior tib and/or gastroc/soleus or structural deformity what is based largely on the assumptions drawn from the reflex and hierarchial approaches to motor control? neurofaciitation  neurofacilitation has emphasis on ______________________ and the techniques are designed to either _______ or _________ movement patterns  modification of the CNS vs. the mm involved inhibit or faciliate  what are intervention techniques that increase the patients ability to move in ways judged appropriate by a clinician? faciliatation  what are intervention techniques used to decrease the patients use of movement patterns considered to be abnormal? inhibition  according to neurofacilitation, recovery of function is dependent upon what? the higher centers of the CNS regain control over lower centers neurofacilitation assumes what about normal movement? normal movement comes from a chain of reflexes organized hierarchially in the CNS  another assumption of neurofacilitation is that functional skills will? automatically return once abnormal movement patterns are inhibited and normal movement patterns are facilitated  with neurofacilitation what will transfer into functional tasks? repetition of normal movements (1000's of reps)  what approach is seen the most in regards to movement retraining? task oriented approach  TOA is organized with what in mind? behavioral goal that is set up in a way that the patient is successful the first go around With TOA it is essential to work on what rather than what? identifiable functional tasks  movement for movement sake alone  TOA assumes what regarding movement? patients learn actively attempting to solve problems inherent in a functional task rather than by repetively practicing normal patterns of movement.  What is CIT and how is it accomplished? constraint induced movement theory restraining of a non-involved limb to force use of an involved limb  what restricts volitional movement, causes "posturing", painful spasms, impairment of automatic postural tone and obligatory synergistic movement? spasticity  flaccidity with no movement of the limbs following acute stroke describes what stage of motor recovery? stage 1 minimal volitional movement- spasticity begins; occurs as recovery begins describes what stage of motor recovery? stage 2 gains voluntary control over the synergy (but not usually full range), spasticiy increasing, and may become severe describes what stage of motor recovery? stage 3 some movements out of synergy; spasticity begins declining describes what stage of motor recovery? stage 4 synergies lose dominance and more difficult movement combinations are learned describes what stage of motor recovery? stage 5 disapperance of spasticity, individual joint movement becomes possible and coordination develops. normal motor function is restored. This describes what stage of motor recovery? stage 6 what is the flexion synergy of the UE? scapular retraction/elevation or hyperextension shoulder ab-d, ER elbow flexion forearm supination wrist & finger flexion  what is the extension synergy of the UE? scapular protraction shoulder ad-d, IR elbow extension forearm pronation wrist & finger extension  T/F: Patients may progress from one stage to another stage of motor recovery out of order true  what is the flexion synergy of the LE? hip flexion, ab-d, ER knee flexion ankle DF & inversion toe DF  what is the extension of the LE? hip extension, ad-d, IR knee extension ankle PF, inversion toe PF  how are the reflexes s/p CVA? typically start off hypo and then become hyper-reflexive  what is a physical ambulator? walks for exercise only what is a limited household ambulator? relies on walking to some extent for home activities-requires some assistance; furniture walkers  what is a unlimited household ambulator? able to walk in home independently, difficulty with stairs and uneven surfaces. may not be able to leave the home independely  what is the most limited community ambulator? can come and go independently from the house, can manage curbs, and some degree of stairs, independent with low level activity (church) what is the least limited community ambulator? indep stairs, stores, and croweded shopping what is a community ambulator? independent with all community and home activites, can manage crowds and uneven terrain  what is apraxia? inability to plan and execute coordinated movements.  results from lesions of the pre-motor cortex of either hemisphere as well as the left parietal and corpus callosum.  what are the two types of apraxia? ideational: inability to move on their own or on command  ideamotor: can move automatically but not on command  how is gait an autonomic postural activity? neural control from subcortical and spinal centers. the role of the cortex is to intervene for adaptation  purposes and to correct movement patterns based upon info from the cerebellum  T/F: the sooner ambulation occurs after a stroke the better the outcome for ambulation will be.  true  what is the typical gait presentation with a stroke? decreased speed assymetrical gait  affected limb with longer step whereas unaffected side with shortened step length  decreased efficiency and endurance  why are there gait changes after a stroke? change in sensory interpretation  loss of motor control  cognitive issues  what is ther-ex? strengthening, stretching anything you would do at a gym what is therepeutic activity? something leading towards functional status bed mobility sit -> stand  what is the typical progression for forward and backward walking? assistance: // bars > AD > unassisted  step length: short > long speed: slow > normal  BOS: wide > narrow  acceleration/deceleration  what is sidestepping good for? glute med in both dynamic and stance limbs  what are some facilitation techniques? (5) weight bearing tapping light touch quick icing quick stretch what are some inhibition techniques? (4) neutral warmth deep pressure prolonged stretch prolonged cold  what is an approach to therapeutic exercise that combines functionally based diagonal patterns of movement with techniques of neuromuscular facilitation to evoke motor response and improve neuromuscular control and function? proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) what type of movements does PNF use? multi-joint multi-planar diagonal and rotational what type of sensory cues do you use for PNF? proprioceptive: hands on boney prominences cutaneous: tapping on muscle belly visceral: watch and move head in the direction you are moving the limb  Auditory: Tone and speed of your voice and reptition of the word what are the 7 potential uses for PNF? facilitate neuromuscular control develop myscular endurance facilitate stability facilitate mobility coordinated movements  utilized to increase flexibility lay a foundation for the restoration of function  when is using PNF appropriate? throughout the entire rehab process what are the 9 important concepts to performing PNF? manual contacts: change when the goal changes maximal resistance: greatest amount that still allows to move smoothly position and movement of the therapist: shoulder and trunk in the direction of the moving limb stretch: quick stretch just past the point of tension; distal -> proximal normal timing: muscles fire in appropriate sequence distal -> proximal traction: slight separation of jt. surfaces to inhibit pain and faciliate movement  approximation: compression of jt. surfaces to stimulate co-contraction  verbal commands: vary tone and volume based upon response  visual cues: instruct and remind the pt. to watch and concentrate on the movement  what is the D1 PNF pattern of the UE? D1 flexion: flexion, adduction, external rotation DeLaHoya punch  D1 extension: (reverse flexion) extension, abduction, internal rotation  what is the D2 PNF pattern of the UE? D2 flexion: flexion, abduction, external rotation draw your light-saber D2 extension: (reverse flexion) extension, adduction, internal rotation  what is the D1 PNF pattern for the LE? D1 flexion: flexion, adduction, external rotation hacky sack  D1 extension: extension, abduction, internal rotation what is the D2 PNF pattern for the LE? D2 flexion: flexion, abduction, internal rotation puppy at fire hydrant  D2 extension: extension, adduction, external rotation  what is PNF performed symmetrically? D1 flexion of both UE's/LE's  what is PNF performed asymmetrically? D1 flexion of one UE concurrent with D2 flexion of the other UE what is PNF performed reciprocally? D1 flexion of one UE with concurrent D1 extension of the other UE what is the purpose of alternating isometrics and what is the procedure? purpose: improve isometric recruitment; strength and promote stability  procedure: isometric holding against alternating resistance from one direction to the opposite but in the same plane; no joint movement should occur  what is the purpose of agonist reversals and what is the procedure? purpose: work on both concentric (raise) and eccentric (lower) motor control of a specific movement or muscle  procedure: first apply resistance to the agonist in one direction during a concentric contraction immediately followed by the controlled eccentric contraction of the same muscle while moving in the opposite direction; resistance stays the same, don't switch hand contacts  what is the purpose of slow reversals and what is the procedure? purpose: promotes rapid reciprocal action of agonists and antagonists procedure: slow, isotonic contractions of the agonists through the ROM followed without a rest by slow, isotonic contraction of the antagonist; hand contacts change  what is the purpose of repeated contractions and what is the procedure? purpose: strengthen an agonist at any point of the ROM where it may be weak procedure: repeated, dynamic contractions, initiated with quick stretches at any point in the ROM where recruitment or strength is limited  what is the purpose of rhythmic initiation and what is the procedure? purpose: promote the ability to initiate a movement pattern  procedure: passively move patients through the desired movement several times to familiarize them with the movement and rate, then practice assisted or active movement through the motion  what is the purpose of rhythmic rotation and what is the procedure? purpose: to treat hypertonia with limitations in function  procedure: voluntary relxation combined with slow, passive, rhythmic rotation of the body part around a longitudinal axis, followed by movement into the limited range  what is purpose of rhythmic stabilzation and what is the procedure? purpose: used to treat instability in WB, poor static postural control and weakness procedure: typically performed in a WB position, is alternating isometric contraction of the agonists followed by isometric contraction of the antagonist pattern. Resistance is applied in multiple directions rather than unidirectionally  what is the purpose of contract relax and what is the procedure? purpose: increase flexibility  procedure: place range limiting muscle in a stretched position then the pt. performs an isometric contraction of the limiting muscle for 5-10 second, then relaxes while the extremity is further taken into a stretched position.  what is contract-relax-active contraction (CRAC)?  same as CR but after the isometric contraction the pt. contracts the agonist  moving the segment into the new range during the stretch that follows  what are the developmental stages of motor control? initial mobility stability  controlled mobility skill  what PNF techniques would you use during the initial mobility stage? rhythmic initiation & rotation CR & CRAC hold-relax active movement repeated contractions using resistance and stretch as tol active assistive & guided movement  what is the initial mobility stage? postural and antigravity control is typically lacking, functional patterns are not well controlled. what is the stability stage? the ability to maintain a steady position in weight bearing, antigravity posture; maintaining COM within the limits of stability  what PNF techniques would you use during the stability stage? alternating isometrics rhythmic stabilization slow reversals positioning and holding  what is the controlled mobility stage? dynamic postural control; ability to change position or move in weight bearing while maintaining postural stability what PNF techniques would you use during the controlled mobility stage? agonist reversal slow reversal D1/D2 tracking resistance diagnal pattern active-assitive to active movements to movement transitions  what is the skill acquisition stage? highly coordinated movement that allows for  adaptability what are the 8 things that emphasis is placed on during the skill acquistion stage? coordination tasks refinement of swquential and temporal organization control of multiple body segements dual tasks  reactive and proactive balance activites  agility tasks  practice in variety of environmental contexts (from closed to open) balanced contributions of agonists and antagonists and smooth timing what is a MTBI? mild traumatic brain injury a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by traumatic forces new term for concussion T/F: the number of concussions among contact sports is likely a lot higher due to people not reporting them because of the return to sport protocol for concussions. true what are the combat sports associated with MTBI's? professional boxing what are the collision sports associated with MTBI's? hockey football rugby what are the contact sports associated with MTBI's? soccer lacrosse basketball softball/baseball volleyball cheerleading playground/recess what percent of people recover from a concussion within 1 week with or without treatment? 40% what percent of people recover from a concussion within 2 weeks with or without treatment? 60% what percent of people recover from a concussion within 3 weeks with or without treatment? 80% Headache loss of consciousness amnesia dizziness/imbalance confusion fatigue emotional/irritability difficulty remembering new info double vision/blurry vision sensitivity to light/noise These are s/s of what? concussion LOC >1 min seizure severe persistent neck pain weakness/numbness/tingling in arms or legs severe loss of balance persistent vomiting worsening of s/s These are s/s of what? medical emergency related head injury which s/s is indicative of prolonged recovery associated with a concussion and what does it mean? dizziness means you have vestibular involvement and it takes longer for that system to recover how do you treat a concussion? imaging as needed: at least neck x-ray b/c concussions don't show up on imaging computer based neuropsychological testing: imPACT; memory, responsiveness, etc.. cognitive and physical examination: mini-mental, balance and vestibular testing REST: complete brain rest; no work, school, TV, music, reading, facebook, texting, video games With brain rest how do you return to prior level of functioning? gradually introduce mental activity 15-30 min at a time T/F: noise, light, crowded environment, driving/riding in a car might increase the s/s of a concussion? true T/F: with a return to sport protocol after a concussion the patient must stay in a phase  until ALL s/s of each phase have fully resolved true what are the 6 phases of the return to sport protocol after a concussion? 1. rest 2. light aerobic exercise 3. sport specific exercise 4. non-contact drills 5. full contact after medical clearance from MD 6. game day T/F: the affects of concussions are cumlitive, even if they are 10 years apart. true what is the worse case scenario after a concussion? second impact syndrome: another impact before recovery causes severe brain swelling and death what is persistence of concussion symptoms for greater than 3-4 weeks? post concussion syndrome What is the cure for TBI's? no cure just prevention decrease drinking and driving use seat belts and wear helmets proper training and equipment for athletes how does primary damage from a TBI occur? result of the forces acting on the brain at the time of injury acceleration, deceleration, rotational how does the secondary damage from a TBI occur? occurs due to brain swelling or impaired blood flow to the site of injury (hypoxia, ischemia, ICP, post traumatic epilepsy localized damage; may be due to hematoma, edema, contusion, laceration or a combination is known as what? focal injury what are the two types of focal injuries? closed: brain tissue contacts the skull forcefully open: skull is penetrated and brain is exposed what is coup? and what is contracoup? coup: direct lesion of the brain under the point of contact contracoup: injury to the opposite side from impact (rebound effect after impact) what is caused by acceleration, deceleration and rotational forces and what type of accident does it typically occur with? diffuse axonal injury roll over accident what creates shearing forces that disrupts the integrity of the axons and has lots of deficits with this type of injury? diffuse axonal injury what areas of the brain are typically injured with a diffuse axonal injury? brainstem, cerebellar tracts, basal ganglia, corpus collosum how does a DAI affect nerves? wallerian degeneration: everything distal to the injury dies are increased level of neurotransmitters toxic to nerves? If so what can happen? yes causes cells to shut down causing further damage Can trauma cause the brain to shift? What else could cause the brain to shift? yes swelling what can occur from systemic hypotension, anoxia, damage to vascular territories and can lead to global damage and poorer outcomes? What can it be caused by? hypoxic-ischemic injury choking What is normal ICP? 4-15 mmHG What are the 3 classifications for hematomas? according to their site epidural: above the dura, below the skull subdural: under the dura, above the arachoid intracerebral: blood vessel bleeding into the brain tissue T/F: even mild increases of ICP are associated with increased mortality. true __________ are more indicative of recovery than _____________. cognitive deficits physical dysfunction  what are the three predictors of disability?? 1: severity of injury; measured by the glasgow coma scale 2: length of coma: >2 weeks: severe disability 1 year post injury <1 week: mild to moderate disability 3: length of post-traumatic amnesia; common to forget the accident but able to remember right up until and right after the accident >12 weeks: moderate to severe disability <4 weeks: moderate disability or good recovery at one year what is persistent vegetative state? in a coma but have a sleep wake cycle and have primitive reflex's return (grasp, babinski) They have no higher cortical function, just brain stem function (basic life sustaining) Is delirium reversible? What is it caused by? Yes it is reversible,  but if left alone for a long time it can become debilitating Caused from cytotoxic blood build up in the brain What are the impairments that are a sequelae of a TBI? neuromuscular cognitive behavorial communication visual-perceptual swallowing indirect (contractures, OA, bedsores...) what are the neuromuscular impairments that can be associated with a TBI? monoplegia: one extremity hemiplegia: one side flaccidity initally, followed by increased tone, spasticity, or rigidity abnormal balance reactions (ankle, hip stratigies, protective extension) ataxia heterotopic ossification: bone developement in muscle what are the cognitive and behavorial impairments associtated with a TBI? altered level of consciousness altered orientation memory loss:(anterograde (new memory) retrograde (before injury) post traumatic (between injury and now) declaritive (remembering facts and knowing events) attention span safety awareness due to lack of accepting impairment perseveration executive functioning: budgeting and family meal planning what are the long term behavioral impairments associated with a TBI? emotional dis-inhibition: inappropriate emotional reactions impulsiveness physical or verbal aggression apathy/lack of concern sexual inappropriateness irritability, low frustration tolerance egocentrincity what are the factors to consider with behavioral impairments after a TBI? pre-morbid personalty: they wern't a dick before the accident and now they are physical, cognitive and emotional affects: depression, anxiety... nature of the social environment: supportive family, do they have insurance? what are the communication impairments associated with a TBI? receptive aphasia (wernickes) expressive aphasia (brocas) dysarthria (trouble speaking not related to wernickes or brocas) auditory deficits impaired reading comprehension impaired written expression what are the visual/perceptual impairments associated with a TBI? damage to cranial nerves or occipital region visual: heminanopsia (loss of visual field) Cortical blindness (damage to occipital lobe) perceptual: spatial neglect, apraxia, somatagnosia, left-right discrimination contractures, skin breakdown, DVT's, hetertopic ossification, muscle atrophy, decreased bone density, decreased endurance, infection, pneumonia, post-traumatic seizures, cardiovascular issues, and GI & GU issues are all what? secondary impairments to TBI what is considered severe on the glasgow coma scale? <= 8 what is considered moderate on the glasgow coma scale? 9-12 what is considered mild on the glasgow coma scale? 13-15 when someone in a coma: 1) randomly opens eyes 2) opens eyes to verbal cues 3) opens eyes to pain 4) doesnt open eyes at all what would you rate them? random:  4 verbal cues:  3 pain:  2 doesnt open eyes:  4 when someone in a coma: 1) follows motor commands 2) localizes motor response 3) withdrawals due to stimulus 4) abnormal flexion due to stimulus 5) extensor response due to stimulus 6) no response to stimulus What would you rate them? follows: 6 localizes: 5 withdrawals: 4 flexion: 3 extensor: 2 no response: 1 when someone in a coma is: 1) oriented with a verbal response 2) has a confused conversation 3) uses inappropriate words 4) incoprehensible sounds 5) no verbal response What would you rate them? oriented: 5 confused: 4 inappropriate: 3 incomprehensible: 2 no response: 1 Why is the ranchos los amigos scale for levels of cognitive function important to us? helps us identify progress and plan treatment T/F: a pt. can skip phases or get stuck within a phase on the RLA scale for levels of cognitive fucntion true What is typical medical treatment for someone with a TBI? immediate medical attention prevention of secondary damage manage secondary injuries control seizures Would you want to lay a person with increased ICP flat on their back? HELL NO!!! when are issues with increased ICP most prevelant? within the first week s/p injury decreased responsivness impaired consciousness severe HA vomiting irritability pupiledema changes in vitals= increased BP and decreased HR These are s/s that sound familar to what? increased intercrainial pressure What does it mean if the ICP drops after you stand a pt. up? they have a CSF leak what are the activities that can increase ICP? cervical flexion head down position coughing precussion & vibration what are the general intervention guidelines for someone with a TBI? emphasis on motivation and promoting independence focus on orientation of the patient and behavior modification repetition and structure are very important compensatory stratigies and family education avoid over stimulation and use calm tones Therapy for TBI pt.'s should be focused on? goals functional recreational What do want to focus on with a pt. who is ranchos I-III? improve arousal through sensory stimulation (light, sound, and smell) managing effects of abnormal tone and spasticity early transition to sitting postures (upright is best) increase level of alertness and physical function reduce risk of secondary impairents motor control is imporved manage the effects of tone improve postural tone increase tolerance of activities and postions joint integrity and mobility maintence (PROM and AROM) educate family and caregivers coordinate care are general goals for what ranchos phase? I-III What is the key for ranchos phase I-III? choose activites that address several goals at once what is level IV of ranchos? confused-agitated improve patients endurance maintain integrity and mobility reduce secondary impairments increase tolerance to activities prevent agitated outburst and assist patient in controlling their behavior What level of ranchos is this? IV with ranchos level IV what do you not want to focus on and what do you want to focus on? dont: focus on new learning do: behavorial modification program with ranchos level IV what should you expect? no carryover, egoccentricity, limited attention span with a pt. who is level IV ranchos, what is it important to inform the family on? the behavior is a result of the injury, not of the family increase performance of functional mobility and ADL skills improve gait, mobility, and balance increase motor control and postural control increase strength and endurance improve safety with functional mobility These are the goals of what level of ranchos? level V & VI: confused-inappropriate (V) and confused appropriate (VI) What type of practice is better suited for level V & VI of ranchos? distributed practice: spending time practicing one thing, moving to something else, then back to the first thing What type of feedback is better for level V and VI ranchos? explicit typically most beneficial but don't overwhelm the patient with info What type of approach would you use with level V and VI? compensatory, restorative, TOA At what ranchos level is the pt. typically discharged from the impatient setting? VII & VIII What is emphasis placed on during levels VII & VIII? intergrating the cognitive, physical, and emotional skills necessary to function in the community further education of patient and family safety is improved functional mobility and ADL's improved return to leisure and work activities motor control, balance and postural control improved improved self management and level of supervison decreases These are general goals for what level of ranchos? VII & VIII what do you call level VII & VIII of ranchos? VII: automatic appropriate VIII: purposeful appropriate what may precipate a seizure? hypoglycemia fatigue stress (emotional or physical) fever constipation stimulant drugs withdrawal of depressant drugs (including alcohol) respiratory distress blinking lights and loud noises what are the 2 ways a seizure can end? fatigue of synapses inhibition by other parts of brain what are seizures produced by? overexcite-ability (hyperactivity of some part of the CNS) What can seizures due to secondary causes lead to? epilepsy if they cause long term brain damage In essence what can cause seizures? any type of insult to the brain what are the two classifications of seizures? partial: begin locally; one hemisphere is involved generalized: both hemisphere involved; consciousness is always impaired or lost what are the two types of partial seizures? simple partial: no loss of consciousness complex partial: consciousness impaired what are the two types of generalized seizures? petit mal (absence): most common form of epilepsy in children; "drift off into space" for a few seconds, often have no clue they zoned out grand mal (tonic clonic): most common form of epilepsy in adults what is a partial seizure with secondary generalization? complex partial that become tonic clonic as the seizure progresses what is status epilepticus? medical emergency in which there are repeated seizures with no recovery from postictal state (no return to full consciousness) between periods of seizure activity. typically seizures occur every 10-30 minutes what is a aura? partial seizure experienced as percular sensation preceding onset of generalized seizure (smell, sound..) what is prodroma? early clinical manifestations such as malasie, HA, or sense of depression, that may occur hours to few days before onset of seizure what is the tonic phase of a seizure? state of muscle contraction in which there is excessive muscle tone what is clonic phase of a seizure? state of alternating contraction and relxation of muscles what is the postictal state? And, what must happen before this state is over time period immediately following cessation of seizure activity regain consciouness, feel good, moving around What do you do if your patient has a seizure? time it: even if they have a known seizure disorder clear environment make comfortable If your patient is having a seizure, do you want to put something in their mouth to keep them from biting their tongue? NO! if someone starts vomiting of foaming at the mouth during a seizure what do you wan to do? get them on their side When is a seizure an emergency? >5 minutes (neurons not fatiguing, brain damage can occur) 1st known seizure status eplipeticus What three things must be preserved with a partial seizure? awareness, memory, consciousness if awareness, memory or consciousness isnt preserved during a seizure, what type of seizure is that/ complex parital What are the s/s of a temporal lobe seizure? unusual feelings abnormal sensations forced thinking what are the physical sensations of a aura? dizziness HA lightheadedness numbness upset stomach tingleing up the body fear/panic what two types of feelings are common with a complex seizure? deja vu: familiar feelings sha ma vu: unfamiliar feelings