contract to reduce in size by drawing together retire to retreat, as from battle dowdy lacking in neatneess or style; shabby genealogy the science or study of family descent manumit to grant freedom to slaves; to emancipate lopsided larger or shaped differently on one side than on another precipitate moving rapidly and without caution duress strain or hardship, often illegally applied arable suitable for growing crops (of land) alacrity cheerful willingness; switfness sensuous appealing to the senses; esp. those involved in appreciating beauty cavort to leap about in a lively manner; to have lively or boisterous fun diffident lacking self-confidence; timid; shy maelstrom a violently confused state; a very large whirlpool retract to take back; to pull back mean lowly, insignificant, petty belated delayed; postponed; detained crestfallen feeling disappointment; feeling shame or humiliation vindicate to clear of blame with supporting arguments or proof taut tense; very tight subordinate occupying a lower position parody a humorous and ridiculous imitation accrue to come as a gain; to increase endemic native to a particular country credit to believe; to trust palatable pleasant or acceptable to the taste extract to remove, esp. with effort pathetic arousing pity; arousing scornful pity vie to compete olfactory relating to the sense of smell trauma serious physical or emotional injury adulterate to make impure ocular relating to the eye or sense of sight alchemy medieval chemistry, esp. the attempt to change common metals into gold commensurate equal in proportion; having the same size, duration, etc. dredge to clean, deepen, or widen a waterway; to come up with or unearth anecdote a brief story, often humorous fervid extremely emotional; passionate disparate entirely unlike hyperbole exaggeration forthright direct and without evasion; honest temperate consistent; moderate; without extremes attract to pull towards; to stimulate interest schism a division; a split; a break ubiquitous present everywhere deride to ridicule collage an assembly of diverse elements bourgeoisis the middle class husband to use sparingly; to converse frugal careful in spending money or resource