Bio 1215 Lab 2 (part 2)

  1. Differences between monocot and eudicot
    monocots: - single cotyledon-vascular bundles irregularly distributed in cross section of the stem-parallel veins in the leaves-flower parts in multiples of three.- lack of true secondary growth - in root vascular bundles arranged in a ring- Roots are adventitious (=the radicle aborts and new roots arise adventitiously from nodes in the stem)eudicots:- two cotyledons - Flower parts in multiples of four or five - Major leaf veins reticulated-Stem vascular bundles in a ring-in root vascular bundles arranged in middle of the plant-Roots develop from radicle (=In most dicots the root develops from the lower end of the embryo, from a region known as the radicle. The radicle gives rise to an apical meristem which continues to produce root tissue for much of the plant's life.)-Secondary growth often present
  2. Deifne Alternation of Generations?
    All plants have a multicellular haploid gametophyte that alternates with a multicellular diploid (2n) sporophyte.
  3. How does the multicellular haploid gametophyte produce gametes?
    By mitosis
  4. What happens after fertilization of plant life cycle?
    After fertilization, the diploid zygotes grows to become a multicellular sporophyte, which produces haploid (1n) spores by meiosis.
  5. How does is the haploid spores produced by?
  6. Define dominant for bio
    The generation that is largest in size and longest lasting is called dominant.
  7. By definition what are non vascular plants?
    Plants that lack vascular tissue and are considered quite primitive.They are terrestrial and are always small
  8. what is each nonvascular plant called? and what does it lack?
    Each plant is called a thallus and it lacks tree stems, roots, or leaves.
  9. What does non vascular plants use for reproduction and why is it a disadvantage?
    It uses falgellated sperm for reproduct, which restricts them to wet environments because the sperm must have water to swim in .
  10. What are two examples of nonvascular plants?
    Moss and liverworts
  11. What is something that both moss and liverwort have in common?
    They both have photosynthetic gametophyte generations that produce archegonia and antheridia.
  12. Describe and give the function of archegonia and antheridia
    archegonium = short tubular structures, each produces one egg, female "ovaries" of the plants

    antheridium = small bags of sperm , male "testies" of plants
  13. Whats the difference between sporophyte generation of moss and liverwort?
    Sporophyte generation of moss is clearly visible but liverwort is not easily observed by the naked eye.
  14. What is a sporophyte?
    A long slender stalk with a capsule(sporangium) at the tip.
  15. Where is the archegonia and antheridia in moss?
    At the tops of the gametophyte plants
  16. What happens after the moss egg is fertilized?
    the 2n zygote develops into a sporophyte
  17. What do the capsule in moss produce?
    Meiosis in the capsule produces haploid spores
  18. What type of cell division occurs in the capsule of moss?
  19. What is the unique ability that makes moss plants successful on land?
    When moss lose water or dry out they dont' die but go dormant. And when rain comes, they rehydrate and come "back alive"
  20. In liverworts, what produces the gemmae cups?
    the flat thallus (gametophyte generation)
  21. In liverworts, what produces the archegonia and antheridia?
    The umbrella-like structures
  22. In liverworts, the gemmae cups contain small green gammae that do what?
    Each small green gemmae grows into a new haploid liverwort plant
  23. What is the function of a gemmae cup?
    Thallose liverworts also produce gemma cups (splash cups) on the top of the leaves that function in asexual reproduction. Each gemma cup produces numerous tiny gemmae that are released to the environment when the cup fills with water or when raindrops splash them out. Gemmae grow into new plants.
  24. Why must ferns live ina moist environment?
    So egg/sperm cells can join, since water is essential for sperm to swim to egg.
  25. What is the dominant generation in mosses and liverworts?
  26. What is the dominant generation in mosses and liverworts?
    Sporophyte life cycle
  27. What are the two general groups of seed plants? And define? and what phylum are they from?
    1. Gymnosperms are plants that produce naked seedsPhylum = Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Gnetophya ( only a few living species; many are only seen as fossils) Coniferophyta = many living species

    2. Angiosperms are flowering plants that produce fruits that contain seeds. Angiosperms are comprised of members of Phylum Anthophyta (divided into Monocots and Eudiocots
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Bio 1215 Lab 2 (part 2)
lab 2