KCS Exam - Unit 6

  1. What are the various roles involved in implementation of KCS?
    • Sponsor
    • KCS Coordinator/Manager
    • KCS Program Team
    • Management
    • KCS Pilot Team
    • KCS I / KCS Candidate
    • KCS II / KCS Contributor
    • KCS III / KCS Publisher
    • KCS Coach
    • Knowledge Domain Expert
    • KCS Council
  2. Who is responsible for providing visions, objectives, and resources to the KCS Implementation?
  3. Who is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the KCS Implementation?
    KCS Coordinator/Manager
  4. Who is responsible for designing the implementation of KCS?
    KCS Program Team
  5. Who is responsible for motivating and support the KCS Implementation?
  6. Who is responsible piloting the process and evangelizing KCS?
    KCS Pilot Team
  7. Who is responsible for using and contributing knowledge?
    KCS I / KCS Candidate
  8. Who is responsible for using, contributing, enhancing, and approving knowledge.
    KCS II / KCS Contributor
  9. Who is responsible for using, contributing, enhancing, and publishing knowledge.
    KCS III / KCS Publisher
  10. Who is responsible for monitoring and mentoring the process and people.
    KCS Coach
  11. Who is responsible monitoring and enhancing the knowledge base health.
    Knowledge Domain Expert
  12. Who is responsible for assuming ongoing management.
    KCS Council
  13. What are the benefits of having defined roles and responsibilities?
    • Sets the expectation that everyone involved is responsible for the success of the program
    • Is a top down, bottom up implementation which involves many different people within the organization
    • Enables accountability
  14. What role is responsible for the following?
    - Understanding the basics of KCS and knowing how to interact with the knowledge base to capture experience and capitalize on the collective experience of an organization
    - Being familiar with search techniques
    Using existing knowledge articles
    Adding new articles as work in progress or draft
    Flagging existing articles that need to be enhanced or corrected
    KCS I / KCS Candidate
  15. What role is responsible for the following?
    - All of the KCS Candidate responsibilities
    - Fixing articles on demand
    - Reviewing, finishing, and modifying articles frames by the KCS Candidates to adhere to the content standard
    KCS II / KCS Contributor
  16. What role is responsible for the following?
    - All of the KCS Contributor rights
    - Publishing to the Web for self-service (external)
    KCS III / KCS Publisher
  17. What role is responsible for the following?
    - Being a change agent in KCS adoption process
    - Helping people develop KCS competencies
    - Performing regular knowledge monitoring
    Providing ongoing feedback to users and management of KCS skill development
    - Providing ongoing feedback to users and management of KCS skill development
     - Encouraging analysts to use the content standard to create and improve knowledge
    - Helping the KCS Candidate understand the problem-solving process and how to integrate the knowledge management process into the incident management process
    - Providing feedback to the knowledge-developing organization
    - Possibly serving as a member of the KCS Council
    KCS Coach
  18. The following are a characteristic of which role?
    - Positive motivator
    - Working knowledge of KCS practices and principles
    - Strong communication skills
    - Strong influence skills
    - Demonstrated success with KCS practices
    - Exceeding article quality requirements
    - Promoting the development of peoples' abilities
    - Being comfortable working with others
    - Being highly regarded by others
    - Being patient and thoughtful
    KCS Coach
  19. What are the benefits of the KCS coaching program?
    • Competency development in the workflow based on analyst's abilities
    • Changing behaviors through the use of soft skills
    • Facilitating continual organizational change and process improvement
  20. What role is responsible for the following?
    - Managing the health of the knowledge base for a specific domain
    - Working with coaches and other KM teams - may serve as a member of the KCS Council
    - Analyzing knowledge usage and perform problem management activities
    - Performing knowledge normalization
    - Developing advanced knowledge such as diagnostic structures where warranted
    - Determining when knowledge is obsolete and should be archived
    - Ensuring effective knowledge base operations (and making recommendations to KCS Council)
    Advocating changes necessary to maintain the knowledge base
    Providing feedback to knowledge creators
    Developing evolve loop articles
    Having both technical expertise in the domain and a profound understanding of KCS processes
    Knowledge Domain Expert
  21. What role is responsible for the following?
    - Defining and communicating the vision
    - Gaining executive approval and launching the KCS initiative
    - Funding and resource control
    KCS Sponsor
  22. What role is responsible for the following?
    - Serving as the project manager during implementation
    - Serving as facilitator/lead for KCS Council
    - Administrating system rights with the knowledge management system
    Coordinating with IT, vendors, management, and support partners
    - Being the escalation point for all process and technology issues
    - Managing KCS Coaches and Domain Managers (usually matrix management)
    - Ensuring performance assessment is implemented (metrics, reports, incentives, rewards, recognition)
    KCS Manager / Coordinator
  23. What role is responsible for the following?
    - Development of the foundation for the implementation, such as the content standard, performance assessment plan, communications plan, technology plan, roles and responsibilities plan
    - Conduct and oversee the pilot
    - Design of the roll-out plan
    - Development of the appropriate training for the implementation
    - Representation of all members of the support organization
    - Evangelize KCS
    KCS Program Team
  24. What role is responsible for the following?
    - Having a clear understanding of organization's purpose, values, and goals and how to achieve them
    - Communicating the vision, purpose, and objectives
    Supporting people to ensure that work is done
    - Taking responsibility for performance drivers
    - Encouraging participation by and feedback from the analysts
    - Assuring alignment to business objectives
    - Recognizing positive behavior and addressing negative behavior
  25. The following should be considered when identifying what?
    - Identify a team of members dedicated for a fixed duration (phase of plan), and the extended team of members who have specialized areas of contribution to be utilized
    - Influence others
    - Willingness to support change
    - Representatives of various support teams, such as multiple locations, multiple levels, support partners
    - Representatives from management, analysts, and IT
    - Potential to service as a KCS Coach or Domain Manager
    - Time and commitment
    KCS Program Team
  26. What role is responsible for the following?
    - Piloting and processes and technology
    - Seeding the knowledge base
    - Providing feedback on processes so adjustments (continuous improvement) may be made
    - Ability/competency to serve as KCS Coaches during full implementation
    - Evangelizing KCS
    KCS Pilot Team
  27. The following should be considered when identifying what?
    - Multiple locations
    - Multiple support levels
    - Ability to influence others - their success will encourage others to participate
    - Risk to success - commitment and support from their management is required
    - Potential to service as KCS Coaches
    - Ability to coordinate regular feedback during the pilot
    - Willingness to support change
    KCS Pilot Team
  28. What role is responsible for the following?
    - Forum for continuous improvement of content standard, practices, processes, and feedback and reporting systems
    - Change advisory board for the knowledge management processes
    KCS Council
  29. Identify the members of the KCS Council?
    • Knowledge Manager/Coordinator
    • KCS Coaches
    • Knowledge Domain Experts
    • Management representation
  30. What are the core concepts of the KCS Competency model?
    • An individual's KCS knowledge and demonstrated competency defines system rights and privileges
    • Individuals receive a KCS License once skills are demonstrated
    • Some in the organization will stay as readers/framers while others evolve
  31. A defined set of access rights that an individual earns by demonstrating their ability to contribute quality articles as well as follow and understand the KCS practices.
    KCS License
  32. To obtain a KCS License, one must have?
    • Demonstrated an understanding of support for KCS
    • Demonstrated a proven ability to add knowledge that satisfies the quality requirements
    • Being recognized as a KCS II / KCS Contributor or KCS III / KCS Publisher
  33. What are the benefits of the KCS competency model?
    • Empowers users
    • Gives everyone equal opportunity to create quality knowledge based on their own skills
    • Promotes recognition
    • Promotes accountability
  34. Name the three (3) components of the performance model?
    • Performance Drivers or Motivators
    • Leading Indicators or Activities
    • Business Results or Outcomes
  35. What should be considered when developing a performance model?
    • Identify leading indicators (activities)
    • Identify desired lagging indicators (outcomes)
    • Understand the goals and objectives
    • Ensure players have visibility to trends
    • Each individual is responsible for managing their own performance. emphasis should be put on leadership,. Performance measurement must be clearly linked to strategic objectives of company
    • Timeline of performance feedback to analysts
    • Alignment of KCS objectives to organizational goals
    • Performance measurements must be clearly linked to the strategic objectives of the company
  36. List common examples of leading indicators.
    • Average Speed of Answer (ASA)
    • Average Handle Time (AHT)
    • Talk time
    • Number of knowledge articles created
    • Number of knowledge articles reused
    • Citations
    • Competency development
    • Participation
  37. List examples of business results.
    • Revenue/profit
    • Customer loyalty/satisfaction
    • Employee retention/loyalty
    • Cost per resolution
  38. Identify considerations for leading indicators (activities) and business results (outcomes).
    • Goals should not be attached to leading indicators or activities. The goals will be met but the desired business result or outcome will be overlooked
    • Activities should be monitored and trended with a balanced perspective but not goaled
    • Business results should be linked to goals
  39. Tools required to support process integration are:
    • Tools must function at the peed of conversation
    • Integration of tools (e.g., knowledge management with incident management or CRM, self-service portals, emails, chat, etc.) is required to obtain effectiveness and efficiencies
    • Support the structured problem solving process
  40. The following principles are practices in the _____________ _____________.
    - Structured problem solving
    Seamless technology integration, between knowledge management incident management and other systems
    Search technology is required to find relevant articles
    Integration of the article creation as part of the problem solving (incident resolution) process
    A closed loop feedback system - best practice feedback is used for continuous improvement to the process
    Processes are defined, documented, and improved
    Process Integration
  41. A set of actions or activities that are performed to achieve an end-goal or result.
  42. Three (3) key steps to structured problem solving (SPS)?
    • Literal - 'seek to understand'
    • Diagnosis - 'search early search often'
    • Research - 'added'
  43. What are the integration requirements between the incident management system and the knowledge management system?
    • Search
    • Link
    • View
    • Contribute
    • Collaborate
  44. What are the results of knowledge management integration with problem management?
    • Articles reuse can assist in identifying problems for analysis based on reoccurring incidents related to the problem.
    • Knowledge articles are enhanced when problem management discovers the root cause, a workaround, or a fix.
Card Set
KCS Exam - Unit 6
Knowledge-Centered Support Certification Exam - Unit 6