Ethics vocabulary.txt

    • author "Rachel"
    • tags "Ethics and legal issues in Counseling"
    • folders ""
    • description "Ethics vocabulary"
    • fileName "Ethics vocabulary"
    • Ethics
    • Ideal standards set by a profession
  1. Law
    Rules that govern people within a community, what the government says we can and cannot do.
  2. Values
    Beliefs and attitudes that give direction to life.
  3. Morality
    Perspectives of right and wrong
  4. Community standards
    Criteria set by a community - what's professional and appropriate
  5. Reasonableness
    Care that is usually given by others in a profession
  6. Professionalism
    Behavior expected of a professional person
  7. Unethical
    Professional behavior that violates the code of ethics for that profession.
  8. Mandatory ethics
    The basics of the code of ethics within a profession - minimal standards.
  9. Aspirational ethics
    The highest standards of thinking and behavior - going above and beyond the minimum ethics standards.
  10. Principle ethics
    Set of obligations and methods that focus on moral issues to solve a problem and establish a framework to guide future ethical thinking and behavior.
  11. Virtue ethics
    Character traits of the counselor and ideals that professionals aspire..."am I doing what is best for the client"
  12. Pro bono
    Providing a service w no expectations of financial gain
  13. Autonomy
    The freedom of clients to pick their own direction.
  14. Non-maleficence
    Avoiding no harm.
  15. Beneficence
    Promoting good for others
  16. Justice
    The moral principle of striving to be fair by giving equally to others.
  17. Fidelity
    Moral principle- professionals make honest promises and keep the promises.
  18. Veracity
    Moral principle- professionals seek to be truthful, honest, and accurate.
  19. Self-care
    Taking adequate care of ourselves so that we can implement virtues and ethical principles.
  20. Social constructionist model of ethical decision makimg
    Focuses on social aspects of decision making in counseling
  21. Feminist model
    Emphasizes equalization of power and striving for maximum involvement of the client at every stage
  22. Transcultural integrative ethical decision making model
    Emphasizes the need for including cultural factors when solving ethical decisions
  23. Expriential learning
    Giving students opportunities to share life experience, values, and personal concerns in a group setting
  24. Transference
    Client's unconscious shifting to the therapist negative or positive feelings, attitudes, and fantasies rom another person in the client's life
  25. Counter-transference
    Projections by the therapist that distort the way they see and react to the client...therapists unconscious emotional response to the client.
  26. Stress
    An event(s) leading to strain which leads to mental and physical health problems
  27. Empathy fatigue
    Common to professionals who treat survivors of stressful/traumatic events.
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Ethics vocabulary.txt
Vocabulary for ethics