GEOG 5520 Final

  1. The threshold for determining poverty status varies with

    D. all of the above
  2. The index of dissimilarity can range from 

    C. 0 to 1
  3. If the proportions of two ethnic groups in a given area are the same, the dissimilarity index will be 

    D. 0
  4. The Index of Dissimilarity is calculated as 
    D = (Σ ni |pi - P|) / (2NP(1-P)), where
    ni is 

    D. the total number of people for the ith unit
  5. The Index of Dissimilarity is calculated as 
    D = (Σ ni |pi - P|) / (2NP(1-P)), where N is 

    D. total number of people
  6. The Index of Dissimilarity is calculated as 
    D = (Σ ni |pi - P|) / (2NP(1-P)), where pi is 

    B.  percentage of a demographic group for the ith unit
  7. The Index of Dissimilarity is calculated as 
    D = (Σ ni |pi - P|) / (2NP(1-P)), where P is 

    C.  percentage of the group over all areas
  8. True or false: standard ellipses, but not standard circles, can be used for computing a segregation index.

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False
  9. In the segregation index, _ stands for complete separation and _ for complete overlap.

    B. 0; 1
  10. Which of the following refers to the differential distribution of two social groups among areal units in a city?

    B. Evenness
  11. True or false: evenness is minimized and segregation maximized when all areal units have the same proportion of minority and majority residents as the city as a whole. 

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False
  12. The most widely used measure of ___________ is the index of dissimilarity.

    C. evenness
  13. _______________ refers to the degree of potential contact between various demographic groups within geographic areas of a city.

    A. Exposure
  14. __________ refers to the relative amount of physical space occupied by a minority group in the urban environment.

    A. Concentration
  15. The degree to which areal units of a city inhabited by a minority group adjoin each other is called

    C. clustering.
  16. True or false: the D-index, in its original version, has a spatial dimension to it.

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False
  17. True or false: the D-index is the most widely used measure of segregation.

    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
  18. When data at different scale levels or resolutions yield different results, this is known as ________________.

    A. the scale effect
  19. MAUP stands for

    D. Modifiable areal unit problem
  20. True or false: the D-index is no good at capturing the evenness of the population.

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False
  21. True or false: the D-index would show a "checkerboard" city to be perfectly segregated.

    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
  22. Which dimension of segregation is currently believed to be the most important? 

    B. Evenness
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GEOG 5520 Final
Terms and concepts for the final exam in GIS Modeling of the Urban Environment.