Chapter 1 and 2

  1. Differences of opinion and views of drugs and drug use often result from

    a. prior socialization experiences
    b. the amount of exposure to drugs and drug use
    c. the initial age of exposure to drug use
    d. all of the above
  2. Drug use is a societal issure that dates back as far as

    a. 2240 B.C.
    b. the beginning of recorded time
    c. 500 B.C.
    d. the 1960's
  3. In Chapter 1, which of the following is not specifically listed as a factor that affects how a user experiences a drug?

    a. cultural factors
    b. personal factors
    c. contextual factors
    d. social factors
  4. The belief that attitudes about drug use develop from the values and attitudes of other drug users, the norms in the community, subcultures, peer groups, families, and personal experience is known as _________.

    a. pharmacological factors
    b. social factors
    c. cultural factors
    d. contextual factors
  5. Which of the following is not a major reason why people use drugs?

    a. to relieve stress and escape
    b. users believe it improves work performance
    c. drugs are less costly today than ever before
    d. searching for pleasure
  6. 6. Substances that affect the central nervous system and alter consciousness and/or perception are pharmacologically known as .

    A. psychoactive drugs
    B. affective drugs
    C. licit drugs
    D. drugs
  7. 7. A cause of all ills is often referred to as .

    A. panacea
    B. disease
    C. panpathogen
    D. a black-box effect
  8. 8. Licit drugs are drugs that are .

    A. designer drugs
    B. legal
    C. illegal
    D. approved by the FDA
    E. All of the above
  9. 9. When one considers the use of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, one finds that over of the U.S. population use different types of drugs on a daily basis.

    A. 75%
    B. 88%
    C. 94%
    D. 98%
  10. 10. The belief that almost all abusers of more powerfully addictive drugs have first experimented with alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, is also known as __________ theory.

    A. adjunct
    B. designer
    C. illicit
    D. gateway
  11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of substance dependence?

    A. deviant behavior
    B. tolerance
    C. withdrawal
    D. social learning model
  12. ___________ drugs refer to types of drugs that lead to the use of other types of drugs.

    A. Addictive
    B. Gateway
    C. High pressure
    D. Predisposition
  13. Which of the following is not one of the phases of addiction?

    A. maintaining or “taking care of business”
    B. escalation
    C. relapsing
    D. ex-addict
    E. experimentation
  14. Drugs prescribed by a physician to prevent or treat symptoms are generally referred to as __________ .

    A. OTC drugs
    B. medicines
    C. prescriptions
    D. narcotics
  15. The prevailing concept or model of addiction in the United States is the .

    A. moral model
    B. disease model
    C. deviant model
    D. social learning model
  16. Hallucinogens often affect the sense(s) involved with .

    A. hearing
    B. vision
    C. smell
    D. A and B only
    E. All of the above
  17. High blood pressure, arrhythmia, and cirrhosis are symptoms from the chronic use of what drug?

    A. heroin
    B. alcohol
    C. cocaine
    D. marijuana
  18. Explanations of addiction in terms of genetics, brain dysfunction, and biochemical patterns are termed .

    A. genetic and biophysiological theories
    B. dysfunctional central nervous system theories
    C. psychoactive theories
    D. biological theories
  19. The active ingredient(s) in tobacco that is addictive, colorless, and a highly volatile alkaloid is __________.

    A. tar
    B. biogene
    C. nicotine
    D. All of the above
  20. THC is the primary psychoactive ingredient in .

    A. depressants like valium
    B. stimulants like cocaine
    C. LSD and Ecstasy
    D. marijuana
  21. The drug used to increase muscle mass but whose side effects include heart disease, liver cancer, high blood pressure, septic shock, impotence, genital atrophy, and mood swings is _____________.

    A. Demerol
    B. creatine
    C. anabolic steroids
    D. diatonic steroids
  22. This theory explains drug use as largely peer-generated activity:

    A. labeling theory
    B. social influence theory
    C. subculture theory
    D. structural influence theory
  23. The class of drugs known as inhalants include_________ .

    A. hashish and marijuana
    B. opium and powdered methamphetamine
    C. Ritalin
    D. gasoline and airplane glue
  24. Which of the following is not classified as a narcotic drug?

    A. opium
    B. morphine
    C. coldone
    D. codeine
  25. Drug abuse is a problem that some believe dates from .

    A. the Hammurabi Code in 2240 B.C.
    B. the early development of cities
    C. 16 century China
    D. the 1960s
  26. The idea that drug consumption is found across all income levels, social classes, races, ethnicities, lifestyles, and age groups refers to drugs as .

    A. an inherent problem
    B. a dynamic affliction
    C. an equal-opportunity affliction
    D. a panacea
  27. ______________ refer to the chemical messengers released by the neurons for communicating with other cells.

    A. Synapses
    B. Dopamine sensors
    C. Neurotransmitters
    D. Neuromessengers
  28. According to Erich Goode, ___________refers to using licit drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine to achieve a certain mental or psychic state.

    A. legal instrumental
    B. legal recreational
    C. illegal instrumental
    D. illegal recreational
  29. Which of the following is not found in Erich Goode’s list of drug use types?

    A. legal instrumental
    B. legal recreational
    C. legal non recreational
    D. illegal recreational
  30. Which of the following is not one of the five classes of legal chemicals?

    A. social drugs
    B. prescription drugs
    C. over-the-counter drugs
    D. FDA-approved drugs
  31. What age group has the highest concentration of drug users and experimenters?

    A. 12–17
    B. 18–25
    C. 26–35
    D. 46–60
  32. ____________ can influence the affect alcohol has on the individual.

    A. Other drugs
    B. Fatigue or illness
    C. Gender
    D. All of the above
  33. Which Hispanic group had the highest use of illicit-types of drugs?

    A. Puerto Ricans
    B. Mexicans
    C. Cubans
    D. Central and South Americans
  34. The _________ refers to the major division of the nervous system composed of the brain and spinal cord.

    A. autonomic nervous system
    B. sympathetic nervous system
    C. parasympathetic nervous system
    D. central nervous system
  35. ___________ are known to view their drug use as necessary in order to have fun and they often use drugs in order to escape and postpone personal problems, and relieve stress and anxieties.

    A. Chippers
    B. Experimenters
    C. Compulsive users
    D. Regulars
  36. According to Chapter One, the principal social psychological factor in determining the presence of an individual’s drug abuse is .

    A. personal weakness
    B. motivation
    C. genetics
    D. environment
  37. ____________ is characterized by: excessive use, constant preoccupation with the availability and supply of the drug, refusal to admit excessive use, and reliance on the drug.

    A. Drug use
    B. Drug misuse
    C. Acute drug use
    D. Initial drug abuse
  38. The phase that is synonymous with addiction, where more of the drug is sought despite the presence of negative physical symptoms is .

    A. relief
    B. withdrawal
    C. dependency
    D. preoccupation
  39. Regarding drug use, which of the following is not a cost to society?

    A. Broken homes
    B. Loss of good minds from industries and professions
    C. Shortened lives
    D. All of the above are major costs to society
    E. Only A and B
  40. When reference is made to clandestine laboratories producing illicit-types of drugs, this generally refers to the production of .

    A. amphetamine-type drugs
    B. heroine-type drugs
    C. designer drugs
    D. LSD
    E. All of the above
  41. The principal federal agency responsible for enforcing drug abuse regulations is .

    A. DEA
    B. NIDA
    C. FBI
    D. ATF
  42. Because of its similarities to mental illness, the American Psychiatric Association has classified severe drug dependence as a ________ .

    A. form of psychiatric disorder
    B. genetically related abnormality
    C. behavioral expression symbolizing other problems
    D. form of alternative (deviant) behavior
  43. Which of the two popular views best reflects the long established relationship between drug use and crime?

    A. Criminal behavior develops as a means to support addiction.
    B. Criminality is inherently linked to the personality of the user and occurs independently from drug use.
    C. Criminal and most often violent behavior generally occurs once addiction is present.
    D. Both A and B.
  44. When one repeats a behavior to the point of it becoming established or commonplace, ________ has occurred.

    A. habituation
    B. conditioning
    C. repetition
    D. addiction
  45. The industrial category with the lowest rates of illicit drug use is found among_______ .

    A. utility
    B. educational services
    C. public administration
    D. All of the above
    E. Only A and B
  46. Among adults between ages 18 to 64, which of the following groups were more likely to use illicit drugs in the past month?

    A. Unemployed
    B. Part time employment
    C. Full time employment
    D. Other
  47. Drug abuse is influenced by multiple factors that could include:

    A. degree of attachment to the family
    B. inability to cope with stress
    C. quality of role models
    D. All of the above
  48. _________ theory assumes that drug use, like any other behavior, is learned.

    A. Social and bio-influence
    B. Structural influence
    C. Social learning
    D. Subculture
  49. ___________ can influence the affect alcohol has on the individual.

    A. Other drugs
    B. Fatigue or illness
    C. Gender
    D. All of the above
  50. Which of the following is not a common test for drug use?

    A. blood test
    B. urine test
    C. hair test
    D. pupil response test
Card Set
Chapter 1 and 2