Hist Test 2

  1. The fourteen points attempted to:
    provide a peace agenda to create a new democratic order
  2. Which act restricted the freedom of speech by authorizing the arrest of anyone who made "false statements" that might impede military success?
    The Espionage Act
  3. When Eugene Debs was sentenced under the Espionage Act, what did he tell the jury?
    That Americans in the past who spoke out against colonialism, slavery, and the Mexican War were not indicted or charged with treason
  4. Who fired their employees if they failed to comply with the standards set by the Sociological Department for Americanization?
    Ford Motor Company
  5. During the war, in which way did Americans react to German-Americans?
    all of the above
  6. The Gentlemen's Agreement did what?
    restricted Japanese immigration
  7. Which was NOT a technology used in World War One?
  8. "Birth of a Nation" was a film that
    Portrayed the Civil War, exalting the Ku Klux Klan
  9. Who led the black separatist movement?
    Marcus Garvey
  10. The attempt to improve the human species through controlled hereditary:
  11. This claimed the right of the U.S. to act as a police power in the Western Hemisphere
    The Roosevelt Corollary
  12. This was used by William Howard Taft rather than military intervention
    Dollar Diplomacy
  13. As war broke out in Europe, Americans were:
    Deeply divided
  14. In 1916, Woodrow Wilson
    was reelected when he promised not to send troops to Europe
  15. This Outlined the German plan for an attack on the U.S. by Mexico
    The Zimmerman Telegram
  16. This established the right of national self-determination
    The Fourteen Points
  17. This was the government's attempt to shape public opinion
    The Committee on Public Information
  18. Was part of a new, more militant generation of college-educated activists
    The National Women's Party
  19. Which amendment barred states from using sex as a qualification for voting?
    Nineteenth Amendment
  20. Which Amendment prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcholic beverages
    Eighteenth Amendment
  21. The Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act (1918) did what?
    Restricted freedom of speech
  22. The anti-German crusade included
    All of the Above
  23. Who Founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
    W.E.B. Dubois
  24. "The Great Migration" refers to
    Blacks moving from the South to the North
  25. This was never radified by the United States Senate
    The Treaty of Versailles
  26. American novelists like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway were part of the
    Lost Generation
  27. Which city was considered the "capital" of Black America?
  28. Herbert Hoover was
    All of the above
  29. Whhich issue became the focus of the 1928 presidential race?
    The fact that Alfred Smith was Catholic
  30. Hoover's response to the Depression was
    All of the Above
  31. What would NOT be considered a characteristic of a flapper?
    Advocated tempeance
  32. Which 1920s presidency was plagued with scandals?
    Warren Harding
  33. "Banned in Boston" referred to
    A book ban in the city, including the works of Ernest Hemngway
  34. This case upheld that the Espionage Act was constitutional
    Schneck v. United States
  35. This case overturned a law that stated public schools instruct classes in English
    Meyer v. Nebraska
  36. One of the most flamboyant of the fundamentalist preachers of the 1920s was
    Billy Sunday
  37. This Act stated that American women who married Asian men forfeited their nationality
    The Cable Act of 1922
  38. What were the National Catholic Welfare Council and the Anit-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith lobbying for in the 1920s?
    Laws prohibiting discrimination against immigrants by employers, colleges, and government agencies
  39. Slumming refered to
    Whites going to Harlem's dancehalls, jazz clubs, and speakeasies
  40. The bakcbone of economic growth during the 1920s was the increased consumption of
  41. This advocated company unions
    The American Plan
  42. This Was proposed by the National Women's Party
    The Equal Rights Amendment
  43. This involved the secretary of the interior, who recieved money in exchange for leasing government oil reserves to private companies
    The Teapot Dome Scandal
  44. This prohibited movies from depicting nudity, long kisses, and adultery
    The Hays Code
  45. This trial pitted creationists against evolutionists
    The Scopes trail of 1923
  46. This group Flourished in the 1920s, especially in the North and West
    The Ku Klux Klan
  47. This Act Set quotas that favored immigraion from northern and western Europe
    The 1924 Immigration Act
  48. Included writers and poets such as Langston Hughes and Claude McKay
    The Harlem Renaissance
  49. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff
    Raised taxes on imported goods
  50. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    Made loans to failing businesses
  51. The first thing that Rooselvelt attended as President was the
    banking crisis
  52. The New Deal concentrated ower in the hands of the
    The executive
  53. What did the American Libert League do?
    Protected FDR's policies
  54. Most historians argue that a recession reoccured in 1937 beacuse Roosevelt
    Cut government spending
  55. Which group wlecomed black members and advocated the passage of anti-lynching legislation and the return of voting rights to souther blacks?
    The Congress of Industrial Oragnizations
  56. Fearing the growth of the Coomunist Party in America, Congress passed the
    Smith Act
  57. What ended the Great depression?
    WWII Spending
  58. During the Roosevelt administration, the democratic party emerged into a coalition that included all of the following except?
    The business elite
  59. What phrase best describes Elenor Roosevelt's tenure as first lady?
    Redefined the role of first lady, championing women's rights, civil rights and human rights
  60. In John Steinbeck's piece about the Dust Bowl, he explained that the migrants were hated because
    All of the Above
  61. In his 1932 campaign for the residency, FDR promised American;s a policy change that he called
    The new deal
  62. Immediately after his inaugural, Roosevelt
    halted all bankign operations
  63. This Act established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    The Glass-Steagall Act
  64. This organization put young men to work in national parks
    The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
  65. This organization combined economic lanning with releif
    The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
  66. This Act Raised farm prices by establishing quotas and paying farmers not to plant more
    The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
  67. He was the head of the "End poverty in California" movement
    Upton Sinclair
  68. This movement was led by Louisianna senetor Huey Long and gained a national following
    The "Share our Wealth" movement
  69. The Second New Deal focused on
    economic security
  70. This act created the National Labor Relations Board
    The Wagner Act
  71. This Act included old age pensions, unemplyment relief and aid to dependent children
    The Social Security Act of 1935
  72. The "Court-Packing" Plan was
    criticized by many
  73. This relied on large scale government spending
    Keynesian Economics
  74. This included the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
    The Indian New Deal
  75. The Scottsboro case....
    reflected the racism that was prevelent in the south during the 1930's
Card Set
Hist Test 2
Quizes 4-6, Ch. 19-21