
  1. A complete nerve, consists of numerous fascicles and their blood supply, is held together by a fiberous coat called the:
    C. Epineurium
  2. Small, distinct regions of gray matter within the CNS are usually called:
    B. Nuclei
  3. Nerves that contain mostly efferent fibers are called:
    B. Motor Nerves
  4. Which of the following are classified as nerve fibers?
    • C. Both A and B.
    • ( axon and dendrites)
  5. Which of the following conduct impulses towards the cell body?
    B. Dendrites
  6. A neuron with one axon and several dendrites is a:
    A. Multipolar neuron
  7. Gray matter in the CNS consists of:
    D. Cell bodies
  8. Most nerves in the human nervous system are:
    C. Mixed nerves
  9. Which type of neuron lies entirely within the CNS?
    C. Interneuron
  10. Which sequence best represents the course of impulse over a reflex arc?
    D. Receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, efferent.
  11. Compared with the inside of the cell, the outside of most cell membranes is
    A. Positive
  12. The difference in electrical chrage across a plasma membrane is called:
    B. Membrane potential
  13. A neuron's resting membrane potential is
    B. -70 mV
  14. Which of the following statements is true concerning the sodium-potassium pump?
    A. Three (3) sodium ions are pumped out of the neuron for every two (2) potassium ions.
  15. During a relative refractory period:
    B. An action potential is possible only in response to a very strong stimulus
  16. Voltage-gated channels are:
    B. Membrane channels that open in response to voltage fluctuations.
  17. When the current leaps across an insulating myelin sheath from node of Ranvier to node Ranvier, the type of impulse conduction is:
    C. Saltatory conduction
  18. Which of the following structures is NOT a component of a chemical synapse?
    C. Neurotransmitter
  19. A synopatic knob is located on the:
  20. Which of the following is true of spatial summation?
    A. Neurotransmitters released simulaneously from several presynaptic knobs.
  21. Neurotransmitters are released in a synapse and bind to:
    C. Base of the axon
  22. The main chemical classes of neurotransmitters include all of the following excpect:
    C. Norepinephrine.
  23. Which of the following is NOT an example of amine neurotransmitter?
  24. Severe depression can be caused by a deficit in ehich of the following neurotransmitters?
    C. Amines
  25. Which of the following is NOT a catecholamine?
    D. Serotonin
  26. From superficial to deep, which is the correct order of loaction of the meninges?
    A. Dura mater, arachnoid membrane, pia mater.
  27. The falx cerebri seperates the:
    C. Two hemispheres of the cerebrum.
  28. The cerebrospinal fluid resides in the:
    B. Subarachnoid space.
  29. Formation of the cerebrospinal fluid occures mainly in the:
    C. Choroid pleuses
  30. The lateral ventricles are located within the:
    A. Cerebrum
  31. CSF is absorbed into the venous blood via the:
    D. Arachnoid villus
  32. Cerebrospinal fluid is NOT found in the:
    D. Subdural space
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Quiz Questions