Ear notes

  1. Auricle (Pinna)
    External Ear

    Helps collect sound waves and direct them towards the external auditory canal
  2. External Auditory Canal (meatus)
    External Ear

    Houses hair and ceruminous glands
  3. Tympanic Membrane

    External Ear

    Seprates the external ear from the middle ear
  4. Ceruminous Glands
    External Ear

    Produces cerum (earwax) which traps dust and objects
  5. Malleus

    Middle Ear

    Transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the incus
  6. Incus

    Middle Ear

    Transmit sound vibrations from the malleus to the stapes
  7. Stapes

    Middle Ear

    Transmit sound from the incus to the membrane of the inner ear
  8. Auditory Canal
    (eustachian tube)
    Middle Ear

    Equalizes air pressure between the outside air and the middle ear cavity
  9. Bony Labyrinth
    Inner Ear

    Contains perilymph
  10. Cochlear
    Part of the Bony Lab.

    Inner Ear

  11. Scala Vestibuli
    Part of the cochlear

    Conducts sound vibrations to the cochlear duct
  12. Scala Tympani
    Part of the cochlear

    Conducts sound vibrations
  13. Vestibule, Semicircular Canals, Oval Window, Round Window
    Part of the Bony Lab.

    Inner Ear

    Round Window- protects the inner ear from pressure buildup and dissipates sound waves
  14. Membranous Labyrinth
    Inner Ear

    Contains endolymph
  15. Cochlear Duct
    Part of the Mem. Lab.

    • Contains:
    • Vestibular membrane

    Organ of Corti (spiral organ)- consists of inner and outer hair cells that attaches to the tectorial membrane

    • Hair Cells- inner hair- hearing
    • outer hair- regulating the tension of the basilar membrane

    Tectorial Membrane- covers the hair cells

    • Basilar Membrane- causes the bending of the sterocilia of inner hair cells
  16. Utricle
    Part of the Mem. Lab

    Dectect motion and orientation
  17. Utricular Macula
    Saccular Macula
    Contain hair cells with the hair embedded in a membrane that contains otoliths
  18. Saccule
    Part of the Mem. Lab.

    Detect motion and orientaion
  19. Semicircular Ducts
    Part of the Mem. Lab

    Enabled a person to detect movement in all direction

    • Contains
    • Ampulla which form a Crista Ampullaris that sense angular acceleration and deceleration
Card Set
Ear notes
Structure and Function