Anatomy test 1-1

  1. Parasympathetic system
    • Cell bodies located in cranial nerves.
    • CN III, VII, IX, and X and Spinal Nerves S 2,3,4 which are pelvic splanchnics
  2. Another name for Sympathetic system is?
    Also call Thoracolumbar part of the autonomic nervous system.
  3. Two layers of the skin
    • Epidermis - (Epi-Above) (Dermis-Skin)
    • Dermis
  4. Fibers present in the skin are?
    • -Elastic
    • -Collagen
    • -Reticular
  5. types of skin
    Thick-Palm/sole of foot

    Thin-Eyelids abdomen etc
  6. Appendages to the skin
    • -Hair
    • -Nails
    • -Sweat glands
    • -Sebacious Glands (oil)
    • -Ceruminous Glands (wax)
    • -Mammary Glands
  7. Functions of the skin
    • -Protection
    • -Reception
    • -Excretion/Absorption
    • -Regulation of Body Temp
  8. 4 Ways the skin protects the body
    • -Secretion
    • -Hair
    • -Pigment (melanin)
    • -Thickening (warmth, can add a layer of fat beneath the skin)
  9. Reception of the skin
    • Tactile
    • Pain
    • Pressure
    • Thermal
  10. ways the skin helps regulate body temp
    • Evaporation of Sweat
    • Cooling of Blood
  11. What are Flexure Lines?
    Skin freely movable over superficial fascia. Maybe wrinkled or pulled up into folds(except palm and soles)
  12. What is a Dimple?
    Periosteum attached to the skin
  13. What are Tension Lines or Langer's Lines
    • Skin is not smooth.
    • Geometric Pattern of Creases
    • Follows Bundle of Collagen Fibers in dermis of skin
  14. What are Friction Lines?
    • Alternate Grooves and Ridges found in palm of hand and sole of foot
    • Give Finger and Foot Prints
  15. List 4 changes Age can have on the Skin?
    • Translucent-(thinning)
    • Wrinkles-(loss of fat)
    • Loss of Hair
    • Liver Spots-(accumulation of melanin spots of hands and feet)
  16. Nerve Supply
    An Area of Skin Supplied by the Sensory Fiber of a Dorsal Root through Dorsal and Ventral Rami of the Spinal Nerves.
  17. Which nerve does not have a dorsal root?
    Cn 1
  18. How many contiguous spinal nerves need to be anesthesized during surgical intrusion of the skin?
  19. Why is it important to know the Dermatomes?
    The help to detect Neurological lesions
  20. How does Collogen Heal?
    By Fibrosis which leads to scarring.
  21. What is Facia
    • Packaging material of Fat and Fibers.
    • Superficial-- Usually more Fat than Fibers.
    • Deep --usually contains fore Fibers than Fat
    • Mixture of Fat and Connective Tissue
  22. Name the key Determatomes (6)
    • T4-Nipple
    • T10-Navel
    • T12-Above the Pubic Bone
    • L4-Hallux (Big Toe)
    • C7-Middle Finger
    • C8-Little Finger
  23. Where is the breast located?
    Between the Sternum and Mid-Auxillary Line and between Ribs 2-6
  24. Where is the Nipple Located?
    In intercostal space 4 on top of the Pectoralis Major and Minor Muscles.
  25. Two major contents of the Breast are?
    • Fat
    • Glands
    • NON- Lactating Breast is mostly fat,
    • Lactating Breast has increased glandular material.
  26. 60% of the carcinoma of the breast is loated in which quadrant?
    Superolateral Quadrant
  27. List the blood supply (arteries) to the heart.
    • 1. Pectoral Branch of the Thoracoacromial Artery
    • 2. Lateral Thorac Artery
    • 3. Poster Intercostal Arteries
    • 4. Anterior Perforating Branches of the Internal Thoracic Artery
  28. Name the nerves that are part of the Greater Splanchnic.
    T5-T9 Celiac ganglion
  29. Name the nerves that are part of the Lesser Splanchnic.

    The Superior Mesenteric Ganglion
    T10, and T11
  30. Name the nerve that is part of the Lowest Splanchnic. Aortico-Renal Ganglion.
  31. Name the nerves that are part of the Lumbar Splanchnics. The inferior mesenteric Ganglion.
    L1, and L2
Card Set
Anatomy test 1-1
test 1 Pgs 1-16