Chronic Health

  1. If a student has a difficult time taking 12 or more credits due to medication regimes and/or doctor's appointments, what can they do?

    C. Go to the CSD and talk with a disability services provider about being approved for a reduced courseload.This will allow a student to be considered full time and will not impact health insurance.
  2. Which disease was named after the town where it was first discovered?

    C. Lyme (found in Connecticut). Lyme disease was first discovered in 1975 in Lyme, Connecticut. Lyme disease is characterized by a fever, headache, and skin rash.
  3. True or false: Students can throw their used needles (used for insulin and other intravenous medications) in the trash and maintenance staff will dispose of them safely.
    a. True
    b. False
    b. False. Students are responsible for disposing of their needles safely and can request a sharps container from Student Health Services.
Card Set
Chronic Health
Fall 2011 Health & Wellness Fair