Jargon pt.2

  1. iambic Pentameter
    • lines of 10 syllables divided into 5 unstressed/stressed feet called iambs
    • ex: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
  2. irony
    • Verbal: sarcasm
    • Situational: somethin different than what was expected happens
    • - ex: couple going to divorce and end up remarrying
    • Dramatic: reader knows what will happen but characters do not
    • - ex: Romeo kills himself because he thinks Juliet is dead
    • Tragic: similar to dramatic, but is always performed in a play
    • - ex: Oedipus voqing to puish the man that killed his father, and only the viewers know that he is vowing to punish himself
  3. juxtaposition
    • two extremely different ideas put together for dramatic effect
    • ex: Give me an unbiased opinion
  4. light verse
    • light hearted poem
    • can be serious but is very casual
  5. limerick
    • 5-line poem, often with comic content
    • aaba pattern
    • ex: There once was an artist named Saint / Who swallowed some samples of paint / All shades of the spectrum / Flowed out of his rectum / With a colourful lack of restraint.
  6. litotes
    • a form of understatement which states the opposite of a negative
    • ex: The damage to the car was not insignificant
  7. lyric poem
    • personal, subjective, emotional poem
    • rhymes
  8. melodrama
    • dramatic romance stories that have singing, dancing, and music
    • ex: High School Musical
  9. metonomy
    • using an object closely associated with a larger whole
    • to represent that whole
    • ex: Lend me your ear
  10. motif
    • a conspicuous recurrent element that appears frequently in the story
    • ex: the number 23
  11. paradox
    • statement that seems contradictory but which, upon deeper examination, contains truth
    • ex: Youth is wasted on the young
  12. parellelism
    • establishing a pattern in grammatical structure and length and style
    • ex: That government of the people, by the people, and for the people
  13. pathos
    • attempt to touch the reader emotionally
    • usually a pitiful feeling for the suffering
  14. pathetic fallacy
    • environment complements the emotion of the character
    • ex: It rains when the character is sad
  15. refrain
    repetition of a phrase in a prose or poetry
  16. rhetoric
    the art of using language to persuade and convince
  17. roman à clef
    • a novel in which the author has used real life/history in slightly disguised but still recognizable form for characters, plot and/or setting
    • ex: King Arthur's Adventures
  18. satire
    showing foolishness of the human, government, or society using sarcasm, irony, or ridicule
  19. scansion
    the process of measuring the rhythm of a poem by counting the stressed/unstressed syllables to determine the meter
  20. soliloquy
    • a monologue spoken by a character when he is alone
    • usually addressed to the stars and sky
    • reveals the innermost feelings
    • ex: To be or not to be (Hamlet)
  21. stream on consciousness
    writing in which a character's perceptions, thoughts, and memories are presented in an apparently random form
  22. style
    way that writer uses language to achieve certain effects
  23. subtext
    • ideas, feeling, thoughts not dealt with directly in the text but exiting underneath
    • character don’t always express their real thoughts, so readers mustconsider subtext.
  24. synechdoche
    • a part of an object representing the whole (v.v)
    • ex: Twenty eyes watched our every move
  25. synesthesia
    • putting two sense together
    • (taste of a sound) / (look of a smell)
    • ex: The scent of the rose rang like a bell through
    • the garden
  26. tragedy
    genre where the hero undergoes a misfortune brought about by his own mistake, leading to an unhappy ending
  27. understatement
    • using less effective descriptions to make a point
    • ex: Einstein was a pretty smart guy
  28. ambiguity
    leaving something undetermined in order to open up multiple possible meanings
  29. arete
    • sharp narrow mountain ridge
    • greek philosophy that the world is here to live to the fullest
    • must excel in what you do best (poetry, running)
    • after life is dark and gloomy
  30. hamartia
    • "missing the mark"
    • belief that we were put on Earth to make mistakes
    • afterlife is much better place
  31. didactic
    written to teach a lesson
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Jargon pt.2
SL English Lit. Jargon