
  1. Cortical bone
    Hard dense strong bone that forms outer layer of bone
  2. Cancellous bone
    Lighter, less strong bone that is found in the ends and inner portion of bones. (spongy)
  3. Physis
    Cartlage segment of long bone that involves growth of bone
  4. Diaphysis
    Shaft of long bone that is composed of compact bone
  5. Epiphysis
    Wide end of long bone which is covered with articular cartlage and is composed of cancellous bone
  6. Metaphysis
    Wider part of long bone shaft located adjacent to the physis, in adult animals, it is considered part of the epiphysis
  7. Periosteum
    Tough, fibrous tissue that forms outer covering of bone
  8. Bone marrow
    Connective tissue in the middle of bones ( red and yellow)
  9. Myel/o
    Bone marrow
  10. Medullary cavity
    Inner space of bone that contains yellow bone marrow
  11. Hematopoietic
    Red bone marrow located in cancellous bone
  12. Cartilage
    Connective tissue that is more elastic than bone
  13. Chondr/o
    Combining form for cartlage
  14. Joint articulation
    Connections between bones
  15. Arthr/o
    Combining form for joint
  16. Ligament
    A band that one bone to another
  17. Ligament/o
    Combining form for ligament
  18. Tendon
    A band of fibrois tissue that connects muscle to bone
  19. Bursa
    A fibrous sack that acts as a cushion to ease movement in areas of friction
  20. Synovial membrane
    An inner lining that acts as a lubricant to make joint movement smooth
  21. Axial skeleton
    Framework of the body
  22. Appendicular skeleton
    Consists of shoulder and pelvic girdle
  23. Cranium
    Portion of the skull that encloses the brain
  24. Foramen
    Opening in bone the tissue passes
  25. Sinuses
    Airbor fluid spaces in skull
  26. Maxilla
    Forms upper jaw
  27. Mandible
    Forms lower jaw
  28. Brachycephalic
    Dogs that have short wide heads like pugs
  29. Dolichocephalic
    Dogs that havr narrow heads like collie abd grey hounds
  30. Mesocepholic
    Average shaped heads in dogs like golden etrievers
  31. Vetebral colum
    Aka back bone. Supports hgead and body and supports spinal cord
  32. Vertebra
    Individual bones jb the vwetebral colum
  33. Spinous process
    A single projection from the dorsal pary of the vertebral arch
  34. Tranverse process
    Project laterally from the rigt and left sides of thr verbral arch
  35. Vertebral Foramen
    Opening in the middle of the vertebra which the a spinal xord passes throigh
  36. Spondyl/o .. Vertebr/o
    Combising form for vertebra
  37. Intervertebral discs
    Cushions the vertebrae with cartilage discs
  38. Scapula
    (shoulder blade) large trianhgular bone on side od thorax
  39. Humerus
    Te long bone of the promixial front limb
  40. Radius
    Cranial bone of the front limb and ulna
  41. Ulna
    Caudle bone off of front limb
  42. Carpal bones
    In the wrist of people and in smalm ankmals its called the carpus
  43. Metacarpal bone
    Meta(beyond) so bones disal tk the carpus
  44. Phalanx
    One bone if the digit
  45. Phalanges
    Bones of the digit
  46. Digit
    Bones analogous to the human finger and vary in animals
  47. Ungulates
    Animals with hooves
  48. Arthrography
    Injection of the joint with a contrast material for radiograph examination
  49. Arthrocentesis
    Surgical puncture of a joint to removf fluid
  50. Arthroscopy
    Visual examination of the joint
  51. Radioology
    Study ifbinternal body struxturs after exposure to inozing rasiation
  52. Ankylosis
    Loss of joint mobility caused by disese
  53. Arthalgia
    Jpint pain
  54. Arthrodynia
  55. Burstitis
    Inflammatiion of the bursa
  56. Hip dispalisa
    Abnormal decelopment of the pelvic joint causing headbod thefemur to notalign prperaly
  57. Invertabral disc desese
    Rupture or protrusion pf the cushining disc found between the vertebrae that resuky in pressurr in the spinal cord
  58. Osteochrondrosis
    Degeneration of bone and cartliage
  59. Osteomalacia
    Abnormal softening of the bone
  60. Osteomyelitis
    Inflamation of the bone and bone marrow
  61. Osteonecrosis
    Death of bone tissue
  62. Osteosclerosis
    Abnormal hardening of the bone
  63. Sequestrum
    Piece of dead bone that is partially or fullu detached from adjacent healthy bone
  64. Spondylitis
    Inflamation of the vertrbrae
  65. Spondylosis
    Any degenerate disorder of the vertebrae
  66. Subluxation
    Partial dislocation or displacement of bone from joint
  67. Synovitis
    Inflamation of synovial membrane of joints
  68. Callus
    Bolging deposit around area of bone fracture that may eventually become bone
  69. Closed/simple fracture
    Broken bone with no open wound
  70. Open/compound fracture
    Open wound in skin
  71. Transverse fracture
    Broken at right angle/straight across the bine
  72. Oblique fracture
    An angular/diagonal break
  73. Spiral fracture
    Bone is twisted apart
  74. Comminuted fracture
    Splintered or crushed in multiple piecea
  75. Greenstick fracture/incomplete fracture
    Broken only on ine side other side is bent
  76. Avulsion fracture
    Site of muscle, tendon, ligament insertion is detached by a forceful pull
  77. Physeal fracture
    Broken at epiphyseal line or growth plate
  78. Crepitation
    Cracking sensation that is heard or felt when broken bones move together
  79. Immobilization
    Act of holding, suturing, or fastening a bone in fixed position usually in bandage or cast
  80. Reduction
    Attempt of realignment of bone
  81. Arthrodesis
    Fusion of a joint or vertebrae by surgical means
  82. Craniootomy
    Surgical opening of the skull or incision
  83. Onych/o
    Combining form for claw
  84. Onychectomy
    Removal of the claws
  85. Ostectomy
    Surgical removal of bone
  86. Osteotomy
    Surgical incision or sectioning of the bone
  87. Trephination
    Process of cutting a hole into the bone
  88. Muscle
    Organs that contract to produce movement
  89. Fascia
    Sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers supports and seperates muscle
  90. Fasci/o, fasc/i
    Combining form of fascia
  91. Antagonistic muscle
    Muscles that work against or opposite of each other
  92. Contraction
    Tightening of muscles
  93. Relaxation
    Lessoning of tension
  94. Tonus
    Muscle tone, balanced muscle tension
  95. Abductor
    Muscle that moves a part away from the midline
  96. Adductor
    Muscle that moves a part toward the midline
  97. Flexor
    Muscle the bends the limb at the joint
  98. Extensor
    Muscle that straightens a limb
  99. Pectoral muscles
    Located on chest
  100. Epaxial muscles
    Located above pelvic axis
  101. Intercostal muscle
    Located between ribs
  102. Ataxia
    Lack of voluntary control of muscle movement. Wobbliness
  103. Atonic
    Lacking muscle control
  104. Dystrophy
    Defective growth
  105. Hernia
    Protrusion of a body part through tissues that normally contain it
  106. Laxity
  107. Myasthenia
    Muscle weakness
  108. Myopathy
    Abnormal condition or disease of muscle
  109. Myositis
    Inflammation of voluntary muscles
  110. Tendinitis
    Inflamation of the band or fibrous of connective tissue that connects muscle to bone
  111. Tetany
    Muscle spasms or twitching
  112. Myectomy
    Surgical removal of muscle or part of muscle
  113. Myoplasty
    Surgical repair of muscle
  114. Myotomy
    Surgical incision into muscle
  115. Tenectomy
    Surgical removal of tendon
  116. Tenotomy
    Surgical division of a tendon
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MT ch 3