Chapter 5 Post Test

  1. Which of the following acts permitted the army to lodge soldiers in any civilian building if necessary
    Quartering Act
  2. Which of the following acts prohibited colonial legislatures from making paper money legal tender
    Currency Act of 1764
  3. What did advocates of colonial rights called themselves
  4. What was the initial purpose of the Regulator Movement
    to fight marauders
  5. What was the purpose of the Townshend Duty Act of 1767
    assert parliamentary authority over the colonies
  6. How was the Continental Association expected to enforce a nonexportation policy
    It would make sure voters established committes to oversee compliance throught the colonies
  7. The Proclamation of 1763 was intended to pacify Indians by
    prohibiting settlement west of the Appalachian mountains
  8. What made the Stamp Act significantly different from the Sugar Act
    It was the first internal tax imposed on the colonies
  9. English "Country" ideology affected American attitudes toward
    taxation and the role of government
  10. The Declaration of Rights and Grievances did all of the following except
    protest the forced quartering of British troops
  11. How did many colonial women express solidarity with the spirit of protest
    They made and wore homespun clothing
  12. Which of the following is not a reason colonists were opposed to the Quebec Act
    It protected the Anglican Church
  13. The first antislavery movement began with
    Methodists and Quakers
  14. How did most colonial assemblies respond when royal governors shut them down
    They organized provincial congresses
  15. The Tea Act of 1773 was intended to
    help a failing British corportation
Card Set
Chapter 5 Post Test
Imperial Breakdown