Lymphatic System

  1. Functions of lymphatic system & immune system?
    • 1. transports protein(albumin) from interstital space to the blood
    • 2. transports fat from small intestine to the blood
    • 3. resistance--the ability to remain unaffected by noxious agents
  2. Define lymphoid organ
    presence of lymphocytes
  3. List lymphoid organs & their loctions
    • 1. thymus--> mediastinum, deep to sternum
    • 2. spleen--> LUQ stomach & diaphragm
    • 3. lymph nodes--> along lymphatics
  4. Define resistance
    ability to remain unaffected by noxious agents
  5. Define nonspecific resistance
    general factors(protects against any pathogen)

  6. Define specific resistance
    Immunity---> destruction of specific target
  7. The factors that contibute to Nonspecific Resistance
    • 1. Physical Barriers
    • 2. Mechanical factors
    • 3. Chemical factors
    • 4. Inflammation
  8. Define interferon
    protein produced by virus infected cells (protects uninfected cells)
  9. Define inflammation
    tissue reaction to injury
  10. What is the purpose of inflammation?
    it destroys, dilutes and contains injurious agent and paves way for repair
  11. Define Antigen
    molecule that causes immune response
  12. Define Antibody
    produced in response to antigen
  13. List immune system cells & their functions
    Macrophage--> phagocytizes, processes and presents Antigen on it's surface

    • B lymphoctye
    • ---plasma cell --> antibody
    • ---memory cell

    • T lymphoctye
    • --cytotoxic T cells--. kills virus infected cells
    • -- suppressor (turn off)
    • --helper (amplify immune response)
    • ---memory
  14. Two types of cell interactions involved in immune response regulation
    • 1. Indirect (no cell contact)
    • 2. Direct
  15. What mediates(carries out) humoral immunity?
    IgM, IgG & IgA
  16. What mediates (carries out) cell mediated immunity?
    cytotoxic T Cells
  17. Define immunoglobulin
  18. Characterize IgM, IgG & IgA
    • IgM: 1st in blood
    • IgG: 2nd in blood
    • IgA: secretions
  19. Primary & Secondary responses regarding onset, duration, and intensity
    Primary is first

    Secondary is faster onset, more intese, and longer
  20. The secondary response in the result of what immune system characteristic?
  21. Naturally acquired immunity
    due to natural event
  22. Natural passive immunity
    subject immune system doesn't participate

    example: transfer maternal antibodies via breast milk or placenta to child
  23. Natural active immunity
    Subject's immune system responds to normal anitgen exposure

    example: cold virus immunity due to past exposure
  24. Artificially acquired immunity
    due to medicine
  25. Artificially passive immunity
    administration of pre-formed antibodies

    example: after Hepititus A virus exposure @ Taco Bell
  26. Artificially active immunity
    subject immune system responds to administration of antigen

    example: vaccines
Card Set
Lymphatic System
Lymphatic System and Resistance