Mngmt of Neuro

  1. The integration of sensory impressions into information that is psychologically meaningful.
  2. The method used by the CNS to process information. Incudes knowing, understanding, awareness, judgement, and decision making.
  3. The appreciation of stimuli through the organ of special sense, the peripheral cutaneous sensory system, or internal receptors.
  4. What are the 5 approaches to therapy in congnitive and perceptual dysfunction?
    • The Retraining Approach
    • The Sensory Integrative Approach
    • The Neurofunctional Approach
    • The Rehabilitative/Conpensatory Approach
    • Cogniitive Rehabilitation/Quadraphonic Approach
  5. Name 3 cognitive deficits:
    • Attention disorders
    • Memory disorders
    • Executive function disorders
  6. What are the 4 different kinds of attention?
    • Sustained
    • Focused/Selective
    • Alternating
    • Divided
  7. What are the 3 levels of memory?
    • Immediate recall
    • Short-term memory
    • Long-term memory
  8. Retention of information that has been stored for a few seconds.
    Immediate recall
  9. Retention of events or learning that has taken place within a few minutes, hours, or days.
    Short-term memory
  10. Consists of early experiences and information aquired over a period of years.
    Long-term memory
  11. ______ consists of those capacities that enable the person to engage successfully in independent, purposive, self-serving behavior.
    Executive functions
  12. Name 5 body scheme / body image disorders:
    • Unilateral neglect
    • Anosognosia
    • Somatoagnosia
    • Right-Left discrimination
    • Finger agnosia
  13. The inability to register and integrate stimuli and perceptions from one side of the body and environment, which is not due to sensory loss.
    Unilateral neglect
  14. Denial and lack of awareness of the presence or severity of one's paralysis.
  15. Lack of awareness of the body structure and the relationship of body parts to oneself or to others.
  16. Inabitlity to identify the right and left sides of one's own body or of that of the examiner.
    Right-left discrimination
  17. Inabitliy to indentify the fingers of one's own hands or of the hands of the examiner.
    Finger agnosia
  18. Name 6 spacial relations disorder:
    • Figure-ground discrimination
    • Form constancy
    • Spatial relations
    • Topographic orientation
    • Depth perception
    • Vertical disorientation
  19. The inability to visually distinguish a figure from the background in which it is embedded.
    Figure-ground discrimination
  20. Inability to perceive or attend to subtle differences in form and shape.
    Form constancy
  21. Inability to perceive the relationship of one object in space to another object, or to oneself.
    Spatial relations disorder
  22. Difficulty in understanding and remembering the relationship of one location to another.
    Topographic disorientation
  23. Inaccurate judgement of direction, distance, and depth.
    Depth perception disorder
  24. A distorted perception of what is vertical.
    Vertical disorientation
  25. Name 3 types of agnosias:
    • Visual object agnosia
    • Auditory agnosia
    • Astereognosis
  26. Inability to recognize or make sense of incoming information despite intact sensory capacities.
  27. Inability to recognize familiar objects despite normal functions of the eyes.
    Visual object agnosia
  28. Inability to recognize nonspeech sounds or to discriminate between them.
    Auditory agnosia
  29. Inability to recognize forms by handling them.
  30. Name 3 types of apraxia:
    • Ideomotor
    • Ideational
    • Constructional
  31. An impairment of voluntary skilled learned movement.
  32. Able to carry out habitual tasks automatically but is unable to imitate gestures or perform on command.
    Ideomotor apraxia
  33. Inability to perform a purposeful motor act, either automatically or on command, because the patient no longer understands the overall concept of the act.
    Ideational apraxia
  34. Inability to copy drawings or to manipulate objects to form patterns or designs.
    Constructional apraxia
Card Set
Mngmt of Neuro
Cognitive and Perceptual Dysfunction