FASH 101 Ch.1

  1. Fashion Business
    all the industries and services connected with fashion: design, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, retailing, advertising, communications, publishing, and consulting-- in other words any business concerned with fashion goods or services.
  2. Merchandising
    the planning or behind the scene clerical work in fashion.

    Sales promotion as a comprehensive function including market research, development of new products, coordination of manufacture and marketing, and effective advertising and selling.
  3. Marketing
    a total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promoted, and place (distibute) products and services to existing and potential customers.
  4. Style
    the characteristic of distinctive appearnce of a garment -- the combination of features that makes it different from other garments.
  5. Fashion
    a style that is accepted and used by the majority of a group at any one time, no matter how small that group.
  6. High Fashion
    a new style is accepted by a limited number of fashion leaders who want to be the first to adopt changes and innovation in fashion.
  7. Mass Fashion
    consists of styles that are widely accepted. These fashions are usually produced and sold in large quantities at moderated to low prices.
  8. Design
    a particular or individual interpretation, version, or treatment of a style.
  9. Style Number
    a number assigned by manufacturers and retailers to each individual design produced.
  10. Taste
    refers to prevailing opinion of what is and what is not appropriate for a given occation.
  11. Classic
    a style of design that satisfies a basic need and remains in genereal fashion acceptance for an extended period of time.
  12. Fad
    a fashion that suddenly sweeps into popularity, affects a limited part of the total population, and then quality disappears.
  13. Trend
    the general direction of movement of fashion.
  14. Silhouette
    the overall outline or contour of a costume or garment; also called the shap or form.
  15. Details
    the individual elements that give a silhoutette its form or shape.
  16. Texture
    the look and feel of material, woven or nonwoven.
  17. Fashion Cycle
    the rise, wide popularity, and subsequent decline in acceptance of a style.
  18. Stages of the Fashion Cycle
    • Introduction
    • Rise
    • Acceleration
    • Mass Acceptance
    • Decline
    • Obsolescence
  19. Fashion Cycle: Introduction
    fashion innovators purchase from the retailers who "lead" fashion.
  20. Fashion Cycle: Rise
    when the new orginal design is accepted by an increasing number of customers.
  21. Fashion Cylce: Acceleration
    fashion followers purchase from traditional retailers in "moderate priced" departments.
  22. Fashion Cylce: Mass Acceptance
    Fashion followers purchase from mass merchants.
  23. Fashion Cylce: Decline
    Fashion followers may purchase a few items at greatly reduced prices from discounters.
  24. Fashion Cylce: Obsolescence
    When total lack of intrest for a style has set in and it can no longer be sold at any price.
  25. Knockoffs
    the copying, at a lower price, of an item that had good acceptance at higher prices.
  26. Adaptations
    designs that have all the dominant features of the style that inspired them, but do not claim the be exact copies.
  27. Culmination Stage
    the period when a fashion is at the height of its popularity and use.
  28. Decline Stage
    when boredom with a fashion sets in and there is a decrease in consumer demand for that fashion.
  29. Obsolescence Stage
    when total lack of intrest for a style has set in and it can no longer be sold at any price.
  30. Fast Fashion
    a strategy of constantly changing fashion to keep it fresh by basing the collections on the most recent fashion trends, manufacting it quickly in an affordable way to the mainstream consumer.
  31. Principles of Fashion
    1. Consumers establish fashions by accepting or rejecting the syles offered.

    2. Fashions and their success are not based on price.

    3. Fashions are evolutionary in nature; they are rarely revolutionary.

    4. No amount of sales promotion can change the direction in which fashions are moving.

    5. All fashions end in excess, meaning they will be used and stretched the its extreme until it can't anymore.
  32. What group ultimately decides whether a style will be "fashionable" or not?
  33. Name three styles and the historic period in which they originated.
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FASH 101 Ch.1
The Nature of Fashion