1. What causes decreased patency of the arterial supply to the lower extremities leading to claudation, ischemia and potential limb loss?
    Peripheral Vascular Disease- PVD
  2. Risk factors for PVD are anything that ________ blood flow.
    slows. "compromised integrity". HTN, obesity, diet, stress, tobacco use, sedentary lifestyle
  3. What is Atherosclerosis?
    Formation of plaque
  4. What is Arteriosclerosis?
    Hardening of the arteries
  5. What is the most common cause of arterial occlusion?
    atherosclerosis & arteriosclerosis
  6. What is a localized dilation of an artery leading to pressure on surrounding tissues?
  7. Rupture of an aneurysm is an ________ situation.
  8. What are the s/s of and AAA?
    back pain, decreased BP and decreased H&H.
  9. Where can an AAA extend to?
    The renal arteries
  10. What are the s/s of a Thoracic aortic aneurysm?
    usually no symptoms. May have deep, diffuse CP, Hoarseness, dysphagia, distended neck vein and edema in the head and arms.
  11. What is the treatment of aneurysms?
    <5 cm treat with an antihypertensive. re-evaluate in 6 months. >5 cm surgery with a synthetic graft.
  12. What is the most important nursing intervention for s/p AAA sx?
    Monitor tissue perfusion distal to the graft site.
  13. This problem is usually sudden and dramatic it is most commonly caused by an emboli that originates in the heart from a previous MI or A-fib. There is no blood flow to the area below the clot.
    Acute arterial occlusion
  14. What is the assessment for an acute arterial occlusion?
    The pt will c/o severe pain. Assess the 6 P's of ischemia. Compare to the baseline of the leg and to the other leg. Monitor heparin therapy and report changes immediately.
  15. What is the treatment for an acute arterial occlusion?
    Heparin or a thrombectomy/embolectomy
  16. A disease where the extremities are deprived of oxygen for longer periods of time, seen more often in men>50 and post menopausal women. It is usually in the legs but can be in the arms.
    Chronic arterial occlusion
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exam 4