Chapter 10 Weathering

  1. type of frost action
    ice wedging
  2. chemical weathering causes a karst landscape, such as a cavern
    acids in groundwater
  3. lichens slowly break down a rock
    by chemical weathering
  4. Which of these is most likely to experience oxidation?
    tennis ball
    wooden fence
    aluminum can
    bicycle tire
    aluminum can
  5. process by which softer, less weather-resistant rocks wear away and leave harder, more weather-resistant rocks behind
    differential weathering
  6. Small rocks weather more quickly than large rocks because their surface area is
  7. average weather condition in an area over a long period of time
  8. Chemical weathering is most rapid
    warm and wet
  9. rocks are exposed to more wind, rain, and ice
    rocks at a higher elevation
  10. Soil quality based on the relative size of soil particles
    soil texture
  11. arrangement of soil particles called
    soil structure
  12. organic material formed in soil from the decayed remains of plants and animals
  13. removal from soil of substances that can be dissolved in water
  14. a pH of 8 would be considered
  15. climate has the most productive soil for raising crops
    temperate forest and grassland
  16. plow across the slope of hills
    contour plowing
  17. changing one steep field into a series of smaller, flatter fields
  18. leaving old stalks to provide cover from rain in order to reduce water runoff and soil erosion
    no-till farming
  19. farmer plants different crops in order to use less nutrients or different nutrients from the soil
    crop rotation
  20. soil conservation technique George Washington Carver urged farmers to use
    crop rotation
  21. Ice, wind, water, gravity, plants, and animals
    mechanical weathering
  22. drop a sugar cube into a glass of water, the sugar cube will dissolve after a few minutes
    chemical weathering
  23. arrangement of soil particles
    soil structure
  24. increase the surface area of a rock, how will it affect the rate at which it weathers
    weathers more quickly
  25. proportion of different-sized particles in soil determines the soil’s
  26. removal of substances that can be dissolved from rock or layers of soil due to the passing of water
  27. wind blows sand and silt against exposed rock
  28. oxygen in the air reacts with iron
  29. oxygen in the air reacts with iron
    cold and wet
  30. soil conservation technique prevents erosion on steep hills by heavy rains
  31. provides cover that reduces water runoff
    no-till farming
  32. conservation technique helps restore nutrients to the soil
    cover crop
  33. conservation technique helps prevent erosion of sloping hills by heavy rains
  34. of water’s properties directly causes mechanical weathering
    Water expands when it freezes
  35. decayed plant and animal material in soil
  36. Rust is the oxidation of
  37. breakdown of rock into smaller pieces by physical means
    mechanical weathering
  38. softer rocks wear away and leave harder rocks behind
    differential weathering
  39. soil that is blown or washed away from its parent rock
    transported soil
  40. soil’s ability to hold nutrients and to supply nutrients to a plant
    soil fertility
  41. soil quality based on the proportion of different-sized soil particles
    soil texture
  42. movement by wind, water, or gravity of soil from one place to another
    land degradation
  43. the practice of leaving old stalks to provide cover from the rain
    no-till farming
  44. farmers plant different crops because they will use different soil nutrients
    crop rotation
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Chapter 10 Weathering