1. Heat
    Transfer of energy from one system to another that is stopped when one system is surrounded by an insulator
  2. System
    The collection of materials that are being studied
  3. Open System
    A system that allows both matter and energy to cross its system boundary
  4. Closed System
    A system that allows energy but not matter to cross its system boundary
  5. Isolated System
    A system that does not allow matter or energy to cross its system boundary
  6. Surroundings
    Everything around the system
  7. Reservoir
    A system that is large enough that its temperature can be assumed to remain constant. It can supply energy as heat without a significant change in its own temperature.
  8. What information do you need to predict the direction of spontaneous energy flow during a heating process?
    • You need to know the temperature of both systems
    • The system with the higher temperature will transfer energy to the system with the lower temperature
Card Set
Inorganic Chemistry Terms