Neurophysiology Block 2

  1. All of these are functions of the Nervous system except?

    A. Controls by electric impulses
    B. Controls release of hormones
    C. Rapid Response
    D. Stimulate muscle movements
    B. Controls release of hormones
  2. All Graded Potentials cause action potentials?

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False
  3. What is not a characteristic of Graded Potentials?
    A. Short lived
    B. Hyperpolarization
    C. Depolarization
    D. Magnitued of a voltage change is proportional to the strength of the stimulus
    E. Repolarization
    E. Repolarization Only happens after action potential
  4. Leaky channels open and close in neurons?

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False They are always open
  5. Depolarization is created by?

    A. Stimulating K+ channels
    B. Stimulating Na+ channels
    C. Neither
    B. Stimulating Na+ Channels
  6. What is the Threshhold Voltage? (Number)
    Either -50 or -55mV
  7. During Repolarization in an Action Potential, does?

    A. Sodium Permeability increase
    B. K Permeality increase
    C. Both
    B. K Permeality increase
  8. During Repolarization in an Action Potential, Does?

    A. Sodium Permeability increase
    B. K Permeability Decrease
    C. Both
    C. Both
  9. During Depolarization in an Action potential, Does?

    A. Voltage Gated Na+ Ions open
    B. Voltage Gated K+ Ions open
    C. Both
    A. Voltage Gated Na+ Ions open
  10. Hyperpolarization has an what type of effect to membrane?

    A. Inhibitory
    B. Excitatory
    C. None
    A. Inhibitory
  11. Graded Potentials apply to all or nothing principle?

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False
  12. "An Action potential cannt be generated no matter how hard of fast you stimulate the neuron" this applies to?

    A. Absolute Refractory Period
    B. Relative Refractory period
    A. Absolute Refractory Period
  13. Input zone of neuron includes which of thes structures?

    A. Soma
    B. Axon Hillock
    C. Dendrites
    D. A & B
    E. A & C
    D. A & B
  14. Where are neurotransmitters specifically stored?

    A. Synaptic End bulbs
    B. Axon terminals
    C. Collaterals
    D. Synaptic Vesicles
    D. Synaptic Vesicles
  15. Which type of neurons are most abundant?

    A. Multipolar
    B. Bipolar
    C. Unipolar
    A. Multipolar
  16. Which type of neurons are most rare?

    A. Multipolar
    B. Bipolar
    C. Unipolar
    B. Bipolar
  17. Which type of neuron is found in the posterior dorsal root ganglia?
    A. Multipolar
    B. Bipolar
    C. Unipolar
    C. Unipolar
  18. Which type of neuron is functionally Afferent (Sensory)?

    A. Multipolar
    B. Bipolar
    C. Unipolar
    A. Unipolar (most are unipolar but also a few bipolar are afferent)
  19. Effector (Motor) neurons and Interneurons are structurally classified as?
    A. Multipolar
    B. Bipolar
    C. Unipolar
    A. Multipolar
  20. What type of cell is called "Nerve Glue"
    Neuroglial Cell
  21. Astrocytes do all of these except?

    A. Form Blood Brain Barrier
    B. Control Chemical Environment around neurons
    C. Help neuron development in fetal brain
    D. Transform into a macrophage
    D. Transform into a macrophage
  22. Which type of Neuroglial Cell is associated with Ciliate?

    A. Astrocyte
    B. Microglia
    C. Ependymal cell
    D, Oligodendrocyte
    E. Shwann Cell
    C. Ependymal cell
  23. Which type of Neuroglial Cell is associated with myelin sheaths? (more than one)

    A. Astrocyte
    B. Microglia
    C. Ependymal
    D. Oligodendrocyte
    E. Schwann Cell
    D. Schann Cell & E. Oligodendrocyte
  24. What are the gaps called between the myelin sheaths?
    Nodes of Rainvier
  25. Myelin sheath mostly covers axons but does cover some dendrites. Where are these myelinated dendrites located?

    A. Sensory neurons in PNS
    B. Sensory neurons in CNS
    B. Sensory neurons in PNS
  26. In the CNS, a myelin sheath is produced by?

    A. Oligodendrocyte
    B. Schwann Cell
    c. Astrocyte
    A. Oligodendrocyte
  27. There is neurilemma in the CNS neurons?

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False (no neurilemma)
  28. Oligodendrocytes divide to forma a tube to guide axon growth and produce growth-promoting chemicals?

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False (Schwann cells do this)
  29. Which myelin sheath producing cell is the "jelly roll" type?
    Schwann cell
  30. Saltatory conduction is describe by all except?

    A. Slower conduction
    B. Impulses jumos voe sections of the fibe coverd with insulating myelin
    C. Conduction speeds at 100m/sec
    A. Slower conduction
  31. What is it called when a neurotransmitter is released at the Chemical Synapse?
  32. What are the 3 ways a neurotransmitter is Terminated?

    A. Enzymatic Degradation
    B. Macrophage engulfs chemical
    C. Reuptake into the presynaptic membran
    D. Diffusion of the neurotransmitter away from the cleft
    A, B, & D
  33. Calcium gates open in the post-synaptic terminal.

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False (presynaptic terminal)
  34. EPSP's are:

    A. Excitatory
    B. Inhibitory
    A. Excitatory
  35. A single EPSP cannot induce an action potential in the postsynaptic neuron

    A. Ture
    B. False
    A. True
  36. Saptial summation is EPSP's occuring at the same time?

    A. True
    B. False
    a. True
  37. Temporal Summation- EPSP's are not closer together, but not at the same time

    A. True
    B. False
    B. False (They are closer together)
  38. All relate to acetylcholine except:

    A. First and most studied Neurotransmitter
    B. Released by many PNS neurons & some CNS neurons
    C. Synthesized from Amino Acids
    D. Its an excitatory neurotransmitter
    C. Synthesized from Amino Acids
  39. Biogenic amines include:

    A. Sertonin
    B. Histamine
    C. Noraepinephrine
    D. None of these
    C. Noraepinephrine
  40. Idolamines include:

    A. Dopamine
    B. GABA
    C. Acetylcholine
    D. Histamine
    D. Histamine
  41. GABA is chemically classified as?

    A. Catecholamine
    B. Idolamine
    C. Amino Acid
    C. Amino Acid
  42. Peptides are described by all the following except?

    A. chain of amino acids
    B. same binding spot as morphine
    C. Natural opiate
    D. All of the above describe Peptides
    D. All of the above describe Peptides
  43. All of these Neurotransmitters are both excitatory and inhibitory except?

    A. Ach
    B. NE
    C. GABA
    D. Serotonin
    C. Gaba
  44. Indirect neurotransmitters, ones that use secondary messenger molecules have longer lasting effects?

    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
  45. Ligand gated ion channels are part of the which process?

    A. Channel-linked receptors
    B. G Protein receptor
    A. Channel-linked process
  46. In regards to blocking Nerve impulse transmissions, Cyanide affects?

    A. Presynaptic Neuron
    B. ATP producing pump
    C. Post synaptic Neuron
    B. ATP Producing pump
  47. Presynaptic Neurons are affected by?

    A. Cocaine
    B. Caffeine & Nicotine
    C. Curare
    D. Cyanide
    A. Cocaine
  48. Post synaptic neurons are blocked by all except?

    A. Caffeine and Nicotine
    B. Botulinum Toxin
    C. Curare
    D. Strychnine
    B. Botulinum Toxin
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Neurophysiology Block 2
These are practice questions covering neurophysiology Power Point.