CSD 367K Exam 1

  1. What are some examples of speech disorders?
    articulation, fluency, resonance and voice
  2. What are some examples of language disorders?
    phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatic/social aspects of communication
  3. Scope of practice for an SLP includes providing prevention,
    screening, consultation, assessment, treatment, counseling, & follow-up services for disorders of speech, _____, _______, _______ and sensory awareness related to ____ and _____.
    • language, swallowing, cognitive aspects of communication
    • communication and swallowing
  4. What are some examples of disorders relating to cognitive aspects of communication?
    attention, memory, problem solving, executive functions
  5. Establishing augmentative and alternative communication techniques and strategies including developing,
    selecting, and prescribing of such systems and devices is with an SLPs scope of practice. T or F?
  6. SLPs can provide services to those with hearing loss. This includes what 4 things?
    • Auditory training
    • Speech reading
    • Spc and lang intervention secondary to hearing loss
    • Visual inspection and listening checks of amplification devices for purpose of troubleshooting, including verification of appropriate battery voltage.
  7. SLPs can conduct hearing screenings for ____, middle ear pathology using _____.
    • conventional pure-tone air conduction methods
    • tympanometry
  8. SLPs can select, fit, and establish effective use of prosthetic/adaptive devices for ____,
    _____, or other upper aerodigestive functions (e.g., tracheoesophageal prostheses, speaking valves, electrolarynges).
    • communication
    • swallowing
  9. SLPs can educate and counsel individuals, families, co-workers, educators, and other persons in the community regarding ___, ___, and ___ about communication, swallowing, or other upper aerodigestive concerns.
    • acceptance
    • adaptation
    • decision making
  10. SLPs can collaborate with and provide referrals and information to ___, ___, and ___ as individual needs dictate.
    • audiologists
    • educators
    • health professionals
  11. SLPs are also responsible for addressing ___ and ___ that affect communication, swallowing, or other upper aerodigestive functions.
    • behaviors (e.g., disruptive actions)
    • environments (e.g., seating, positioning for swallowing safety, communication opportunities)
  12. Where can an SLP practice?
    • Public and private schools
    • Health care settings (e.g., hospitals, medical rehabilitation facilities, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, community clinics, behavioral/mental health facilities)
    • Private practice
    • Universities and university clinics
    • Individuals’ homes
    • Group homes and sheltered workshops
    • Neonatal intensive care units, early intervention settings, preschools, and day care centers
    • Correctional institutions
    • Research facilities
    • Corporate and industrial settings
  13. Types of testing and psychometric principles fall under _____.
  14. List 3 types of testing.
    • Norm-referenced
    • Criterion-referenced
    • Authentic, alternative or non-traditional
  15. Describe a norm-referenced test.
    • How does client compare to the average?
    • Performance compared to norms
    • Scores refer to relative standing in relation to group norms
    • Used most often with articulation and language disorders and in these cases we have developmental expectations that have been documented
  16. Describe pros of a norm-referenced test. (5)
    • Less time consuming than descriptive measures
    • Provide scores often required by schools
    • Tests are objective
    • Easy to administer
    • Most preferred for 3rd party reimbursement
  17. Describe cons of a norm-referenced test. (5)
    • Do not explore learning potential
    • Do not provide info about communicative competence in real-life situations
    • Only evaluates isolated skills
    • Must be accurately administered
    • May not be appropriate for culturally and/or linguistically diverse clients
  18. Describe criterion-referenced tests.
    • How does client compare to expected level of performance?
    • Performance based on a predetermined standard not in comparison to others
    • Identifies what a client can and cannot do
    • Used most often with disorders of fluency, voice, and neurogenic disorders and in these cases it’s more helpful to compare abilities to a clinical expectation (e.g., intelligible speech)
  19. Describe pros of a criterion-referenced test. (3)
    • Less time consuming than descriptive measures
    • Tests are usually objective
    • Can receive 3rd party reimbursement
  20. Describe cons of a criterion-referenced test. (2)
    • Do not provide information about communicative competence in real-life situations
    • Only evaluates isolated skills
  21. How is the Authentic, Alternative, or Non-traditional Approach different from criterion-referenced tests?
    • Emphasizes contextualized test stimuli
    • Test environment is a realistic situation
    • Is Ongoing - Evaluates client’s performance during both the assessment and treatment. All info maintained in client portfolio. If appropriate, client will add to, review folder allowing for both self evaluation and self monitoring
  22. Using the Authentic, Alternative, or Non-traditional Approach hypotheses may be generated around what five different factors that may be related to the learner’s problem?
    • Curricular - questions regarding the content,material, or objective that impact the learner
    • Teacher/instructional - the manner in which the teacher is using the curriculum, instructing the learner, or interacting with the learner
    • Environmental - the learning environment and how it impacts the learner’s performance
    • Student skills - the learner’s mastery of prerequisite skills to perform specific academic or nonacademic tasks
    • Learner process - questions regarding the learner’s capacity to learn as well as the learner’s problem-solving strategies.
  23. Describe pros of Authentic, Alternative, or Non-traditional Approach. (5)
    • Naturalistic approach, similar to real world
    • Client participation in self evaluation and monitoring
    • Allows for individualization
    • Flexible
    • Can provide descriptive information useful for planning intervention
  24. Describe cons of Authentic, Alternative, or Non-traditional Approach. (6)
    • May lack objectivity
    • Most procedures not standardized, thus may lack reliability and validity
    • Requires advanced level of clinical skills
    • Requires lots of time for planning
    • May not be practical in some situations
    • Not preferred by 3rd party reimbursement
  25. What are psychometric principles?
    • Validity
    • Reliability
    • We don’t say a test is reliable or valid—instead we talk about whether estimates of reliability and validity for a test are high or low.
  26. What is the difference between content and face validity?
    Content validity is usually estimated by the opinions of experts while face validity is estimated by the average person.
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CSD 367K Exam 1
CSD 367K Exam 1 Child Disorders, SLP