flash H1-4.txt

  1. How did God speak to our forefathers through the
    prophets? / In various ways / H 1:1
  2. To whom did God speak in the
    past? / To our forefathers / H 1:1
  3. Through whom did God make the
    universe? / His Son / H 1:2
  4. What did God make through his
    Son? / The universe / H 1:2
  5. Whom did God appoint heir of all
    things? / His Son / H 1:2
  6. Who had provided purification for
    sins? / The Son / H 1:3
  7. Who is the exact representation of God's
    being? / The Son / H 1:3
  8. What has the Son
    inherited? / A name superior to the name of the angels / H 1:4
  9. What name is superior to the angels'
    name? / The name the Son has inherited / H 1:4
  10. Who brings his firstborn into the
    world? / God / H 1:6
  11. Who says, "Let all God's angels worship
    him"? / God / H 1:6
  12. Who makes his servants flames of
    fire? / God / H 1:7
  13. Of what will righteousness be the
    scepter? / Your kingdom / H 1:8
  14. What will be the scepter of your
    kingdom? / Righteousness / H 1:8
  15. Where has God set the Son by anointing him with the oil of
    joy? / Above his companions / H 1:9
  16. Of what did the Lord lay the
    foundations? / The earth / H 1:10
  17. What did the Lord lay in the
    beginning? / The foundations of the earth / H 1:10
  18. Like what will the earth and the heavens all wear
    out? / A garment / H 1:11
  19. What will all wear out like a
    garment? / The foundations of the earth and the heavens / H 1:11
  20. Like what will the heavens all wear
    out? / A garment / H 1:10-11
  21. Like what will the Lord roll them
    up? / A robe / H 1:12
  22. Who remains the
    same? / The Lord (the Son or God) / H 1:12
  23. Who are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit
    salvation? / All angels / H 1:14
  24. Whom are all angels sent to
    serve? / Those who will inherit salvation / H 1:14
  25. Who has loved
    righteousness? / The Son / H 1:8-9
  26. To what must we pay more careful
    attention? / To what we have heard / H 2:1
  27. What must we pay to what we have
    heard? / More careful attention / H 2:1
  28. What was
    binding? / The message spoken by angels / H 2:2
  29. By whom was this salvation first
    announced? / The Lord / H 2:3
  30. What was confirmed to us by those who heard the
    Lord? / This salvation / H 2:3
  31. When was this salvation announced by the
    Lord? / First / H 2:3
  32. According to whose will are gifts of the Holy Spirit
    distributed? / God's / H 2:4
  33. To whom has God not subjected the world to
    come? / To angels / H 2:5
  34. Who has testified: "What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for
    him?" / Someone / H 2:6
  35. Who is mindful of
    man? / God / H 2:6
  36. Who crowned man with glory and honor and put everything under his
    feet? / God / H 2:7
  37. With what did God crown
    man? / Glory and honor / H 2:7
  38. Under what did God put
    everything? / Man's feet / H 2:8
  39. Through what was it fitting that God should make the author of their salvation
    perfect? / Through suffering / H 2:10
  40. What exists through
    God? / Everything / H 2:10
  41. Who is not ashamed to call them
    brothers? / Jesus / H 2:11
  42. In what will Jesus sing your
    praises? / In the presence of the congregation / H 2:12
  43. To whom will Jesus declare your
    name? / His brothers / H 2:12
  44. Who has given Jesus the
    children? / God / H 2:13
  45. Who will put his trust in
    God? / Jesus / H 2:13
  46. What power does the devil
    hold? / The power of death / H 2:14
  47. Who too shared in their
    humanity? / Jesus / H 2:14
  48. Who helps Abraham's
    descendants? / Jesus / H 2:16
  49. For what might Jesus make
    atonement? / For the sins of the people / H 2:17
  50. In what did Jesus have to be made like his
    brothers? / In every way / H 2:17
  51. Whom is Jesus able to help because he himself suffered when he was
    tempted? / Those who being tempted / H 2:18
  52. Why is Jesus able to help those who are being
    tempted? / Because he himself suffered when he was tempted / H 2:18
  53. Who might free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of
    death? / Jesus / H 2:14-15
  54. On whom should the holy brothers fix their
    thoughts? / Jesus / H 3:1
  55. What should the holy brothers fix on
    Jesus? / Their thoughts / H 3:1
  56. By whom is every house
    built? / By someone / H 3:4
  57. Who is the builder of
    everything? / God / H 3:4
  58. In what did your fathers see what the Holy Spirit
    did? / In the desert / H 3:8
  59. What did you harden in the
    rebellion? / Your hearts / H 3:8
  60. Who tested and tried the Holy
    Spirit? / Your fathers / H 3:9
  61. When are that generation's hearts going
    astray? / Always / H 3:10
  62. What did the Holy Spirit declare on oath in his
    anger? / "They shall never enter my rest" / H 3:11
  63. From whom does an unbelieving heart turn
    away? / The living God / H 3:12
  64. By what may none of you be
    hardened? / Sin's deceitfulness / H 3:13
  65. How long should you encourage one another
    daily? / As long as it is called Today / H 3:13
  66. Who led them all out of
    Egypt? / Moses / H 3:16
  67. Who heard and
    rebelled? / All those Moses led out of Egypt / H 3:16
  68. Who was angry with that
    generation? / The Holy Spirit / H 3:7-10
  69. What were they not able to enter because of their
    unbelief? / God's rest / H 3:18-19
  70. What promise still
    stands? / The promise of entering God's rest / H 4:1
  71. Who did not combine the message with
    faith? / Those who heard the message / H 4:2
  72. Since when has God's work been
    finished? / Since the creation of the world / H 4:3
  73. What did God declare on oath in his
    anger? / They shall never enter my rest / H 4:3
  74. From what did God rest on the seventh
    day? / From all his work / H 4:4
  75. Who says in the passage above, "They shall never enter my
    rest"? / God / H 4:5
  76. When did God speak through
    David? / A long time later / H 4:7
  77. Who called a certain day
    Today? / God / H 4:7
  78. For whom does a Sabbath-rest
    remain? / For the people of God / H 4:9
  79. From what does anyone who enters God's rest also
    rest? / From his own work / H 4:10
  80. Of what does the word of God judge the thoughts and
    attitudes? / The heart / H 4:12
  81. Than what is the word of God
    sharper? / Any double-edged sword / H 4:12
  82. What is sharper than any double-edged
    sword? / The word of God / H 4:12
  83. Before what is everything uncovered and laid
    bare? / Before the eyes of him to whom we must give account / H 4:13
  84. From whose sight is nothing in all creation
    hidden? / God's / H 4:13
  85. Of whom is Jesus the
    Son? / God / H 4:14
  86. Who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet was without
    sin? / The high priest we have [OR Jesus] / H 4:15
  87. What may we receive when we approach the throne of grace with
    confidence? / Mercy / H 4:16
  88. What may we find to help us in our time of need?
    / Grace / H 4:16
  89. What should we approach with
    confidence? / The throne of grace / H 4:16
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flash H1-4.txt
Hebrews Bible Quizzing Nazarene SWO