flash H5-8.txt

  1. By whom was Aaron
    called? / God / H 5:4
  2. What did Christ also not take upon
    himself? / The glory of becoming a high priest / H 5:5
  3. Who also did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a high
    priest? / Christ / H 5:5
  4. In what order is Christ a priest
    forever? / The order of Melchizedek / H 5:6
  5. What is Christ forever, in the order of
    Melchizedek? / A priest / H 5:6
  6. What was
    reverent? / Jesus' submission / H 5:7
  7. Whose submission was
    reverent? / Jesus' / H 5:7
  8. To whom did Jesus offer up prayers and petitions with loud cries and
    tears? / The one who could save him from death / H 5:7
  9. From what did Jesus learn
    obedience? / From what he suffered / H 5:8
  10. Of what did Jesus become the source for all who obey
    him? / Eternal salvation / H 5:9
  11. What did Jesus become for all who obey
    him? / The source of eternal salvation / H 5:9
  12. When did Jesus become the source of eternal salvation for all who obey
    him? / Once made perfect / H 5:9
  13. In what was Jesus designated by God to be high
    priest? / In the order of Melchizedek / H 5:10
  14. What did God designate Jesus to
    be? / High priest in the order of Melchizedek / H 5:10
  15. Who are slow to
    learn? / You (the Hebrews) / H 5:11
  16. What do you need instead of solid
    food? / Milk / H 5:12
  17. What is anyone who lives on
    milk? / Still an infant and not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness / H 5:13
  18. What teachings should we
    leave? / The elementary teachings about Christ / H 6:1
  19. How are they crucifying the Son of God if they fall
    away? / All over again / H 6:5
  20. Of what have they tasted the
    powers? / The coming age / H 6:5
  21. When will land that produces thorns and thistles be
    burned? / In the end / H 6:8
  22. What will land that produces thorns and thistles
    be? / Cursed / H 6:7
  23. Who is not
    unjust? / God / H 6:10
  24. Who have you
    helped? / God's people / H 6:10
  25. When do we want each of you to show this same
    diligence? / To the very end / H 6:11
  26. What do they inherit through faith and
    patience? / What has been promised / H 6:12
  27. What do we not want you to
    become? / Lazy / H 6:12
  28. Who made his promise to
    Abraham? / God / H 6:13
  29. What did God make to
    Abraham? / His promise / H 6:13
  30. Who was there for God to swear
    by? / No one greater / H 6:13
  31. Whom will God surely bless and give many
    descendants? / Abraham / H 6:14
  32. By whom do men
    swear? / Someone greater than themselves / H 6:16
  33. With what did God confirm the unchanging nature of his
    purpose? / An oath / H 6:17
  34. Behind what is the inner
    sanctuary? / The curtain / H 6:19
  35. In what has Jesus become a high priest
    forever? / In the order of Melchizedek / H 6:20
  36. What has Jesus become forever in the order of
    Melchizedek? / A high priest / H 6:20
  37. Of whom was Melchizedek
    priest? / God Most High / H 7:1
  38. What means "king of
    peace"? / "King of Salem" / H 7:2
  39. Whom did Abraham give a tenth of
    everything? / Melchizedek / H 7:2
  40. How long does Melchizedek remain a
    priest? / Forever / H 7:3
  41. Who gave Melchizedek a tenth of the
    plunder? / The patriarch Abraham / H 7:4
  42. Who was the
    patriarch? / Abraham / H 7:4
  43. Who is blessed by the greater
    person? / The lesser person / H 7:6
  44. By whom is the lesser person
    blessed? / By the greater / H 7:7
  45. What is collected by men who
    die? / The tenth / H 7:8
  46. What might one even say that Levi paid through
    Abraham? / The tenth / H 7:9
  47. When must there be a change of the
    law? / When there is a change of the priesthood / H 7:12
  48. Where has no one from that tribe ever
    served? / At the altar / H 7:13
  49. What was weak and
    useless? / The former regulation / H 7:18
  50. To whom do we draw near by a better
    hope? / God / H 7:19
  51. What did others become without any
    oath? / Priests / H 7:20
  52. What will the Lord not
    change? / His mind / H 7:21
  53. Who will not change his
    mind? / The Lord / H 7:21
  54. What prevented those priests from continuing in
    office? / Death / H 7:23
  55. What does Jesus have because he lives
    forever? / A permanent priesthood / H 7:24
  56. Who has a permanent
    priesthood? / Jesus / H 7:24
  57. How is Jesus able to save those who come to God through
    him? / Completely / H 7:25
  58. When does such a high priest not need to offer
    sacrifices? / Day after day / H 7:27
  59. What does such a high priest not need to offer day after
    day? / Sacrifices / H 7:27
  60. After what did the oath
    come? / The law / H 7:28
  61. What appoints as high priests men who are
    weak? / The law / H 7:28
  62. What tabernacle is set up by the
    Lord? / The true tabernacle / H 8:2
  63. What are prescribed by the
    law? / Gifts / H 8:4
  64. To what is the covenant of which Jesus is mediator
    superior? / The old one (covenant) / H 8:6
  65. Who declares 'The time is coming, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of
    Judah"? / The Lord / H 8:8
  66. Who found fault with the
    people? / God / H 8:8
  67. Who took their forefathers by the hand to lead them out of
    Egypt? / God [OR the Lord] / H 8:9
  68. On what will the Lord write his
    laws? / Their (house of Israel) hearts / H 8:10
  69. What will God put in the minds of the house of
    Israel? / His laws / H 8:10
  70. What will a man no longer teach his neighbor or
    brother? / "Know the Lord" / H 8:11
  71. What has God made obsolete by calling this covenant
    "new"? / The first one (covenant) / H 8:13
  72. When will what is obsolete and aging
    disappear? / Soon / H 8:13
Card Set
flash H5-8.txt
Hebrews Bible Quizzing Nazarene SWO