
  1. beta hemolytic
    Group A, B, D strep
  2. Streptolysin O and S
    • hemolysins in beta hemolytic bacteria
    • O: needs low oxygen, antigenic
    • S: not inactivated by oxygen, not antigenic
  3. F protein, lipoteichoic acid, M protein
    strep group A
  4. hylauronic acid capsule
    group A strep
  5. C5a peptidase
    group A strep
  6. erythrogenic toxin
    • group A strep
    • super Ag; causes scarlet fever
    • needs conversion by lysogenic bacteriophage
  7. pyogenic exotoxin A
    • group A strep
    • strep TSS; requires systemic spread of streptococci
  8. exotoxin B
    • group A strep
    • protease to cause tissue damage and necrotizing fasciitis
  9. main bacterial cause pharyngitis and skin infections
    group A strep
  10. streptokinase
    group A strep
  11. DNase
    • strep group A
    • degrades DNA in exudates or necrotic tissue
  12. scarlet fever
    strep group A
  13. strep of neonates
    group B strep
  14. UTI hospitals
    enterococci group D strep
  15. endocarditis following surgery
    enterococci group D strep
  16. normal GI flora
    enterococci strep group D
  17. endocarditis with colon cancer
  18. main cause bacteria infective endocarditis
    strep viridans
  19. dental surgery risk
    strep viridans
  20. Janeway lesions
  21. non beta hemolytic
    viridans and pneumoniae
  22. main cause bacterial pneumoniae
    strep pneumoniae
  23. lancet shaped
    strep pneumoniae
  24. quelling rxn
    strep pneumoniae
  25. C substance
    strep pneumoniae; reacts with liver CRP
  26. pneumolysin
    strep pneumoniae
  27. IgA protease
    strep pneumoniae
  28. lysed by bile and deoxycholate
    strep pneumoniae
  29. inhibited by optochin
    strep pneumoniae
  30. honey colored crusted lesion
    impetigo, sign of s. aureus
  31. infection of subcutaneous fat layer
    • cellulitis, s. aureus sx
    • includes warm, swollen, red, lg blisters, scabs
  32. infection spreads via fascial plane
    fasciitis of s. aureus
  33. coagulase
    staph, promotes clotting so it can be protected from immune system and "walled off"
  34. staphylokinase
    breaks down clot formed by coagulase in staph
  35. staphyloxanthin
    • causes gold colonies of staph aureus
    • inactivates superoxides in neutrophils
  36. beta lactamase plasmids
    s. aureus; degrades penicllin antibiotic
  37. penicillin binding protein
    aka transpeptidase of bacterial cell
  38. Protein A
    staph; binds Fc of IgG so complement cannot be activated
  39. teichoic acids
    gram positive bacteria; adheres staph to mucosal cells to cause septic shock via TLR-2
  40. staph peptidoglycan
    endotoxin-like; causes macro to make cytokines, complement, and coagulase...septic shock even though nothing really secreted from bacteria
  41. enterotoxin
    • staph aureus; exotoxin that causes food poisoning with lots vomitting
    • super Ag to release lots IL1/IL2 to activate CD4 cells
    • heat and acid resistant
    • cytokines cause vomitting
  42. TSST
    • staph exotoxin (toxemia)
    • acts as super Ag
  43. Exfoliatin
    • scaled skin (staph aureus)
    • cleaves desmoglein
    • localized infection so no bugs found in sloughed skin
  44. alpha leukocidins
    • tissue necrosis
    • widely spread among tissues (non specific)
    • due to holes in cell mem
  45. PV leukocidin
    • s aureus
    • kills WBCs (specific leukocidin)
    • only with lysogenic phages
    • MRSA
  46. hyaluronidase
    • s aureus
    • destroys membrane so bug can spread faster in CT
  47. lipase
    • s aureus
    • allows colonization of sebaceous areas of skin
  48. bacterial endocarditis
    bacteria colonize normal or deformed heart valves
  49. necrotizing pneumoniae
    • s aureus
    • bronchi blocked w/ pus and lots PMNs
  50. suburn like rash
    staph TSS
  51. strawberry tongue
    kawasaki syndrome-resembles staph TSS
  52. novobiocin
    • s. epidermidis susceptible
    • s. saprophyticus resistant
  53. hylauronic acid capsule
    group A strep; antibodies not made against it so it is very virulent
  54. hydrolyze esculin in bile
    group D strep
  55. growth in hypertonic NaCl
    group D strep
  56. hydrolyze hippurate
    group B strep
  57. rusty sputum
    pneumonia caused by str. pneumoniae
  58. amylase
    in str pneumoniae; activated by bile salts to cause autolysis of bug and gives "bile solubility"
  59. bactracin resistant
    group B strep
  60. CAMP factor
    • group B strep
    • enhances zone beta hemolysis caused by s. aureus
  61. lipopolysaccharide endotoxin
    N. meningitidis
  62. lipooligosaccharide endotoxin
    N. gonorrhea
  63. pilus protein variation
    N. gonorrhea
  64. chocolate agar
    blood is heated to 80C to inactive inhibitors of neisseria growth
  65. oxidase positive
    • neisseria; indicates that the bug has cytochrome C
    • causes purple/black colonies if exposed to phenylenediamine
  66. most likely cause epidemic meningitis
    N. meningitidis
  67. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
    • meningococcemia
    • fever, shock, purpura, DIC, thrombocytopenia, adrenal insufficiency
  68. ferments maltose and glucose
    N. meningitidis
  69. ferments only glucose
    N. gonorrhea
  70. Guillian-Barre syndrome
    associated with adverse effects of N. meningitidis vaccine
  71. Porin A
    in cell wall of N. gonorrhea; responsible for dissemination because inactivates C3b complement
  72. salpingitis, PID
    • sx of N. gonorrhea infection of women
    • causes sterility and ectopic pregnancy
  73. Thayer-Martin medium
    chocolate agar with antibiotics to suppress normal flora; used for neisseria testing
  74. Opa protein
    • adherence to hosts by N. gonorrhea; allows pathogen directed endocytosis by binding to heparin sulfate proteoglycan receptor of host cell
    • causes aggregation and focal infection
Card Set
MS1/Mod 6: Microbiology