flash H9-13.txt

  1. What also had regulations for an earthly
    sanctuary? / The first covenant / H 9:1
  2. What was the first room of the tabernacle
    called? / The Holy Place / H 9:2
  3. What was called the Holy
    Place? / The first room of the tabernacle (where the lampstand, the table and the consewcrated bread were) / H 9:2
  4. What was behind the second
    curtain? / the Most Holy Place / H 9:3
  5. What contained Aaron's staff that had
    budded? / The (gold-covered) ark of the covenant / H 9:4
  6. Where were the cherubim of the
    Glory? / Above the ark (of the covenant) / H 9:5
  7. What were overshadowing the atonement
    cover? / The cherubim of the Glory / H 9:5
  8. Who entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their
    ministry? / The priests / H 9:6
  9. What had the people committed in
    ignorance? / Sins / H 9:7
  10. When had the way into the Most Holy Place not yet been
    disclosed? / As long as the first tabernacle was still standing / H 9:8
  11. What were not able to clear the conscience of the
    worshiper? / The gifts and sacrifices being offered / H 9:9
  12. Until when do external regulations
    apply? / The time of the new order / H 9:10
  13. What tabernacle is not
    man-made? / The greater and more perfect tabernacle / H 9:11
  14. Who came as high priest of the good things that are already
    here? / Christ / H 9:11
  15. By what means did Christ not enter the Most Holy
    Place? / By means of the blood of goats and calves / H 9:12
  16. How did Christ enter the Most Holy
    Place? / (once for all) By his own blood / H 9:12
  17. Who entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own
    blood? / Christ / H 9:12
  18. What will cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to
    death? / The blood of Christ / H 9:14
  19. Who offered himself unblemished to
    God? / Christ / H 9:14
  20. What were committed under the first
    covenant? / Sins / H 9:15
  21. Whose death is it necessary to
    prove? / The one who made the will / H 9:16
  22. What never takes effect while the one who made it is
    living? / A will / H 9:17
  23. Who had proclaimed every commandment of the law to all the
    people? / Moses / H 9:19
  24. With what did Moses sprinkle both the tabernacle and everything used in its
    ceremonies? / The blood / H 9:21
  25. What does the law require be cleansed with
    blood? / Nearly everything / H 9:22
  26. What is there without the shedding of
    blood? / No forgiveness / H 9:22
  27. For whom does Christ now appear in God's
    presence? / Us / H 9:24
  28. What was only a copy of the true
    sanctuary? / A man-made sanctuary / H 9:24
  29. What was a man-made
    sanctuary? / Only a copy of the true one / H 9:24
  30. Where does the high priest enter every year with blood that is not his
    own? / The Most Holy Place / H 9:25
  31. Who did not enter heaven to offer himself again and
    again? / Christ / H 9:25
  32. How has Christ appeared at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of
    himself? / Once for all / H 9:26
  33. Who has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of
    himself? / Christ / H 9:26
  34. When is man destined to face
    judgment? / After dying once / H 9:27
  35. Who is destined to die once, and after that to face
    judgment? / Man / H 9:27
  36. When are the same sacrifices repeated
    endlessly? / Year after year / H 10:1
  37. For whom did God prepare a
    body? / Christ / H 10:5
  38. Who did not desire sacrifice and
    offering? / God / H 10:5
  39. Whose will has Christ come to
    do? / God's / H 10:7
  40. Why does Christ set aside the
    first? / To establish the second / H 10:9
  41. What does every priest stand and perform day after
    day? / His religious duties / H 10:11
  42. What does every priest offer again and
    again? / The same sacrifices / H 10:11
  43. Who will put his laws in their
    hearts? / The Lord / H 10:16
  44. Who will write his laws on their
    minds? / The Lord / H 10:16
  45. When will the Lord remember their sins and lawless
    acts? / No more / H 10:17
  46. What do we have confidence to enter by the blood of
    Jesus? / The Most Holy Place / H 10:19
  47. Through what is a new and living way opened for
    us? / The curtain (that is, Jesus' body) / H 10:20
  48. Whose body is the
    curtain? / Jesus' / H 10:20
  49. Over what do we have a great
    priest? / The house of God / H 10:21
  50. Toward what may we spur one another
    on? / Love and good deeds / H 10:24
  51. Whom may we spur on toward love and good
    deeds? / One another / H 10:24
  52. What are some in the habit of giving
    up? / Meeting together / H 10:25
  53. What will consume the enemies of
    God? / Raging fire / H 10:27
  54. On what testimony did anyone who rejected the law of Moses die without
    mercy? / The testimony of two or three witnesses / H 10:28
  55. Who died without mercy on the testimony of two or three
    witnesses? / Anyone who rejected the law of Moses / H 10:28
  56. Whose is it to
    avenge? / Him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," / H 10:30
  57. Who will judge his
    people? / The Lord / H 10:30
  58. What is a dreadful
    thing? / To fall into he hands of the Living God / H 10:31
  59. Into what is it a dreadful thing to
    fall? / The hands of the Living God / H 10:31
  60. To what were you sometimes publicly
    exposed? / Insult and persecution / H 10:33
  61. What did you do with those in
    prison? / You sympathized / H 10:34
  62. With whom did you
    sympathize? / Those in prison / H 10:34
  63. How will your confidence be
    rewarded? / Richly / H 10:35
  64. What should you not throw
    away? / Your confidence / H 10:35
  65. Who will come and not
    delay? / He who is coming / H 10:37
  66. What if My righteous one shrinks
    back? / I (God) will not be pleased with him / H 10:38
  67. What are those who shrink
    back? / Destroyed / H 10:39
  68. Of what is faith being
    sure? / What we hope for / H 11:1
  69. What is being certain of what we do not
    see? / Faith / H 11:1
  70. Who were commended for their
    faith? / The ancients / H 11:2
  71. How was the universe
    formed? / At God's command (so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible) / H 11:3
  72. Out of what was what is seen not
    made? / What was visible / H 11:3
  73. What do we understand by
    faith? / that the universe was formed at God's command / H 11:3
  74. By what did Abel offer God a better sacrifice than Cain
    did? / Faith / H 11:4
  75. What sacrifice did Abel offer
    God? / A better sacrifice than Cain did / H 11:4
  76. How was Enoch taken from this
    life? / By faith / H 11:5
  77. Who must believe that God rewards those who earnestly seek
    him? / Anyone who comes to God / H 11:6
  78. Whom is it impossible to please without
    faith? / God / H 11:6
  79. Who was warned about things not yet
    seen? / Noah / H 11:7
  80. By what did Abraham obey and go, even though he did not know where he was
    going? / Faith / H 11:8
  81. Who were heirs with Abraham of the same
    promise? / Isaac and Jacob / H 11:9
  82. Whom had Abraham considered
    faithful? / Him who had made the promise / H 11:11
  83. As numerous as what are Abraham's
    descendants? / The stars in the sky / H 11:12
  84. Who is not ashamed to be called their
    God? / God / H 11:16
  85. By what did Abraham offer Isaac as a
    sacrifice? / Faith / H 11:17
  86. Who tested
    Abraham? / God / H 11:17
  87. What had God said to him who had received the
    promises? / "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned" / H 11:18
  88. Through whom will Abraham's offspring be
    reckoned? / Isaac / H 11:18
  89. Who had said to Abraham, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be
    reckoned"? / God / H 11:18
  90. Who reasoned that God could raise the
    dead? / Abraham / H 11:19
  91. Who received Isaac back from
    death? / Abraham / H 11:19
  92. By what did Isaac bless Jacob and Esau in regard to their
    future? / Faith / H 11:20
  93. Whom did Isaac bless in regard to their
    future? / Jacob and Esau / H 11:20
  94. On what did Jacob lean as he
    worshiped? / The top of his staff / H 11:21
  95. When did Jacob bless each of Joseph's
    sons? / When he was dying / H 11:21
  96. When did Joseph give instructions about his
    bones? / When his end was near / H 11:22
  97. Of whose edict were Moses' parents not
    afraid? / The king's / H 11:23
  98. As what did Moses refuse to be
    known? / The son of Pharaoh's daughter / H 11:24
  99. When did Moses refuse to be known as the son of Pharaoh's
    daughter? / When he had grown up / H 11:24
  100. Who chose not to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short
    time? / Moses / H 11:25
  101. With whom did Moses choose to be
    mistreated? / The people of God / H 11:25
  102. By what did Moses leave
    Egypt? / Faith / H 11:27
  103. Whom would the destroyer of the firstborn not
    touch? / The firstborn of Israel / H 11:28
  104. Through what did the people pass as on dry
    land? / The Red Sea / H 11:29
  105. Who were drowned when they tried to pass through the Red
    Sea? / The Egyptians / H 11:29
  106. By what did the walls of Jericho
    fall? / Faith / H 11:30
  107. Where had the people marched for seven
    days? / Around the walls of Jericho / H 11:30
  108. Who was not killed with those who were
    disobedient? / The prostitute Rahab / H 11:31
  109. Why was Rahab not killed with those who were
    disobedient? / Because she welcomed the spies / H 11:31
  110. What did they shut through
    faith? / The mouths of lions / H 11:33
  111. What did they become in
    battle? / Powerful / H 11:34
  112. What did they
    rout? / Foreign armies / H 11:34
  113. Who received back their dead, raised to life
    again? / Women / H 11:35
  114. Who faced jeers and
    flogging? / Some / H 11:36
  115. Who were sawed in
    two? / Still others / H 11:37
  116. Who was not worthy of
    them? / The world / H 11:38
  117. What is marked out for
    us? / The race / H 12:1
  118. What should we run with
    perseverance? / The race marked out for us / H 12:1
  119. What should we fix on
    Jesus? / Our eyes / H 12:2
  120. Who is the author and perfecter of our
    faith? / Jesus / H 12:2
  121. From whom did Jesus endure
    opposition? / From sinful men / H 12:3
  122. What addresses you as
    sons? / The word of encouragement / H 12:5
  123. When should you not lose
    heart? / When the Lord rebukes you / H 12:5
  124. Who disciplines those he
    loves? / The Lord / H 12:6
  125. Who punishes everyone he accepts as a
    son? / The Lord / H 12:6
  126. What should you endure as
    discipline? / Hardship / H 12:7
  127. Who is treating you as
    sons? / God / H 12:7
  128. What if you are not
    disciplined? / Then you are illegitimate children and not true sons / H 12:8
  129. Who undergoes
    discipline? / Everyone / H 12:8
  130. Whom did we respect for disciplining
    us? / Human fathers / H 12:9
  131. In whose holiness may we
    share? / God's / H 12:10
  132. Who disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his
    holiness? / God / H 12:10
  133. What does no discipline seem at the
    time? / Pleasant / H 12:11
  134. When does discipline seem
    painful? / At the time / H 12:11
  135. What should you
    strengthen? / Your feeble arms and weak knees / H 12:12
  136. What may the lame rather
    be? / Healed / H 12:13
  137. Whom will no one see without
    holiness? / The Lord / H 12:14
  138. Without what will no one see the
    Lord? / Holiness / H 12:14
  139. Whose grace should you see that no one
    misses? / The grace of God / H 12:15
  140. What did Esau sell for a single
    meal? / His inheritance rights as the oldest son / H 12:16
  141. Who sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son for a single
    meal? / Esau / H 12:16
  142. What did Esau seek with
    tears? / The blessing / H 12:17
  143. What is burning with
    fire? / A mountain (that you have not come to) / H 12:18
  144. With what is a mountain
    burning? / Fire / H 12:18
  145. What if even an animal touches the
    mountain? / It must be stoned / H 12:20
  146. What must be stoned if it touches the
    mountain? / Even an animal / H 12:20
  147. What did Moses say because the sight was so
    terrifying? / "I am trembling with fear" / H 12:21
  148. Who said, "I am trembling with
    fear"? / Moses / H 12:21
  149. To what mount have you
    come? / Mount Zion (the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God) / H 12:22
  150. To what church have you
    come? / The church of the firstborn / H 12:23
  151. Where are the names of the church of the firstborn
    written? / In heaven / H 12:23
  152. Of what covenant is Jesus the
    mediator? / A new covenant / H 12:24
  153. Where did he warn
    them? / On earth / H 12:25
  154. What did his voice shake at that
    time? / The earth / H 12:26
  155. What shook the earth at that
    time? / His (God's) voice / H 12:26
  156. What will God shake once
    more? / Not only the earth but also the heavens / H 12:26
  157. What can a kingdom we are receiving not
    be? / Shaken / H 12:28
  158. Who is a consuming
    fire? / Our God / H 12:29
  159. As what should we keep on loving each
    other? / As brothers / H 13:1
  160. Whom should you keep on loving as
    brothers? / Each other / H 13:1
  161. Whom should you not forget to
    entertain? / Strangers / H 13:2
  162. How should you remember those who are
    mistreated? / As if you yourselves were suffering / H 13:3
  163. What should the marriage bed be
    kept? / Pure / H 13:4
  164. Who will judge all the sexually
    immoral? / God / H 13:4
  165. From what should you keep your lives
    free? / The love of money / H 13:5
  166. Who has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake
    you"? / God / H 13:5
  167. What did your leaders speak to
    you? / The word of God / H 13:7
  168. Who is the same yesterday and today and
    forever? / Jesus Christ / H 13:8
  169. Outside what are the bodies
    burned? / The camp / H 13:11
  170. Where does the high priest carry the blood of animals as a sin
    offering? / Into the Most Holy Place / H 13:11
  171. Who also suffered outside the city
    gate? / Jesus / H 13:12
  172. Who made the people holy through his own
    blood? / Jesus / H 13:12
  173. What disgrace should we
    bear? / The disgrace Jesus bore / H 13:13
  174. Who bore
    disgrace? / Jesus / H 13:13
  175. For what city are we
    looking? / The city that is to come / H 13:14
  176. To whom should we continually offer a sacrifice of praise through
    Jesus? / God / H 13:15
  177. Who is pleased with such
    sacrifices? / God / H 13:16
  178. With whom should you not forget to
    share? / Others / H 13:16
  179. To whose authority should you
    submit? / Your leaders' authority / H 13:17
  180. What do we desire to do in every
    way? / Live honorably / H 13:18
  181. Of what is our Lord Jesus a great
    Shepherd? / The sheep / H 13:20
  182. Who brought back from the dead our Lord
    Jesus? / The God of peace / H 13:20
  183. What be to Jesus Christ for ever and
    ever? / Glory / H 13:21
  184. What is
    Timothy? / Our brother / H 13:23
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flash H9-13.txt
Hebrews WCCN Bible quizzing