flash 1P.txt

  1. Where are God's elect
    strangers? / In the world / 1P 1:1
  2. Who is an apostle of Jesus
    Christ? / Peter / 1P 1:1
  3. In what has God given us new birth into a living
    hope? / His great mercy / 1P 1:3
  4. Who has given us new birth into a living
    hope? / God / 1P 1:3
  5. What can never perish, spoil or
    fade? / An inheritance kept in heaven for you / 1P 1:4
  6. Who may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of
    trials? / You (God's elect) / 1P 1:6
  7. By what is gold
    refined? / Fire / 1P 1:7
  8. Than what is your faith of greater
    worth? / Gold / 1P 1:7
  9. What may be proved
    genuine? / Your faith / 1P 1:7
  10. What may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is
    revealed? / Your faith / 1P 1:7
  11. When may your faith result in praise, glory and
    honor? / When Jesus Christ is revealed / 1P 1:7
  12. What do you do even though you do not see Jesus Christ
    now? / Believe in him (and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy) / 1P 1:8
  13. Who believe in Jesus
    Christ? / You (God's elect) / 1P 1:8
  14. What is the salvation of your
    souls? / The goal of your faith / 1P 1:9
  15. Who are receiving the salvation of your
    souls? / You (God's elect) / 1P 1:9
  16. Who searched intently and with the greatest
    care? / The prophets (who spoke of the grace that was to come to you) / 1P 1:10
  17. Whose sufferings did the Spirit of Christ
    predict? / The sufferings of Christ / 1P 1:11
  18. What is to be given you when Jesus Christ is
    revealed? / Grace / 1P 1:13
  19. When is grace to be given to
    you? / When Jesus Christ is revealed / 1P 1:13
  20. Who are obedient
    children? / You (God's elect) / 1P 1:14
  21. In what should you be
    holy? / All you do / 1P 1:15
  22. Who should be holy in all they
    do? / You (God's elect) / 1P 1:15
  23. How should you live your lives as strangers
    here? / In reverent fear / 1P 1:17
  24. What does the Father judge
    impartially? / Each man's work / 1P 1:17
  25. What should you do in reverent
    fear? / Live your lives as strangers here / 1P 1:17
  26. Who judges each man's work
    impartially? / The Father / 1P 1:17
  27. Whose work does the Father judge
    impartially? / Each man's / 1P 1:17
  28. Without what is Christ a
    lamb? / Blemish or defect / 1P 1:19
  29. When was Christ
    chosen? / Before the creation of the world / 1P 1:20
  30. In whom are your faith and
    hope? / God / 1P 1:21
  31. Who glorified
    Christ? / God / 1P 1:21
  32. Who raised Christ from the dead and glorified
    him? / God / 1P 1:21
  33. By what have you purified
    yourselves? / Obeying the truth / 1P 1:22
  34. Who obeyed the
    truth? / You (God's elect) / 1P 1:22
  35. Who should love one another deeply, from the
    heart? / You (God's elect) / 1P 1:22
  36. Whom should you love deeply, from the
    heart? / One another / 1P 1:22
  37. What is living and
    enduring? / The word of God / 1P 1:23
  38. Who are like
    grass? / All men / 1P 1:24
  39. What does the grass
    do? / It withers / 1P 1:24
  40. What
    withers? / Grass / 1P 1:24
  41. Whose glory is like the flowers of the
    field? / All men's / 1P 1:24
  42. How long does the word of the Lord
    stand? / Forever / 1P 1:25
  43. What word was preached to
    you? / The word of the Lord / 1P 1:25
  44. Whose word stands
    forever? / The word of the Lord / 1P 1:25
  45. Why should you be holy in all you
    do? / For it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy" / 1P 1:15-16
  46. With what blood were you
    redeemed? / The precious blood of Christ / 1P 1:18-19
  47. With whose blood were you
    redeemed? / Christ's / 1P 1:18-19
  48. Who was chosen before the creation of the
    world? / Christ / 1P 1:19-20
  49. What should you crave like newborn
    babies? / Pure spiritual milk / 1P 2:2
  50. What have you
    tasted? / That the Lord is good / 1P 2:3
  51. By whom was the living Stone
    chosen? / God / 1P 2:4
  52. Who is precious to
    God? / The living Stone / 1P 2:4
  53. When will the one who trusts in him be put to
    shame? / Never / 1P 2:6
  54. Where does God lay a
    stone? / In Zion / 1P 2:6
  55. What did the builders
    reject? / The stone that has become the capstone / 1P 2:7
  56. What has become the
    capstone? / The stone the builders rejected / 1P 2:7
  57. What stone has become the
    capstone? / The stone the builders rejected / 1P 2:7
  58. What do men
    disobey? / The message / 1P 2:8
  59. Who stumble because they disobey the
    message? / Men / 1P 2:8
  60. Who were destined to
    stumble? / Men / 1P 2:8
  61. When have you received
    mercy? / Now / 1P 2:10
  62. Who are now the people of
    God? / You (God's elect) / 1P 2:10
  63. Against what do sinful desires
    war? / Your soul / 1P 2:11
  64. From what should you
    abstain? / Sinful desires (which war against your soul) / 1P 2:11
  65. Who urges you to abstain from sinful
    desires? / Peter / 1P 2:11
  66. Who is the supreme authority instituted among
    men? / The king / 1P 2:13
  67. Who are sent to commend those who do
    right? / Governors / 1P 2:14
  68. For what should you not use your freedom as a
    cover-up? / Evil / 1P 2:16
  69. What should you do as free
    men? / Live / 1P 2:16
  70. What should you do as servants of
    God? / Live / 1P 2:16
  71. To whom should slaves submit themselves with all
    respect? / Their masters (not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh) / 1P 2:18
  72. Before whom is this commendable if you suffer for doing good and you endure
    it? / God / 1P 2:20
  73. For whom did Christ
    suffer? / You (God's elect) / 1P 2:21
  74. In whose steps should you
    follow? / Christ's / 1P 2:21
  75. What did Christ not
    commit? / Sin / 1P 2:22
  76. What did Christ make when he
    suffered? / No threats / 1P 2:23
  77. What did they hurl at
    Christ? / Their insults / 1P 2:23
  78. When did Christ not
    retaliate? / When they hurled their insults at him / 1P 2:23
  79. Who did not retaliate when they hurled their insults at
    him? / Christ / 1P 2:23
  80. On what did Christ himself bear our sins in his
    body? / The tree / 1P 2:24
  81. What have you been by Christ's
    wounds? / Healed / 1P 2:24
  82. Where did Christ bear our sins in his
    body? / On the tree / 1P 2:24
  83. Why did Christ himself bear our sins in his body on the
    tree? / So that we might die to sins and live for righteousness / 1P 2:24
  84. To whom have you now
    returned? / The Shepherd and Overseer of your souls / 1P 2:25
  85. Who were like sheep going
    astray? / You (God's elect) / 1P 2:25
  86. At whom did they hurl their
    insults? / Christ / 1P 2:21,23
  87. Who entrusted himself to him who judges
    justly? / Christ / 1P 2:21,23
  88. Who himself bore our sins in his body on the
    tree? / Christ / 1P 2:21,24
  89. Where was no deceit
    found? / In his (Christ's) mouth / 1P 2:21-22
  90. Who committed no
    sin? / Christ / 1P 2:21-22
  91. How may husbands be won over without
    words? / By the behavior of their wives (when they see the purity and reverence of their lives) / 1P 3:1
  92. To whom should wives be
    submissive? / Their husbands / 1P 3:1
  93. Who should be submissive to their
    husbands? / Wives / 1P 3:1
  94. From what should your beauty not
    come? / Outward adornment (such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes) / 1P 3:3
  95. What should not come from outward
    adornment? / Your (wives') beauty / 1P 3:3
  96. What is of great worth in God's
    sight? / A gentle and quiet spirit (the unfading beauty) / 1P 3:4
  97. To whom were the holy women of the past
    submissive? / Their own husbands / 1P 3:5
  98. Who obeyed Abraham and called him her
    master? / Sarah / 1P 3:6
  99. Whom did Sarah
    obey? / Abraham / 1P 3:6
  100. What should husbands be as they live with their
    wives? / Considerate / 1P 3:7
  101. Who is the weaker
    partner? / The husband's wife / 1P 3:7
  102. With whom do husbands
    live? / Their wives / 1P 3:7
  103. How should all of you live with one
    another? / In harmony / 1P 3:8
  104. Who should be compassionate and
    humble? / All of you (God's elect) / 1P 3:8
  105. Who should live in harmony with one
    another? / All of you (God's elect) / 1P 3:8
  106. How should you not repay
    evil? / With evil / 1P 3:9
  107. How should you repay
    evil? / With blessing / 1P 3:9
  108. What should you not repay with
    insult? / Insult / 1P 3:9
  109. Who should repay evil with
    blessing? / All of you (God's elect) / 1P 3:9
  110. Why should you repay evil or insult with
    blessing? / Because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing / 1P 3:9
  111. With what should you not repay
    insult? / Insult / 1P 3:9
  112. With what should you repay
    insult? / Blessing / 1P 3:9
  113. Against whom is the face of the
    Lord? / Those who do evil / 1P 3:12
  114. On whom are the eyes of the
    Lord? / The righteous / 1P 3:12
  115. Whose face is against those who do
    evil? / The face of the Lord / 1P 3:12
  116. Who are blessed even if they should suffer for what is
    right? / You (God's elect) / 1P 3:14
  117. How should you give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you
    have? / With gentleness and respect / 1P 3:15
  118. Who should keep a clear
    conscience? / You (God's elect) / 1P 3:16
  119. For what is it better to suffer, if it is God's
    will? / For doing good (than for doing evil) / 1P 3:17
  120. Who died for the
    unrighteous? / The Righteous (Christ) / 1P 3:18
  121. Who was put to death in the body but made alive by the
    Spirit? / Christ / 1P 3:18
  122. How did God wait in the days of Noah while the ark was being
    built? / Patiently / 1P 3:20
  123. What was being built in the days of
    Noah? / The ark / 1P 3:20
  124. What is not the removal of dirt from the
    body? / Baptism / 1P 3:21
  125. Who went and preached to the spirits in
    prison? / Christ / 1P 3:18-19
  126. Who has gone into heaven and is at God's right
    hand? / Jesus Christ / 1P 3:21-22
  127. Who has gone into
    heaven? / Jesus Christ / 1P 3:21-22
  128. Who suffered in his
    body? / Christ / 1P 4:1
  129. What is
    detestable? / Idolatry / 1P 4:3
  130. Who have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to
    do? / You (God's elect) / 1P 4:3
  131. On whom do pagans heap
    abuse? / You (God's elect) / 1P 4:4
  132. What covers over a multitude of
    sins? / Love / 1P 4:8
  133. Why should you love each other
    deeply? / Because love covers over a multitude of sins / 1P 4:8
  134. To whom should you offer hospitality without grumbling
    ? / One another / 1P 4:9
  135. What should you do without
    grumbling? / Offer hospitality to one another / 1P 4:9
  136. Whom should each one use whatever gift he has received to
    serve? / Others / 1P 4:10
  137. Who provides
    strength? / God / 1P 4:11
  138. Who should speak as one speaking the very words of
    God? / Anyone who speaks / 1P 4:11
  139. Who should not be surprised at the painful trial they are
    suffering? / Peter's dear friends (you-God's elect) / 1P 4:12
  140. In whose sufferings do you
    participate? / The sufferings of Christ / 1P 4:13
  141. Whose Spirit rests on
    you? / The Spirit of glory and of God / 1P 4:14
  142. What will begin with the family of
    God? / Judgment / 1P 4:17
  143. What if it is hard for the righteous to be
    saved? / What will become of the ungodly and the sinner? / 1P 4:18
  144. What is hard for the righteous to
    be? / Saved / 1P 4:18
  145. Who heap abuse on
    you? / Pagans / 1P 4:3-4
  146. Who think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of
    dissipation? / Pagans / 1P 4:3-4
  147. Who will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the
    dead? / Pagans / 1P 4:3,5
  148. Who is a witness of Christ's
    sufferings? / Peter / 1P 5:1
  149. What does God want the elders to
    be? / Willing (to serve as overseers--shepherds of God's flock that is under their care) / 1P 5:2
  150. What should the elders be to the
    flock? / Examples / 1P 5:3
  151. When will the elders receive the crown of glory that will never fade
    away? / When the Chief Shepherd appears / 1P 5:4
  152. To whom should young men be
    submissive? / Those who are older / 1P 5:5
  153. What does God give to the
    humble? / Grace / 1P 5:5
  154. Who opposes the proud but gives grace to the
    humble? / God / 1P 5:5
  155. Why should all of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one
    another? / Because "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" / 1P 5:5
  156. What is
    mighty? / God's hand / 1P 5:6
  157. Who should humble themselves under God's mighty
    hand? / You (God's elect) / 1P 5:6
  158. Why should you cast all your anxiety on
    God? / Because he cares for you / 1P 5:7
  159. How does your enemy the devil prowl
    around? / Like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour / 1P 5:8
  160. Who are undergoing the same kind of
    sufferings? / Your brothers throughout the world / 1P 5:9
  161. When be the power to the God of all
    grace? / For ever and ever / 1P 5:11
  162. How has Peter written to you
    briefly? / Encouraging you and testifying that this is the true grace of God / 1P 5:12
  163. Who is a faithful
    brother? / Silas / 1P 5:12
  164. Who regards Silas as a faithful
    brother? / Peter / 1P 5:12
  165. Who is
    Mark? / Peter's son / 1P 5:13
  166. Who sends you her
    greetings? / She who is in Babylon (chosen together with you) / 1P 5:13
  167. Who should greet one another with a kiss of
    love? / You (God's elect) / 1P 5:14
  168. With what should you greet one
    another? / A kiss of love / 1P 5:14
  169. On whom should you cast all your
    anxiety? / God / 1P 5:6-7
  170. Who cares for
    you? / God / 1P 5:6-7
  171. Whom should you
    resist? / Your enemy the devil / 1P 5:8-9
Card Set
flash 1P.txt
Hebrews WCCN Bible quizzing