Sputum Bowl 7.txt

  1. Gas Therapy Q. Why do we hydrostatically reexamine, Type 3AA and 3A cylinders every 10 years?
    A. To determine expansion characteristics.
  2. Gas Therapy Q. Where does the first 1/3 of the inhaled gas go when a patient breathes thru a PRB mask?
    A. reservoir bag
  3. PHARMACOLOGY Q. Give 2 contraindications of a Hyperbarric Oxygenation chamber treatment?
    A. High Fever or Obstructive Airway disease.
  4. Gas Therapy Q. In what kind of nebulizer does the main flow of gas actually passes thru the aerosol generator?
    A. Main stream
  5. Microbiology Q. What is the best method to sterlize and disinfect an LMA?
    A. wash with mild soap and auto clave at 134 0 C.
  6. Airway Care Q. An ET tube that lacks murpheys eye is called this?
    A. Magill Type
  7. Chemistry/ Physics Q. What is Avogadros Number?
    A. 6.02 *10 to the 23power
  8. Diagnostics Q Glutamine is substituted for Valine in which disease?
    A. Sickle Cell Disease
  9. Pathology Q. What is the classic cause of an increased A-a gradient difference?
    A. Low Cardiac Output.
  10. Diagnostics Q. The chloride shift is sometimes referred to as this Phenomenon?
    A. Hamburger Phenomenon
  11. Diagnostics Q. Decreased affinity of Hemoglobin for CO2, when it is already carrying O2 ,is known as this?
    A. Haldane Effect
  12. Anatomy and Physiology Q. Anatomical structure at the base of the tongue attached to the epiglottis that is a land mark for intubations?
    A. Vallecula
  13. Anatomy and Physiology Q Which are the ribs thats considered the Floating Ribs?
    A. 11 and 12
  14. Anatomy and Physiology Q. In which two locations do we find Barroreceptors?
    A Aortic arch and carotid sinus
  15. PHARMACOLOGY Q Name two first line of drugs of choice for the treatment of TB
    A. INH, Rifampin , Pyrazinamide
  16. MICROBIOLOGY Q What is the most common organism that causes pneumonia in children?
    H. Influenza
  17. Airway Management Q. For what other purpose can an uncuffed ET can be used?
    A. Nasopharyneal Airway.
  18. Gas Therapy Q. A closed-system catheter on ventilator patients can decrease the likelihood of blood gas disorder?
    A. Hypoxemia.
  19. Mechanical Ventilation Q. What is the primary goal of Pressure support ventilation ?
    A. Improve the patients spontaneous tidal volume.
  20. Mechanical Ventilation Q. What value is set in order for baseline pressure to equal atmospheric pressure?
    A. Zero.
  21. Humidity/Aerosol Q. Delivering aerosols to patients with an ineffective cough may result in what complication?
    A. Partial or complete airway obstruction.
  22. Humidity and Aerosol Q. , What are they called when particles increase in size within the lungs?
    A. Hygroscopic particles.
  23. Aerosol and Humidity Q. Nasal breathing enhances aerosol deposition in the lower airways more than mouth breathing because?
    A. The nasal cavity can filter out aerosol particles larger than 5 to 10 m in diameter.
  24. Anatomy and Physiology Q. What causes each hemidiaphragm to function independently?
    A. The innervation by separate phrenic nerves.
  25. Anatomy and Physiology Q. How is gas movement between primary lobules provided?
    A. Via the canals of Lambert.
  26. Anatomy and Physiology Q. What is the volume of gas that does not participate in gas exchange called?
    A. Physiologic dead space.
  27. Anatomy and Physiology Q. What determines the combined volume of both the lungs and the chest wall?
    A. Their elastic properties.
  28. Neonatal/Pediatrics Q. Why do very young children and infants require relatively larger medication doses to achieve effective results?
    A. Because of the small tidal volume and the anatomy of their upper airway.
  29. Chemistry/Physics Q. Why do liquid particles retain their spherical shape when suspended in an aerosol suspension?
    A. Because of surface tension.
  30. Gas Therapy Q. What two disorders are effectively treated with carbon dioxide?
    A. Singultus (hiccups) and as a stimulant/depressant of the central nervous system.
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Sputum Bowl 7.txt