
  1. What is inflammatory bowel disease?
    Chronic disease characterized by inflammation
  2. What are the two main inflammatory bowel diseases?
    • Chron's
    • Ulcertive Colitis
  3. Where does the majority of digestion of food and abs of nutrients take place?
    Small Intestine
  4. What is the composition if intestinal juice?
    Water, salt, digestive enzymes, beneficial bacteria
  5. Beneficial bacteria that colonize in the ileum produce
    Vitamin K2
  6. Vitamin B12 is abs bound to the
    intrinsic factor
  7. Define the term ulcer.
    Lesion of skin as a result of inflammation due to irritants or infection
  8. Define Endoscopy
    Examination of organ, interior or hollow organ using an instrument
  9. How much dietary fiber is included in a fiber-restricted diet and a high-fiber diet?
    • Low: >10 g of fiber/day esp not insoluble fiber
    • High: Contain at least 14 g total fiber per 100 kcal of energy intake
  10. What is Ulverative colitis?
    Chronic causing formation of ulcers with abd pain and and bloody diarrhea
  11. What is Crohn's Disease?
    An autoimmune response, mucosal inflammation, can occur in any part of the GI tract, most often in terminal ileum and can cause fistulas
  12. What is IDS?
    Inefficient and uncoordinated contraction of the colon.
  13. Explain inflammation.
    Body's response to injury that causes chemical rxn in the tissue
  14. What is a fistula?
    An abdominal passage or connection between one epithelium and another.
  15. What is colostomy?
    Establishment by surg of an artificial cutaneous opening into the colon, possibly after the removal of the rectum and anus.
  16. What is a colonoscopy?
    An endoscope exam of the colon.
  17. What is Acute Disease?
    A disease with rapid onset, which is usually of high intensity
  18. What is Chronic Disease?
    Persistent or long term disease, which is usually of low intensity.
  19. How does ulcerative colitis present clinically? S&S
    • blood in stool
    • diarrhea
    • anorexia (lack of appetite)
    • dehydration
    • wt. loss
    • anemia
    • FFT
  20. What are the complication of ulcerative colitis?
    • loss of blood
    • sepsis
    • hyponatremia
    • electrolyte imbalance
  21. How ulcertive colitis dx?
    • Barium enema
    • C-reactive PRO
    • Ulcers in the rectum and colon during colostomy
  22. How does Crohn's disease present clinically? S&S
    • Chronic abd pain
    • wt loss
    • fatigue
    • spasms of the anal sphincter
    • joint pain
  23. What are the complications of Crohn's disease?
    • Inflammation of the white part of the eye
    • maldigestion at abs
    • magaloblastoc anemia
    • growth retardation
    • oxcclate renal stones
    • obstruction from urine entering bladder
  24. What tests assist in the diagnosis of Crohn's disease?
    • endoscopy
    • Upper GI blood test
    • Stool analysis - fecal fat
    • C-Reactive PRO
  25. What is the purpose of nutrition therapy for clients with inflammatory bowel disease?
    • Control/prevent GI problems
    • Normalize intestinal function
    • Prevent IBD complications
    • Promote healing
  26. What are the recommendations for clients with IBD?
    • At risk for malnutrition - increase energy, increase PRO
    • Acute episode - clear liquid for healing, TPN, maintain electrolytes, DAT to low-fiber
    • When in remission or disease is under control, a high-fiber DAT
  27. Why are individuals with inflammatory bowl disease at high risk for malnutrition?
    • Fear of Eating
    • Nutrients aren't being abs
    • diarrhea
    • increased need to nutrients
    • meds interfer eg. folacin
  28. The intake and abs of which nutrients are at risk of not being adequate in clients with inflammatory bowel disease? For each nutrient, explain why.
    • Ca
    • -inf lammed intestine can make lactose and abs CA from milk
    • -Fat in stool
    • Water soluble Vitamins
    • -Riboflavin
    • -Paradoxiene
    • -Inflammation of the ilium
    • Blood loss causes Iron loss
    • fear of eating
  29. Explain the differences between Crohn's and ulcerative colitis
    • Crohn's is patches anywhere in GI care create a fistula or hole
    • UC- confined to colon and one area of inflammation no holes in wall mostly superficial.
  30. Similarities between UC and Crohn's
    • genetic
    • allergy
    • immune response
    • physiological
    • environmental
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Inflammatory Bowel Disease