Mood Disorders and Schizophrenia

  1. Mood Disorders
    psychological disorders characterized by emotional extremes

    • Two principle forms:
    • 1. major depressive disorder

    2. bipolar disordermanic-depressive disorder
  2. Major Depressive Disorder
    • 3/5 signs of depression:
    • 1. lethargy (lack of energy or enthusiasm)
    • 2. feelings of worthlessness
    • 3. loss of interest in family, friends, activitieslasting two or more weeks

    anguish of grief +sluggishness of jet lag
  3. Bipolar Disorder
    alternating between depression and mania

    • manic characteristics:
    • overtalkative, overactive, elated, fewer inhibitions->poor judgement and reckless behavior

    • People w/bipolar disorder:
    • Walt WhitmanMark TwainErnest HemingwayGeorge HandelRobert Schumann
  4. Understanding Mood Disorders
    • Many behavioral and cognitive changes accompany depression.
    • Depression is widespread

    • Compared with men, women are nearly twie as vulnerable to major depression.
    • Most major depressive episodes self-terminate

    Stressful events related to work, marriage, and close relationship often precede depression

    With each new generation, depression is striking earlier(now often in teens) and affecting more people
  5. The Biological Perspective
    Areas of funded interest: genetic predispositions, brain activity, and biochemical imbalance

    • Genetic Influences:
    • Mood disorders increase if a parent or sibling has a disorderlinkage analysis-examined DNA from effected and uneffected family memers; points to chromosome area

    • The Depressed Brain:
    • Left frontal lobe likely to be inactive during depressed state
    • Norepinephrine(increases arousal, boosts mood) scarce during depression, overabundant during mania
    • Seratonin scarce during depression; protein controlling seratonin activity
  6. Social-Cognitive Perspective
    Self-defeating beliefs and negative explanatory style

    • Negative Thoughts and Negative Mood Interact:
    • self-defeating beliefs->learned helplessness

    • Depression's Vicious Cycle:
    • Negative, stressful event ->negative explanatory style->depressed mood->cognitive and behavioral changes->(fuels negative experience again)
  7. Schizophrenia
    group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and actions

    1 out of 100 will develop schizophrenia
  8. Symptoms of Schizophrenia
    literally meaning "split mind"

    • Disorganized Thinking:
    • disorganized thoughts--breakdown of selective attention
    • delusions
    • paranoid tendencies

    • Disturbed Perceptions:
    • hallucinations(sensory experiences without sensory stimuation)

    • Inappropriate Emotions and Actions:
    • inappropriate actions--laughing after talking about death or
    • lapse into emotionless state of flat affect
  9. Onset and Development of Schizophrenia
    can strike as early as young people going into maturation to adulthood

    • positive symptoms: halluncinations, disoriented talk, inappropriate emotionsnegative symptoms: toneless voice, expressionless face, mute and rigid bodies
    • --postive symptoms presence of inappropriate behavior--

    • negative symptoms:
    • absence of appropriate behavior
    • When schizophrenia is slow-developing, recovery is doubtful :(
  10. Understanding Schizophrenia
    • Brain Abnormalities:
    • dopamine overactivity-excess of dopamine receptors in brain

Card Set
Mood Disorders and Schizophrenia
chapters 51, 52