Jeopardy for Sensation, Spec Senses, Neurobiology

  1. What are nociceptors?
    Free nerve endings that respond to painful stimuli
  2. What are physiologic signs of acute pain?
    Tachycardia, tachypnea, elevated blood pressure and dilated pupils
  3. What are manifestations of Meniere disease?
    Vertigo, tinnitus nystagmus and fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss
  4. How are non-psychotic disorders different for psychotic disorders?
    Hallucinations, delusions and disorganized behavior are absent
  5. What causes deficits in cognition and effort in schizophrenia?
    Reduced dopamine neurotransmission in prefrontal cortex
  6. What changes in vision does macular degeneration cause?
    Loss of central vision in older adults
  7. What is referred pain?
    Pain that arises from one site, but is perceived as being located in a body part distant from the site of tissue damage.
  8. What are A delta fibers?
    Afferent myelinated nerves that carry sharp, cutting, or pinching sensations
  9. What are C fibers?
    Afferent non-myelinated nerves that carry dull, burning or aching sensations
  10. What is conductive hearing loss?
    Reversible hearing loss that results from interference with the conduction of sound waves through the ear.
  11. What is a description of cataracts?
    Loss of transparency of the lens of the eye.
  12. What are positive symptoms of schizophrenia?
    Hallucinations, delusions, disorganized behavior and disorganized speech
  13. What is thought to be the basic mechanism for major depression OR general anxiety disorder OR obsessive compulsive behavior?
    Reduced brain serotonin activity
  14. What is the pathogenesis of open angle glaucoma?
    Increased intraocular pressure without blockage of the canal of Schlemm
  15. How is presbycusis produced?
    Degeneration of cochlea hair cells, loss of auditory nerves in the organ of Corti, and/or degeneration of conductive membrane in the cochlea
  16. How are pain sensations transmitted to the brain?
    In the spinothalamic (anterolateral) tract
  17. In what parts of the CNS is pain perceived and are emotional responses generated?
    In the parietal lobe and limbic system respectively
  18. What are manifestations of otitis media?
    Cloudy, red, bulging tympanic membrane causing ear pain
  19. What are manifestations of closed angle glaucoma?
    Severe eye pain and dilation of pupil
  20. What causes consistently high cortisol levels in persons with major depression?
    Activation of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis
  21. What are manifestations of the manic phase of manic-depression?
    Joyful mood disproportionate to events; racing thoughts, impair cognitive processing; andirritable mood
  22. What is myopia?
    The client is nearsighted because her eyeball is longer than normal
  23. What is sensorineural hearing loss? OR What is presbycusis?
    Irreversible hearing loss that results from impairment of sensory neurons in the organ of Corti and damage to 8th cranial nerve (acoustic)
  24. What is pain tolerance?
    The duration or intensity of pain a person will tolerate before seeking assistance.
  25. What is the therapeutic value of massage, relaxation ad distraction in relieving pain?
    They stimulate A alpha and A beta fibers to close the gate
  26. What is the pathophysiologic mechanism of Meniere disease?
    Increased volume of endolymph in the labrynth (semicircular) canals
  27. What are ageusia and pareguesia respectively?
    Loss of the sense of taste and perversion of the sense of taste.
  28. What is the definition of panic disorder?
    Disorder that has recurrent attacks of anxiety or terror; usually results in phobias.
Card Set
Jeopardy for Sensation, Spec Senses, Neurobiology
jeopardy like questions for pathophysiology of sensations, special senses, or neurobiology