A&P Speech

  1. Which muscles make up the mandibular elevators?
    • Temporalis
    • Masseter
    • Internal Pterygoid
  2. Which mandibular elevators make up the mandibular sling?
    • Masseter
    • Internal Pterygoid
  3. The ____ muscle pulls the tongue up and is attached ____.
    • Palatoglossus
    • laterally
  4. The styloglossus muscle does what?
    Pulls the tongue back with a slightly elevating effect
  5. What does the hyoglossus muscle do?
    Pulls the tongue down
  6. What does the genioglossus do?
    Pulls the tongue forward
  7. Describe the genioglossus.
    It has 4 bellies and attaches at the midline of the tongue
  8. What are the main muscles of the velum?
    • Levator veli palatini
    • Uvular
    • Palatoglossus
    • Palatopharyngeus
  9. The "l" sound is made by using which muscles?
    Contract vertical muscles of the tongue to flatten and use hyoglossus to pull sides down
  10. What does the orbicularis oris do?
    Closes the mouth and puckers the lips
  11. What does the buccinator do?
    Compresses the lips and cheeks against the teeth; draws corners of the mouth laterally. It is the primary muscle of the cheek.
  12. What does the risorius muscle do?
    Draws the angle of the mouth laterally, courses horizontally
  13. Of which bone are the pterygoid plates a part?
  14. Where is the condyloid process?
    Located on the back of the ramus
  15. Where is the coronoid process?
    Located on the front of the ramus
  16. To which part of the sphenoid bone are the pterygoid muscles attached?
    The lateral pterygoid plate
  17. Which mandibular muscle does not directly depress the mandible?
    External pterygoid muscle
  18. Name the mandibular depressors.
    • Anterior belly of digastric
    • External (lateral) pterygoid plate
    • Geniohyoid
    • Mylohyoid
  19. Which muscle runs between the geniohyoid and the anterior belly of digastric?
    Mylohyoid (runs between which two muscles)
  20. Geniohyoid runs parallel to which muscle?
    Anterior belly of digastric (runs parallel to which muscle)
  21. Which part of the tongue is most capable of lifting itself without the use of extrinsic muscle power?
    Tip of the tongue
  22. Origin and insertion of palatoglossus
    • Origin: Midline of palate
    • Insertion: Side of tongue dorsum
  23. Origin and insertion of syloglossus
    • Origin: Styloid process of temporal bone
    • Insertion: Lateral margins of tongue
  24. Origin and insertion of hyoglossus
    • Origin: Greater cornu of hyoid bone
    • Insertion: Sides of tongue dorsum
  25. Origin and insertion of genioglossus
    • Origin: Midline of lingual surface of mandible
    • Insertion: Entire base of tongue at midline
  26. The cricopharyngeus muscle serves as the link between what muscle and the esophagus?
    inferior pharyngeal muscle
  27. Which bone houses the auditory complex?
    temporal bone
  28. To which oro-facial muscle is the superior pharngeal constrictor connected laterally?
Card Set
A&P Speech
SLP, Anatomy & Physiology, A&P